Topic: Still new(ish) Requesting feedback on my profile
Leo2277's photo
Fri 02/14/14 08:31 PM
Not totally sure how this works, but I believe opinion(kindly stated) are a way to help improve/enhance an individuals profile...
May I request a few items of a fore mentioned please.

no photo
Fri 02/14/14 08:52 PM
Nice profile. You sound interesting and look very refreshing. I'm sure you'll have the guys coming after you any minute now. Haha.

Enjoy the forum and welcome to Mingle. :)

mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/14/14 09:48 PM
very nice, the only problem i see is that i can't email you... missed it by 4 years! lol just kidding, it's very nice and you should be golden on here

welcome again, and have fun flowerforyou

indignus's photo
Fri 02/14/14 10:24 PM
Looks good too me, I don't think you should change a thing. Gl out there

sreejithbala's photo
Sat 02/15/14 03:03 AM
can we chat??

Leo2277's photo
Fri 02/28/14 08:09 PM
We could, but I am not here for general conversation, I am here to find a mate.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 02/28/14 10:35 PM
I graded many profiles and this is just about the best one I have seen in ten years on Mingle. Very well done. VERY well done.

Welcome to Mingle. Hope to see you in forums.

Leo2277's photo
Wed 03/05/14 08:09 PM
Thank you very much "Pacific Star48"
would you care to elaborate?

and since you have commented on each and every one of my "posts" may I ask, are you an administrator or a "part "of this site as such?

no photo
Thu 03/06/14 07:33 PM
Beautifully done, you are an interesting person

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 03/06/14 07:53 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Thu 03/06/14 07:57 PM

Thank you very much "Pacific Star48"
would you care to elaborate?

Nope when something is done well that pretty much covers it.

and since you have commented on each and every one of my "posts" may I ask, are you an administrator or a "part "of this site as such?

Nope totally free agent. My opinions are my own.

isaac_dede's photo
Thu 03/06/14 07:54 PM
not much I'd change

zzzippy56's photo
Thu 03/06/14 08:30 PM
Very nice... very interesting.... Welcome and Good Luck.. @)---

no photo
Thu 03/06/14 11:56 PM
A nice profile and your photo's great...hope you find your cowboy soon!!!

technovative's photo
Fri 03/07/14 08:52 AM
Edited by technovative on Fri 03/07/14 08:52 AM
A little bit of bio, a textual glimpse of the current you, homage paid in recognition of the wisdom of a friends advice that you seemingly heeded in crafting your thoughts into words, and great photo'��s. I doubt that Klingon is one of the soon to be 9 languages that you'��re fluent in, nonetheless I wish you Qapla! in your search. :smile: