Topic: For What Reason?
Romantic_Guy18's photo
Mon 10/23/06 01:30 PM
For What Reason?

One day your fine next your bleeding for nothing,
Doctors try to save a life but its not working.
Watching those who are there in tears,
Since all they see is there worst fears.
The child they raised on that table fighting for life,
Dreams of how scars on this neck were slit by a knife.
The blood just keeps coming it not going to heal,
No NO this is a dream this is just bad dream its not real...
Reality is what is now that person sits on that table unconscience,
Now it at this point it all seems useless.
Can't give up for this stupid reason thinking this may be last time,
Feelings so cold in the heart, a soul that takes the blame.
Your the cause of our problems they said that day,
Alone in another room all that goes on is a cry.
Hold me close please don't leave me alone,
Don't be angry this isn't your fault let go of what needs to be gone.
In the dark room memories fade back just as they always do,
Like a nightmare that has its own damn wound.
Cry don't let it consume what you are let it go all if it,
Leaving is not on the list just live in the moment.
Back home the truth keeps it distant since not all like to know the
Yes this past has one only truth.
Blood shed for no reson why for what reason?!
Let a person die just left for dead for no reason!
Going to that hosptial and on the way there heart fails,
Come on come back then the heart comes back to life.
Hang on were almost there just hang out voices heard,
Just to much to tell its just to hard..

BlackWidow8511's photo
Tue 10/24/06 07:38 AM
Thats some deep shit.
I like it.