Topic: The Night the Mighty Pharaoh Encountered the Almighty God:
Ploduwa03's photo
Mon 01/27/14 12:35 AM
Exodus 12:31-32 - And he called for
Moses and Aaron by night, and said, Rise
up, and get you forth from among my
people, both ye and the children of Israel;
and go, serve the LORD, as ye have said.
Also take your flocks and your herds, as
ye have said, and be gone; and bless me
Exodus chapters 7 through 12 narrated
the many plagues (blood, frog, lice, flies
plus dead animals, pestilence, boils, hail,
locust, darkness and death of first born)
that befell Pharaoh and Egypt and how he
kept hardening his heart and refusing to
allow the Israelites go and worship the
Almighty God in the wilderness. He kept
negotiating on where, how, who, when
and what they should go with until one
eventful night.
Then came the night God allowed the
angel of death run amok and killed the
firstborn of all men and beast in Egypt! As
our opening scriptures stated, Pharaoh
did not only let them go, he did so in a
hurry, the Egyptians gave the Jews any
and everything they demanded and the
mighty Pharaoh asked Moses and Aaron
to bless him!
The lessons from the story are many:
1) The story of the plagues reverberated
to neighboring and far away lands and
their fear for the God of Israel gave
generations of Israel victories! That same
God is your God!
2) That same Pharaoh that was proving
tough melted like wax when the Almighty
God arose! All your enemies and
distracters should take note; they better
repent before the Almighty God should
3) Egyptians were in a hurry to give away
their precious possessions when God
arose! God will also give you gains for
your pains, triumph for your trials, double
for your trouble and victory for your
4) Pharaoh begged Moses and Aaron to
bless him! Never mind how your bosses
and others that are showing you ‘pepper’
are boasting and acting like demi-gods,
they are secretly admiring you and your
Almighty God and time is coming when
they will beg you to bless them!
Remain blessed and enjoy this blissful
week in Jesus name. Amen!

Romanticmike52's photo
Mon 01/27/14 12:41 AM
Can someone please tell him to SHUT UP