Topic: Criticizing Israel Is Anti-Semenic | |
The fine line again.
It is not anti-Semitic to criticise Israel's politics, but many anti-Semites single Israel out and criticise then people repeatedly while ignoring the atrocities committed by the Palestinians. One can easily spot the anti-Semites because they make ridiculous generalisations regarding the Jews, they are often Holocaust deniers and see Jews as manipulators of government, media and finance. They often spend an inordinate amount of time trying to disprove the validity of Jewish ethnicity and spew lies like the myth of the Ashkenazi Jews etc... There is rise in anti-Semitism in modern times, and the likes of Stormfront and other racist hate groups, coupled with the stupidity of conspiracy theorists promulgating their bilge via the medium of the internet are largely responsible. |
Edit* "Anti-Semitic" From our idiot Prime Minister... What a douche! JERUSALEM — In a historic speech to the Knesset here, Prime Minister Stephen Harper provided his clearest rationale yet for his decision to be Israel's strongest friend on the global stage and went so far as to argue that criticism of the state of Israel amounts to anti-Semitism. Harper became the first Canadian prime minister to address the Israeli legislature. The chamber was filled with MKs — members of the Knesset — and the galleries were filled as well with more than 200 members of the prime minister's official Canadian delegation. In the speech, Harper explained why Canada supports Israel and, in doing so, made an argument for why other Western democracies ought to do the same. "Because, after generations of persecution, the Jewish people deserve their own homeland and deserve to live safely and peacefully in that homeland," according to a copy of the speech provided to journalists beforehand. "Canada supports Israel because it is right to do so. This is a very Canadian trait, to do something for no reason other than it is right even when no immediate reward for, or threat to, ourselves is evident." Harper said Canada has a long history of supporting democracy, human rights, freedom and the rule of law. "It is, thus, a Canadian tradition to stand for what is principled and just, regardless of whether it is convenient or popular." If Canadians accept that principle, Harper argued, then Canada must stand for Israel, the only country in this part of the world that shares Canada's values. "Either we stand up for our values and our interests, here, in Israel — stand up for the existence of a free, democratic and distinctively Jewish state — or the retreat of our values and our interests in the world will begin." I can't understand how Israel had any right but they sure as heck violated a lot of others rights. If you look at what is in the bible, the Israelis came forth out of Egypt as slaves after some spirit killed the fist born son of their captors. Then they sinned so they had to roam the dessert until those generations died, except one. And now this is where it gets weird, a burning bush appears and tells them that if they go forth and annihilate these tribes (men, women, children and dogs) and that was their promised land. What I can believe is the last declaration of using Israel as an excuse to abuse the native people of the middle east that are just tired of being pushed around by the US and British including crown colonies. It is time the world told Israel to learn to play nice and live with their neighbors in peace and they are on their own. It is time the rest of the world stops pumping billions of dollars into the region in weapons to provoke the hostilities. |
If opposing Obozocare is racist then criticizing of Israel is Anti-Semitic. And I thought it was Odumbocare, but criticizing Israel is just just. |
Edited by
Mon 02/10/14 04:31 PM
neither is true, of course but racists can and do oppose healthcare reform UNDER PRESIDENT OBAMA (some who supported it under the leadership of others,,,,) and some anti semitics do criticize Israel,,, I am UNDER no one, especially Odumbo. And the only healthcare reform is to destroy the country by fleecing the masses with non-health medical rape. But that would be off topic except that is the only thing I approve of Odumbo doing, snubbing the ding bat from Israel. Let them beg elsewhere. |
neither is true, of course but racists can and do oppose healthcare reform UNDER PRESIDENT OBAMA (some who supported it under the leadership of others,,,,) and some anti semitics do criticize Israel,,, why don't we stop with the PC labels and just run the countries? it's anyone's right/opinion to like or dislike what they want without being called things.... umm, that's actually NOT A RIGHT,,lol it actually INFRINGES upon the right to have and speak an opinion,,, But it is a right, an unalienable right to be exact unless you are a 14th Amendment citizen, then there are no rights just privileges endowed by the government. |
who said anyone didn't have that right? people have a 'right' to opinions, including opinions ABOUT opinions,,, that's the point,,, umm, that's actually NOT A RIGHT,,lol it actually INFRINGES upon the right to have and speak an opinion,,, Gee, I wonder. |
and what do you do of Palestinians who(as their name says are from there too ) and NEVER left the land ??!! Very true. |