Topic: Top People. . .
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Fri 01/03/14 11:06 AM

There are certain characteristics that separate successful people from average people. These qualities have been identified over the years through interviews, surveys, and exhaustive research. We also know two things:

First, "no one is born with these qualities".

Second, "all of those qualities are learnable through practice".

You can develop the characteristics that will virtually guarrantee an extraordinary quality of life for yourself. It was once believed that people were successful because they came from the right families, had the right educations, developed the right contacts, got good grades in school, and other measurable factors. But then researchers discovered that there were people who started with none of these advantages, yet ended up at the top of their professions.

Start developing a good characteristics that can lead to success in your career and professions.

Start Young.
The earlier, the better!!!