Topic: How many times have you been stalked?
izzyphoto1977's photo
Tue 12/31/13 01:09 PM

Chances are her parents probably would have filed one. Depending on how old he was he might have been arrested or labeled as a sexual predator.


I can see it now..

Amber Alert issued for Juliet Capulet, suspected kidnapper Romeo Montague, last seen driving a 1632 White Stallion.

The trial would probably end up something to rival Hatfields and McCoys. hahaha

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 12/31/13 10:21 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Tue 12/31/13 10:25 PM
Calling something stalking can be over reaction to normal BS but if someone is seriously a stalker it is NO LAUGHING MATTER.

The ones that are really dangerous are the abusive boyfriends and husbands and thankfully as sometimes we all can all joke around about how some romantic hero's would measure up it is pretty serious situation when even a kid is stalking another kid.

Sadly there are some really Bat-Ship crazy people and you sometimes don't have to do anything to them to get them fixated on you. They see a picture or read something that they feel is a message to them. They think you need rescued. You look like their "soul mate" and they can't stop. It can be frightening and life threatening.

I was held hostage in a third floor counseling office 18 hours at knife point by a stalker that saw me get an award for helping children in the newspaper. He had hundreds of clippings and pictures of my home, vehical, children, friends, even took things from inside my car, home, and office desk but if I ever actually saw him prior to that episode I didn't remember it. What was even more frightening was he slipped out and back into a facility for the criminal insane for months doing it. He ended up in high security lock up prison. Thankfully He finally died.

I had an alcoholic brother that used to hunt me down several times and harass me and my kids but he has passed away.

Had an Ex husband who tried it for a while but I packed up and disappeared for three years and nobody knew where we were but the court clerk that was supposedly going to get child support but that didn't happen. After he remarried his second wife was a pain in the arse for a while but she messed up and the system put a restraining order on her and set aside he visitation rights. He eventually was considered to have abandoned the kids and actually paid for their adoption to vacate the child support order.

Got a guy that seems to keep popping up with a variety of screen names on various sites but he got locked up for making threats to another woman so I think he just hated women in general.

no photo
Wed 01/01/14 09:00 AM
I've dealt with death and near-death before, so I completely understand where you're coming from. Cyber-stalking sucks, but actually being actively stalked is, yeah, a lot worse.

What I disagree with is that there's a malevolence in men that can't be found in women, or that a guy is more potently and potentially dangerous.

Because, seriously, anyone can be so mentally ill that he or she may do something so substantially wrong and invasive.

Also, you know... Happy new year.

no photo
Wed 01/01/14 09:41 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Wed 01/01/14 09:42 AM

I've dealt with death and near-death before, so I completely understand where you're coming from. Cyber-stalking sucks, but actually being actively stalked is, yeah, a lot worse.

What I disagree with is that there's a malevolence in men that can't be found in women, or that a guy is more potently and potentially dangerous.

Because, seriously, anyone can be so mentally ill that he or she may do something so substantially wrong and invasive.

Also, you know... Happy new year.

I agree PP, I think stalker mentality is probably the same for men and women...Men might be considered more dangerous simply because they use physical violence more often than women, but stalking is more mental than physical so both genders should be considered equally dangerous...Both of my stalkers were very smart, they both had obsessive personalities, both refused to take no for an answer, and both were bullies...In both cases, I was followed and spied on...Drive by's, hang up calls, turning up at the same social venues, snail mail, following me from site to site, forum to forum, thread to thread, purchasing my personal information which forced me to change phone numbers and personal email addy...In both instances, the authorities were contacted...I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy...sad2

stueebaby's photo
Wed 01/01/14 09:56 AM
I've stalked an ex to see if our child is being cared for , I've dropped off a mate in a flax bush to spy on his seperated partner , They eventually got married !!! I've stalked and have been stalked... I guess the motive says it all .... Know defeat...

no photo
Wed 01/01/14 09:59 AM
I haven't, but I have friends who have, and it's definitely not something to take lightly or joke about.

no photo
Wed 01/01/14 11:15 AM

I haven't, but I have friends who have, and it's definitely not something to take lightly or joke about.


Dodo_David's photo
Wed 01/01/14 11:18 AM
"How many times have you been stalked?"

Every time that I am in the produce section of a grocery store, the celery follow me around.

no photo
Wed 01/01/14 11:41 AM
I'd rather be stalked than ignored.

no photo
Wed 01/01/14 11:44 AM

I'd rather be stalked than ignored.


burgundybry's photo
Wed 01/01/14 12:13 PM
...said the spider to the fly...

no photo
Wed 01/01/14 12:16 PM

...said the spider to the fly...


waving (((((Brian)))))flowerforyou

burgundybry's photo
Wed 01/01/14 12:18 PM

...said the spider to the fly...


waving (((((Brian)))))flowerforyou

Hi Leigh!! Happy New Year!waving flowers

AstroNils's photo
Wed 01/01/14 06:06 PM
1 time in real life by bullies from school.

And 1 time an obsessed bipolar women just recently (and maybe even still now) online.

I'm a Melbourne shuffler with a youtube channel, and an older woman who watched my videos started to idolize me.
She coincidentally found me on facebook, and the naive person as i was accepted her as a fb friend wich was a bad idea. She actually never did anything really wrong so i felt like i couldn't just delete her because i'm not a bad guy ok. I meant "the world" to her and she said that and also said how handsome i was on a daily basis wich was annoying. Because i replied on her messages she probably got this crazy idea that i loved her too. So pretty early already she wanted to come over to my country to meet me and maybe more (i'm lucky it didn't happen). I told her that i didn't want anything with her other than maybe friends online so it more or less solved it. But we had many issues and she easely got very sad and dramatic because she was bipolar.
She also send a vid of her dancing almost naked (i never asked for that :S ) and it wasn't even her (i can't stand fakers)
She also followed me around on fb and even forums, and she was very invasive. She really wanted to force herself in my life.

Just recently she got dramatic again and was so called been taken to the hospital and her friend was talking to me via her fb (i don't believe this). I pointed out she lied about the vid and stuff and then eventually i got this message that she passed away.
I'm 100% sure she's still alive due to her fb activities lol xD but finally i got some rest and peace again. But it still scares the sht out of me if i think about it O.o

Advice to all of you: NEVER use the same profile picture on youtube and facebook! And be carefull with adding people on fb

no photo
Wed 01/01/14 06:14 PM
Edited by sweetestgirl11 on Wed 01/01/14 06:21 PM
yes I am being stalked by those who have the "authority" to do so although I have never committed any offense greater than a speeding ticket 17 years ago. I am/was an activist. I refuse to hide. Every where I go I am followed by the sheriff in the Ohio county that I am in. I am not even sure it is legal. In my (used to be) home county I cannot so much as step into a restaurant and they show up. They don;t even try to hide the harrassment.

I suppose I could be wrong and it could be a series of coincidences. For years I've said nothing , but I don't think coincidences are quite so regular. I mention it hoping that by posting that I know what they are doing, it will make them see how ridiculous they are "Boss Hogg - ing" it. And hopefully make them stop. Wouldn;t surprise me if they have prolly been on here. I can list place after place where they have magically "shown up"

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Wed 01/01/14 06:17 PM
Er....... Not sure,

Some guy in school used to follow me constantly, when we were in the school yard. We used to call him Tamagotchi Boy, as he was always talking about them and he wouldn't shut up. lol

Me and this guy friend made a song about him. Just for laughs. Won't ever release it as a chart hit. Hell no. laugh Eek.

By the way. If you haven't been stalked and would like to be. I have lots of free time. But I demand to be paid for my stalking services.

Roger, is that you? Alas surprised

no photo
Wed 01/01/14 06:19 PM

I've dealt with death and near-death before, so I completely understand where you're coming from. Cyber-stalking sucks, but actually being actively stalked is, yeah, a lot worse.

What I disagree with is that there's a malevolence in men that can't be found in women, or that a guy is more potently and potentially dangerous.

Because, seriously, anyone can be so mentally ill that he or she may do something so substantially wrong and invasive.

Also, you know... Happy new year.

yes, stalking is harassment and can cause serious mental anguish to the victim irrespective of the gender of either.:thumbsup:

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 01/01/14 07:37 PM
I agree it is not just men who stalk partners. What is scarey is women seem to do it in packs where they will recruit friends to track a target, new lovers to physically abuse them, and even run false charges of everything from abuse to sex crimes . Women will poison their victims and anyone they consider competition. Cyber stalking by women and cyber bullying of children by adults is exploding.

jacktrades's photo
Wed 01/01/14 09:56 PM
Once offline and it was pretty scary. When I was younger I was working at a night club and this woman keep coming in and staring at me all night. I thought it was just an infatuation but there was this disconnect in her eyes that I just sensed that sometime was wrong. I was polite to her but when she asked me out to breakfast after work and I said I had to go home I could see the anger in her eyes. Then it got really weird she was trying to follow me home,waiting in parking lot after work for me, slashed my girlfriends tires on her car. I talked to the local police and it stopped but I never got over the feeling of being watched.

no photo
Thu 01/02/14 10:03 AM
My first (I think) physical stalker finally realized that I wasn't going to be with her so she told a heroin addict that I nearly beat her to death with a crowbar. He called me twice, threatening to murder me, not knowing whether or not it was my parents' home phone.

I called him and said, "Name a place."

"What?" he said.

I repeated, "Name a place," "if you really think that I beat a girl with a crowbar then maybe we should meet up. I don't care if you don't come alone."

He wouldn't give me a location. I grabbed a crowbar and put it in my car.

This really isn't a joke.