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no photo
Sun 12/29/13 05:49 AM

If u say yes, what race of a partner do you want? white or black. If no, what multivate u to love 4" 120cm tall person

If love is not blind, it should beflowerforyou ...The rest of your questions are ridiculous...slaphead

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 12/29/13 06:45 AM
I am really surprised by the response of people who have had little or no contact with people out of their own race. I did not think with as diverse as race is in the USA that most other countries who basically have international travelers through their cities 24/7 were not likewise.

I really don't get how color of skin is that big a difference. Most humans do the same daily things that others do; sleep, eat, work, play , clean ourselves and our homes, educate our families, practice faith, have desires for love and sex, feel loss ect.. If you feel that as a white person you fell it as any other race weather it is black, white, red, brown, yellow or what is more common than most people even have and idea a combination of all.

If I lived in a single race single culture community I think I would get really bored fast. It is the little nuances and differences that make life varied and stimulating to me. To miss all that would make me really sad.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 12/29/13 07:15 AM

I've heard some racist things about Native American tribes. Calling them stupid and lazy and evil.

Sad really because most people would not know a Native American if they walked right past them. While there are approximately 300 different Native American Tribes forced assimilation means they have intermingled and pass as other races.

Or they were speaking a native language which is rare. Well actually not; just many Native American words have become so intergrated into over all language that they pass as American English or Spanish or slang and names of locations that people do not realize they are Native words.

Native American religions have been so suppressed, often violently by the Anglo European religions, pillaged, and "HOLLYWOODIZED" that most people even Native American's don't know what their own tribes believed in or how they worshipped. Many of the beliefs are written off as "New Age Spiritualism" as if it is something just dreamed up but if researched been around for generations. And with curiosity generating revenue a lot of so called experts were nothing more than Hucksters that just made up stuff that sounded believeable. Standing joke is you go on the Reservation to buy something it is probably stamped Made in Japan or China.

It makes me pretty mad when people say Native American's are lazy when in fact many are just discriminated from employment because if we actual were allowed to work there would be a lot of people who make their living out of Segregating, incarcerating, and running social welfare systems to keep minorities in general down would be out of work and have to actually earn a living.

izzyphoto1977's photo
Sun 12/29/13 07:39 AM

I've heard some racist things about Native American tribes. Calling them stupid and lazy and evil.

Sad really because most people would not know a Native American if they walked right past them. While there are approximately 300 different Native American Tribes forced assimilation means they have intermingled and pass as other races.

Or they were speaking a native language which is rare. Well actually not; just many Native American words have become so intergrated into over all language that they pass as American English or Spanish or slang and names of locations that people do not realize they are Native words.

Native American religions have been so suppressed, often violently by the Anglo European religions, pillaged, and "HOLLYWOODIZED" that most people even Native American's don't know what their own tribes believed in or how they worshipped. Many of the beliefs are written off as "New Age Spiritualism" as if it is something just dreamed up but if researched been around for generations. And with curiosity generating revenue a lot of so called experts were nothing more than Hucksters that just made up stuff that sounded believeable. Standing joke is you go on the Reservation to buy something it is probably stamped Made in Japan or China.

It makes me pretty mad when people say Native American's are lazy when in fact many are just discriminated from employment because if we actual were allowed to work there would be a lot of people who make their living out of Segregating, incarcerating, and running social welfare systems to keep minorities in general down would be out of work and have to actually earn a living.

It was more about a specific tribe and I can't remember for sure what tribe it was. I work with some guys who are from Richfield UT at one point when I lived in Cedar City UT and there is a reservation there. What ever tribe lived there wasn't very well liked. They were usually picking fights with everyone else, you can't go on the Res if you're not one of them because they would beat you of supposedly kill you and I guess they didn't put a very big emphasis on their education.

My older sis talked about one tribe that isn't very well liked even among the rest of the tribes. Basically around here they wait till they turn 18 and then they get a lot of money from the government and they spend it all on large trucks. They live in small crappy houses because they spend everything on their trucks. The consensus I guess on them is they're not very nice either.

One also remember a serial killer case where this guy owned a pig farm. He would kill transients and Native American women and then feed them to his pigs. There was a large room where the clothes of the victims were found. But this guy was able to kill many women because no one cared for the most part. The Natives were hated and the police wouldn't really investigate. It wasn't till a P.I. was hired and found a lot of evidence that the police finally got involved and eventually arrested the guy. It's really bad because this guy had lots of employees and plenty of them were pretty sure he was doing things and as I recall people wouldn't listen to them. So many things would have saved lives if they had been done.

areebabe's photo
Sun 12/29/13 08:29 AM
jackstrades and pacificstar have said it all

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Sun 12/29/13 08:38 AM

TawtStrat's photo
Sun 12/29/13 08:41 AM
"Init" is a sort of contraction of the phrase, "Isn't it?" and they use it at the end of sentences in the same way that Australians end sentences as if they are asking a question. There's a term for that but I can't remember what it is.

As far as multiculturalism goes, when I was growing up here in Edinburgh it was rare to see a black person but there was a large Pakistani community and there still is. Things have changed a lot here in recent years though and now when I walk down the street or sit on a bus there are people speaking foreign languages everywhere.

During the fifties a lot of black people came to England from the former colonies in the West Indies to work and cities like London do have black communities and those places aren't that different from American cities and there are American style street gangs and drive by shootings there, while in Scotland it's always been more about religious sectarianism.

A few months ago I was sitting on a bus and there was this drunken old arsehole wearing a kilt hassling some Germans about concentration camps. There's a Scottish comedian called Frankie Boyle and one of his jokes is about how people didn't think that Mel Gibson would make a convincing Scotsman in Braveheart, "But look at him now. An alcoholic racist". Racism is a weird thing though because I know a guy that's into all of that white supremacy crap and he also likes the music of Peter Tosh. The worst racist that I know is English though and I've known other people coming up here from places in England that went on about blacks and Pakistanis being trouble makers and ruining their neighborhoods but even though there is some racism here and people going on about Pakistanis coming over here and exploiting tax laws etc, they do actually provide useful services to our communities because their shops stay open until late at night and they are even open on Christmas day. The Pakistani guy that used to own the shop at the end of my road used to call me "brother" and he was always polite to me and even though his English wasn't great he was married to a lady that must have grown up in this country because she had a Scottish accent.

It isn't us white people here trying to exclude them. A lot of them come over here and don't even bother to learn to speak English and they are the ones arranging marriages and sticking to their own kind. If there's racism here, it's low level racism and "hate crimes" against other races are rare.

aquamari's photo
Sun 12/29/13 10:20 AM

I'm not really understanding all this skin color obsession I have been reading on threads lately.We all have things were attracted to and I agree that there are cultural differences but my lord why limit yourself to one type of person.If you(I do) seek a true lasting love then why limit yourself. There is no Mythical woman who is a better lover, mother,companion, for us. Its love, and true love that makes people care about us. When I roll over in the morning I don't want to think oh cool a black woman is laying next to me I want to think thank you God for her being here. I want to call her on lunch and say" Hey I can't wait to be with you". Its love that conquers all not race. I feel all women are a gift from God and I pray I find the right one to share my life with and could careless about color, height, or hair. JMO

aquamari's photo
Sun 12/29/13 10:20 AM

I'm not really understanding all this skin color obsession I have been reading on threads lately.We all have things were attracted to and I agree that there are cultural differences but my lord why limit yourself to one type of person.If you(I do) seek a true lasting love then why limit yourself. There is no Mythical woman who is a better lover, mother,companion, for us. Its love, and true love that makes people care about us. When I roll over in the morning I don't want to think oh cool a black woman is laying next to me I want to think thank you God for her being here. I want to call her on lunch and say" Hey I can't wait to be with you". Its love that conquers all not race. I feel all women are a gift from God and I pray I find the right one to share my life with and could careless about color, height, or hair. JMO

TawtStrat's photo
Sun 12/29/13 05:06 PM
Why do you Americans say that you "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less"?

If you don't care about something like skin colour at all how is it possible for you to care even less about it?

izzyphoto1977's photo
Sun 12/29/13 05:42 PM

Why do you Americans say that you "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less"?

If you don't care about something like skin colour at all how is it possible for you to care even less about it?

I just think people use the two phrases interchangeably. doesn't really matter that technically it mean something different. They just say it as if it means the same thing anyway.

jacktrades's photo
Sun 12/29/13 06:09 PM

Why do you Americans say that you "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less"?

If you don't care about something like skin colour at all how is it possible for you to care even less about it?

People express themselves and use phrases differently in America just like people in Scotland spell things differently like" colour" instead of color.rofl rofl rofl Hey no worries, come over and visit us sometime you will have a blast my friend for sure.Happy Holidays and have a cold beer on me.

izzyphoto1977's photo
Sun 12/29/13 06:12 PM
I don't drink beer and I definitely don't want it once it's been on someone. hahaha

cha7385's photo
Sun 12/29/13 09:11 PM

We all have things were attracted to and I agree that there are cultural differences but my lord why limit yourself to one type of person.If you(I do) seek a true lasting love then why limit yourself. There is no Mythical (men) woman who is a better lover, mother,companion, for us. Its love, and true love that makes people care about us.

I feel all women (men) are a gift from God and I pray I find the right one to share my life with and could careless about color, height, or hair.

I couldn't agree more. :thumbsup:

Love sees through the real perfection behind one's imperfection.

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