Topic: guys only 2
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Wed 10/25/06 09:13 AM
you have a good point bender but that last part ain't entirely true.
i've known alot of girls that play them no matter what.

lime_bender's photo
Wed 10/25/06 09:19 AM
No my point was not to settle, if a girl insist on playing games, and
you've mad it clear to her that its not goin to go that way, and she
continues, then its time to leave the bitch...If she is not going to
respect you, then there is no point in holding on. So get over it and
move on...

no photo
Wed 10/25/06 09:19 AM
Hey Terrence... sounds like you need to move baby. Atlanta's got a
lotta options. Some men got more than they can handle here

no photo
Wed 10/25/06 09:20 AM
..or u can try FLA... I heard some florida girls're off the chain!

Jason57's photo
Wed 10/25/06 09:30 AM
TERRANCE0 i know how u feel dude. i live in Jefferson Courtney, Missour
and its hard to find girls where i live. Jefferson Courtney, Missour is
know for the #1 meth labs out of 50 states

no photo
Wed 10/25/06 09:37 AM
ok my fault man, i thought you meant that if you didn't fall for it they
would stop tryin to play em

lime_bender's photo
Wed 10/25/06 09:42 AM
Sorry jason I have to disagree about the meth lab comment... I live in
the portland/vancouver area here in the good old northwest and i'm
pretty damn sure we have the highest concentration of meth labs and
users in the country.

TERRANCE0's photo
Fri 10/27/06 08:20 AM

TERRANCE0's photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:35 AM

andya23's photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:41 AM
don't go to luck in this state either lol

TERRANCE0's photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:42 AM

TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 11/04/06 08:55 AM
ever been with a girl you couldnt stand

TERRANCE0's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:32 AM
guys whats the most fucked up game a girl has played on you relationship

TERRANCE0's photo
Mon 11/13/06 11:56 AM

TERRANCE0's photo
Fri 12/01/06 09:27 AM

escapedlunatic's photo
Fri 12/01/06 11:03 AM
I dont think the details matter....but what does is that I loved her
above all else and she took advatage of it. So now I am very skeptical
and unwilling to trust. I here in time all that goes away but it seems
like it just gets worse to me!

no photo
Fri 12/01/06 11:51 AM
Actually Jason57 that's not true California is number one and Missouri
is 2 hopefully with the laws tightening on the sale of the main
ingredient (ephedrine) things will hopefully change a little bit

no photo
Fri 12/01/06 11:52 AM
Jason I noticed on your profile that you're 18 or 19 and wanna get
fucked, well give it time, one day you will get married and know exactly
what it's like to truly get fucked lol

no photo
Fri 12/01/06 01:13 PM
it wasn't really that fucked up because it was the same one that i have
seen before. i have a poem about it on soulsgate. they basically use sex
and try to get you pussywhipped because they think you'll give em
whatever they want. when i don't dump a girl like that you just fuck em
and don't give them anything. they want to use sex to try to play games
so they got treated like a ho

no photo
Fri 12/01/06 01:17 PM
the funny thing is that most of them girls that do that can't deal with
the outcome that they brought on there self. but guys that give into
that shit perpetuate it as much as the ho's that play that game. someone
once said something stupid like "all is fair in love and war" but they
are forgetting that there ain't no love in war and if you're gonna play
the damn game don't cry when you get fucked.