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Topic: time origins
Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 10:20 AM
So is time just a mismatch of a connection of moving parts. I mean, this has so much energy, it sits over here. Another moment later, it is somewhere else and has different energy levels. I'm not particulary talking about conservation here, but is there a significance in here about the role of time as 'what occurs between two different states,' states being just characteristics like position in a configuration, or rate of change to other points, or energy. It is like a disconnect in physical memory. There is a lag time.

Any thoughts?

mightymoe's photo
Mon 11/25/13 10:41 AM
time is just a perception, anything your seeing is just in your mind...
there is no mismatch, time is the same unless your perception of time has changed

mathematically, time is the only constant that doesn't vary...

larsson71's photo
Mon 11/25/13 10:52 AM

time is just a perception, anything your seeing is just in your mind...
there is no mismatch, time is the same unless your perception of time has changed

mathematically, time is the only constant that doesn't vary...
Unless when it's at the event horizon of a Black hole!

mightymoe's photo
Mon 11/25/13 11:00 AM

time is just a perception, anything your seeing is just in your mind...
there is no mismatch, time is the same unless your perception of time has changed

mathematically, time is the only constant that doesn't vary...
Unless when it's at the event horizon of a Black hole!

science tends to "make things up" sometimes to prove things work mathematically... Dark matter and the event horizon are two great examples of this...

we invented time (in our minds) to make the day go by, and time has no substance, matter or energy to watch, learn, or study...

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 11:16 AM
What I wonder is if perception is in the environemnt. Somehow, say, by a trend of points in reality, like particles, there is grounds for information exchange that depends on how they are configured. Does the perception in the human brain happen seperatley from reality, or is it that the tendencies, if not the actual parts (particles vs neurons)? That is what I get hung up on now.

Relativity has to do with varying time.

Learning is defined in a way as becoming adaptive to an environment, in responding appropriately to stimulus. So is mass behaving in accord to matter, or spacetime curving not very like an appropriate response to info or other energy in an environment? I don't see such a distinction.

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 11:18 AM
I think math must become less of a focus. I don't think that a mathematical bit of magic that corresponds to reality exactly will be found, though it be a delightful dream. And the anwser to any theory that is satisfactory must be exact. That leaves math supplemented with reason.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 11/25/13 11:32 AM

What I wonder is if perception is in the environemnt. Somehow, say, by a trend of points in reality, like particles, there is grounds for information exchange that depends on how they are configured. Does the perception in the human brain happen seperatley from reality, or is it that the tendencies, if not the actual parts (particles vs neurons)? That is what I get hung up on now.

Relativity has to do with varying time.

Learning is defined in a way as becoming adaptive to an environment, in responding appropriately to stimulus. So is mass behaving in accord to matter, or spacetime curving not very like an appropriate response to info or other energy in an environment? I don't see such a distinction.

relativity is still just a theory, With quantum studies they are doing now, does not match up with the relativity theory... math is good, but if they are using the wrong math, then it all becomes mute...

mightymoe's photo
Mon 11/25/13 11:39 AM
i think Tommy Lee Jones said it best in Men In Black, when Will Smith said there were no aliens...

" 1000 years ago, we knew the earth was at the center of the universe... 400 years ago, we knew the earth was flat... what will we know tomorrow?"

they are always revising and learning all the time, and the values they use will change also... right now, light is the fastest thing we know of... that could change at any time...

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 12:05 PM
Good points Moe, good points.

The new physics that will be gladly welcomed will be interesting for those who look into such things. It is really one bright spot in the future that sometime ahead there will have to be new understanding. Exciting? positively.

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 12:09 PM
Edited by Amoscarine on Mon 11/25/13 12:09 PM

relativity is still just a theory,

Yes, and it was proposed as such, as a speculative view. But the spirit of it, that there is some truth that stands for any observer in any place, that there must be one universe, that really happens and is satisfying, that is the true value and success of the theory. This stands even if the first attempt theoretically at such a world picture failed. I like to think that trying is the most attractive virtue.

Boaz8's photo
Fri 11/29/13 03:58 PM
Almighty God created time to point to Him.
The trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Three but one
Time is three but one - past, present n future.
I have other examples
Your finger, your arm, your eyes
We are created in his image.

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 11/30/13 08:09 AM
Boa, Examples are illustrative. Hit me!

metalwing's photo
Tue 12/03/13 08:45 PM

i think Tommy Lee Jones said it best in Men In Black, when Will Smith said there were no aliens...

" 1000 years ago, we knew the earth was at the center of the universe... 400 years ago, we knew the earth was flat... what will we know tomorrow?"

they are always revising and learning all the time, and the values they use will change also... right now, light is the fastest thing we know of... that could change at any time...

Moe, you need to catch up on your reading. Time and the speed of light change radically upon entry to a black hole. Einstein's theory of relativity is what makes GPS work since time changes in both gravity and velocity (velocity of space/time distortion).

What makes a black hole "black" is the light traveling faster backwards than it is forwards as space/time is distorted and time slows.

Boaz8's photo
Wed 12/04/13 08:57 AM
The origins of time - more 3 in 1
Matter the atom consists of an electron, proton and a nuetron
Just like electricity needing a positive, negative and a ground.
When man started to run electricity here in Colorado springs they only ran a positive and a negative. No ground. And ppl would be electrocuted from becoming the ground. So they had to start running a ground as is common place today.
The origins of time -
Looking further into the neutrons, protons n electrons.
It may have only been one of these. I'm trying to remember this correctly.
Hopefully someone else can verify this for me. If just one or all three.
Looking further into the neutron they see what the call quarks.
Quarks have a positive, negative and a neutral.
What makes up a quark?
Vibrating strings - just like a vocal cord.
And as the Holy Bible says - God spoke all things into exsistance and it is His power that continually holds it all together.
Therefore the origin of time came from God who created it to point us back to Him so that we would know and glorify Him.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 12/04/13 10:40 AM

i think Tommy Lee Jones said it best in Men In Black, when Will Smith said there were no aliens...

" 1000 years ago, we knew the earth was at the center of the universe... 400 years ago, we knew the earth was flat... what will we know tomorrow?"

they are always revising and learning all the time, and the values they use will change also... right now, light is the fastest thing we know of... that could change at any time...

Moe, you need to catch up on your reading. Time and the speed of light change radically upon entry to a black hole. Einstein's theory of relativity is what makes GPS work since time changes in both gravity and velocity (velocity of space/time distortion).

What makes a black hole "black" is the light traveling faster backwards than it is forwards as space/time is distorted and time slows.

yea, i agree thats the acepted theory, and i know the GPS data is wrong without the adjustment, but i think it is something else they are missing at the moment...

mightymoe's photo
Wed 12/04/13 10:43 AM

The origins of time - more 3 in 1
Matter the atom consists of an electron, proton and a nuetron
Just like electricity needing a positive, negative and a ground.
When man started to run electricity here in Colorado springs they only ran a positive and a negative. No ground. And ppl would be electrocuted from becoming the ground. So they had to start running a ground as is common place today.
The origins of time -
Looking further into the neutrons, protons n electrons.
It may have only been one of these. I'm trying to remember this correctly.
Hopefully someone else can verify this for me. If just one or all three.
Looking further into the neutron they see what the call quarks.
Quarks have a positive, negative and a neutral.
What makes up a quark?
Vibrating strings - just like a vocal cord.
And as the Holy Bible says - God spoke all things into exsistance and it is His power that continually holds it all together.
Therefore the origin of time came from God who created it to point us back to Him so that we would know and glorify Him.

i was enjoying reading this untill science stopped and fantasy came in... science or god, both can't work together...

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 12/05/13 10:41 AM
... science or god, both can't work together...

My rebuttal to the above-quoted statement is the OP of my thread "God & Science", which is at

no photo
Tue 12/17/13 12:44 PM
It is simply a flow, nothing more of less.

Op is talking about events eg pesky particles of unknown quantification in an excitable state...not required for time

no photo
Wed 12/18/13 07:10 PM
Ever wonder why sometimes time goes fast and at times it moves so slow?

It is just your perseption like another poster said

larsson71's photo
Wed 12/18/13 07:48 PM

Ever wonder why sometimes time goes fast and at times it moves so slow?

It is just your perseption like another poster said
Time moves more slowly the closer you get to the speed of light! Take a passenger airliner flying above the Atlantic at 650 mph? I know it's nowhere near the speed of light, but even at that speed time would pass slightly slower for them than it would for some other person that's standing on the ground!

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