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Topic: board hate being alone
cntytazra's photo
Sat 11/23/13 08:57 PM
Just sayin dating is tough but it all starts with a hello, i am just tired of being home alone board off my *** not into the party thing anymore dont need it

no photo
Sat 11/23/13 09:59 PM
Hello and welcome to Mingle. :banana:

no photo
Sat 11/23/13 10:00 PM
Welcome to the forums

snafufubar's photo
Sat 11/23/13 10:15 PM
Another Christmas alone.

no photo
Sat 11/23/13 10:24 PM

Another Christmas alone.

Welcome to the forums

no photo
Sat 11/23/13 10:26 PM
Welcome to Mingle snafufubar. :banana:

no photo
Sat 11/23/13 11:50 PM

Another Christmas alone.

Just take the last flight out to my country then-i always make a Christmas feast for family and friends and their guests!!

No body should have Christmas alone!!

no photo
Sat 11/23/13 11:54 PM

Just sayin dating is tough but it all starts with a hello, i am just tired of being home alone board off my *** not into the party thing anymore dont need it

I agree-being in"not seeing anyone" can be tough sometimes.. And add that to bored,then it right out sux!

But hey,this is a dating site..many singles on here!
Reach out,make friends,join these forums,you'll not look back!

Cheer up!


JohnDavidDavid's photo
Sun 11/24/13 10:45 AM
I once thought that being coupled or "seeing someone" was a key to happiness (and have had remarkable, satisfying relationships). However, after a recent divorce I came to realize that depending on "having a relationship" for happiness or to relieve boredom is largely a matter of habit -- and that life can be (is) full, rich and interesting provided that I make it so.

Boredom never enters the picture because I have plenty of worthwhile things to do without needing a mate / date / partner / wife to "give it meaning" (as some have said). I must admit, however, that it took a couple or few months to change the habit.

Some of the positive changes I made were to increase physical activity by making more frequent use of my fitness center membership and by rekindling my involvement in bicycling. Another was to increase volunteer work and community involvement. A third was to undertake long-deferred projects around my property and take on new ones.

I like the freedom

sweetycuty1234's photo
Sun 11/24/13 11:02 AM
Thats true

no photo
Sun 11/24/13 11:05 AM
I'm afraid to approach guys

TawtStrat's photo
Sun 11/24/13 11:34 AM
Well, I like to think that I can always find things to do to stop myself from getting too bored but I won't deny that I prefer having a girlfriend to not having one.

My last girlfriend certainly wasn't boring and that's what I get from having a woman in my life. They're full of surprises. Had a female friend phoning me recently and she said that sometimes she thinks about ringing me or coming to see me but that I don't like surprises. Well, I put her straight about that and told her that I do like surprises and that she's always welcome, unless I've got a woman here.

Don't much care for sitting about waiting for the phone to ring or trying to get picky unsociable women on dating sites to talk to me but when the phone does ring, or when someone interesting does reply to me it's great. I can organise my own life and find things to keep me occupied but that's just stuff that I have control over and it becomes routine. Relationships with women, or just dating, is more like an adventure for me. I didn't date anybody for years after I ended it with my ex but now I'm putting myself out there again and have met some interesting women and had a good time with them.

I used to hate the being alone at christmas thing but wasn't last year for once. Looks like I'm going to be alone again this christmas but I'm not feeling miserable about it. Just trying to look back over the year that I've just had and remembering a special girl that came into my life and wishing her well, whether I ever hear from her again or not. Trying to look forward to the new year and don't have it all planned out but I've got my family and best friend to stop me from feeling "alone" instead of just what I am, which is a single guy. It's not so bad really.

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Sun 11/24/13 07:39 PM
I'm afraid to approach guys

And, many guys are afraid to approach gals -- for the same reasons -- basically fear of rejection and/or fear of creating a bad impression. It is reminiscent of high school with the girls congregating on one side of the room and boys on another side -- and never (seldom) the twain shall meet.

Fear limits contact and communication. Someone has to make the "bold move" and take a chance. Is there any reason that gender should be the deciding factor?

Our society has indoctrinated people to expect the male to initiate contact, take the chances, do the driving, and pay the tab -- but still touts gender equality.