Topic: A Message
wxmann's photo
Thu 11/21/13 05:57 PM
Edited by wxmann on Thu 11/21/13 05:58 PM
I received a message last year from a "former" coworker's wife. She sent "The Deceived and Deceiver Are His".

What is that suppose to mean?

Does she claim I'm a deceiver?

Not everyone is a perfect Christian. Most have bumps in the path of their life. Some may get quite off the beaten path before seeing the light. Living is learning.

no photo
Thu 11/21/13 06:59 PM

I received a message last year from a "former" coworker's wife. She sent "The Deceived and Deceiver Are His".

What is that suppose to mean?

Does she claim I'm a deceiver?

Not everyone is a perfect Christian. Most have bumps in the path of their life. Some may get quite off the beaten path before seeing the light. Living is learning.

She sounds like a twat, I wouldn't worry about it.

wxmann's photo
Fri 11/29/13 04:19 PM

I received a message last year from a "former" coworker's wife. She sent "The Deceived and Deceiver Are His".

What is that suppose to mean?

Does she claim I'm a deceiver?

Not everyone is a perfect Christian. Most have bumps in the path of their life. Some may get quite off the beaten path before seeing the light. Living is learning.

She sounds like a twat, I wouldn't worry about it.

She claims she's a hard core Christian, fully devoted to the Lord.