Topic: If you could read my Mind --- | |
Hallelujah Let's Jam!
F P S |
For Pete's Sake
W A H |
What a hole...CCC
corral crashing cowboys
F R B |
Far Reaching Benefits
I H M |
I'll have more
G M R |
Give me rice
H S R |
Have Some Rice
W T M |
whisper to me
S L M |
Sing Lovely Melodies
F T H |
feel the heat
H R C |
Happy Romantic Comedy*
C L V |
Concave lens view...IHM
I Hear Messages
L S T |
Last standing toddler...EFF
Everywhere Fine Females
I H T |
I hate toads....FCC
Federal Communications Commission
T I M |
tacky incorrigible men
I S H |
I Sense Happiness
T N A |