Topic: How to Detect Scammers (Personal Experience)
TheCanadien's photo
Wed 11/20/13 04:11 PM
I have had a several run-ins with Scammers on previous sites, One site in particular is

Now scammers are mainly after one thing and one thing only, you must keep your guard up against these type of people, no matter what they tell you, First off I will begin with how they act

1.) They automatically will try and send a Friend request without asking you if its okay.... Most of them don't have pictures...
2.) They will try and pry you for your email address or phone number outside of the Dating site so they are not monitored.
3.) If you do decide to give them this be warned and don't believe them until you know there intentions
4.) They will act like they are trying to find a soul mate but in all actual circumstances they will come up with a sap story meaning they will try and make you feel sorry for them, and they will beg for help.... in means of monetary efforts, don't be fooled...
Now if they give you their email address remember to be weary of their intentions, now when they ask for monetary help, think of these things if they are in debt ("how are they paying for internet, internet cost money." or "how are they keeping themselves in contact with me?" ) Some will even go to lengths to try an ask you to become their business partner, in my opinion, Immediately say "no" to them
its imperative you follow these guidelines, these are from my own personal experience, understand their intentions and this will help stop scammers from, taking everything you have away, and smashing your dreams and what not.........

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 11/20/13 04:33 PM
Scammers exist on all sites. It is just a cost of being out in the internet world.

Nice people do exist.

Nice/normal people generally talk in stages; short notes then progress into longer emails. Generally they don't sound like it has been lifted from a psychological profile or a romance novel. They generally talk about their day, job, and kids or pets eventually. If they are smart they do NOT tell you where they work or names but sometimes they will send notes during work hours. If it is exclusively from work or late night they probably have a partner and you are just entertainment.

If you have been emailing a few weeks if they actually give you a real server rather than a free one you have a better chance they are for real.

People who want to talk on line forever are just playing games. If they are local and don't want to meet with in a month in a safe public place for at least a meet and greet you are just a pass time or they are fishing for info to know when to come buy and rob you.

Long distance romances might take a little longer but if they are not anteing up with a Skype (video) chat where you are eventually talking to someone they know they are just playing around or catfishing you.

If it is out of country your chance of going anywhere are maybe 1 in 50,000. I think I have known of only one that has worked out in all the years I have been on computers.

kittensoftpaws's photo
Wed 11/20/13 04:45 PM
I thank you for this infomation.
It is sad that we have to be so ontop of this and suspicious of people. Yet for our own protection.
I have yet to meet a person where they met on the internet and it worked out.

MrBoJingles's photo
Wed 11/20/13 04:46 PM
I chuckle really I've seen it all on the net right up to the porn Yahoo link cam to wanting a green card. Seriously I have met one or two decent people from other sites. Turned out to be friends over the years. I reach out but replies are slow people hide in their shell I guess. Good luck