Topic: Why Bible Teaching is Important to You
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Tue 11/19/13 05:05 PM
Why Bible Teaching is Important to You

The Bible Tells Your Origin.


Most people wonder about the origin of the earth and mankind. But often they are confused because they have been told we evolved from "lower animals," which came from simpler organisms, all the way back to some original life form.

Evolution Cannot Answer Basic Questions.

Where Did the First Life Come From?
Evolution requires that non-living matter produced the first life form by chance where there was no life before. But what we see around us is that life comes only from life. This is called the "Law of Biogenesis."

Where Did All the Different Kinds of Living Things Come From?
Evolution says that all life forms evolved from the first life. But human experience and the fossil record both confirm that living things reproduce "after their own kind." The offspring of a fish is another fish, not a snake, bird, or man. The "missing links" - fossils of organisms halfway between the kinds of plants or animals we have now - are all still missing!

Why Is Man So Unique From the Animals We Are Supposed to Have Evolved From?
Why do we appreciate beauty in art, music, and poetry? Why do we have a conscience and a sense of morals? Why do we possess rational thought so superior to animals?

The Bible Answers Simply that Life Was Created by God.

Acts 17:24,25,28 - God made the world and everything in it. Life came from the living God.

Genesis 1:11,12,21-28 - The different kinds of life exist because God created them with the power to reproduce after their own kind (cf. Ex. 20:11; Heb. 4:4).

Genesis 1:26,27 - Man is different from the animals because we did not evolve from animals. We were made with unique characteristics that God possesses.

The Bible agrees with what we see around us. Surely it deserves your serious study.

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Tue 11/19/13 06:37 PM

Why Bible Teaching is Important to You

The Bible Tells How Much God Cares for You.


When people think no one cares, they may become discouraged or even think life is not worth living. Consider what the Bible says about God's care for us.

God Cares about Our Lives.

Matthew 10:29-31 - God cares for even the least animal, so that He knows everything that happens to it. If so, think how much He must care about what happens to us. He knows even how many hairs you have.

Matthew 6:25-33 - God values us more than He does birds and flowers, yet He feeds and clothes them. Surely He will care for us, if we will serve Him.

God Is Willing To Help in Our Lives.

James 1:17 - Every good and perfect gift is from the Father. Every blessing we receive shows that God cares about us.

Hebrews 13:5,6 - God will not fail nor forsake us. Men may fail, mistreat, or disappoint us. Not God. He always remains faithful to us, provided that we remain faithful to Him.

The Bible clearly affirms that God loves every human being (John 3:16). Surely you need to understand what the Bible says about God's care for you.

[Matt. 7:7-11; Psa. 23; Rom. 8:28; Phi. 4:6,7.]

Toks88's photo
Tue 11/19/13 11:13 PM
I'm seeing A matured Christian. Thanks!

uche9aa's photo
Wed 11/20/13 12:06 AM
Well,no ape has "evolved" again and walked around since i was born

Jesusprincessmt's photo
Wed 11/20/13 12:13 AM
Edited by Jesusprincessmt on Wed 11/20/13 12:16 AM
When I did not believe in God(which saddens me deeply) I struggled with these questions. It is obvious that everything evolves and adapts to its environments. Even in the bible it talks about people being banished to the caves. Some people still have a muscle called the sternalis that was more of a support for crouching in a cave like environment. Over the years this muscle has disappeared and also the popliteus has started to disappear. This does not conclude we came from apes. Since we have webbed fingers, some scientists believe we evolved from mermaids. Until we find the actual scroll, we will not know exactly what the first humans looked like. Many of the unexplained are explained in the bible. I have done and said things that were physically impossible for me to do alone. I know it is God! Once your eyes, your ears and your heart have been opened to see, hear and truly feel God's love the world is viewed in a different perception.

Thank you Cerise for this post!

jay2gk's photo
Wed 11/20/13 03:58 AM
bible teachings is very important to me because God him self said in Jos 1:8 "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
and also in Psa 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and teachings also helps us to grow in Christ ( 1Pe 2:2 as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby),It also helps us to over come temptations as written in Psa 119:11 Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.
it builds our faith in God as it is written that faith cometh by hearing and hearing of the word of God..thank you