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Topic: Sam Harris.and his view on Free Will
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Sun 12/01/13 10:59 AM

I was laughing aloud while reading the concoctions of confusion emitting from God denying "guru".There is no end to speculations,illusions,delusions and frustrations of those who chose darkness rather than light."The fool has said in his heart,there is no God" A wishful thinking like "no free will" was conjured to suit and temporary calm a guilty soul who sub-conciously knows that God exists and must punish ungodliness when the inevitable which is death happens to him or her.Five minutes after death,"science" will give way to reality

sad example you set for Christians!

Not really. I was thinking that Sam Harris is setting a sad example for Atheists(and science and rational and logical thinking) in expressing his certainty. This is what they call "false certainty."

Sam Harris believes in Luck. He believes in miracles. He admits that he does not understand consciousness. He admits that he doesn't understand exactly what life is or how it emerged from what scientists define as "inanimate, non-living, non-conscious, non-directed, substance." (A miracle, if that is their claim.)

So, if he does not understand these things how can he claim that we have no free will? He has surrendered to circumstance and influence. He has absolved himself and everyone else of any responsibility for anything.

Then he states that our decisions are still "important." This does not make logical sense. If we are not responsible for our decisions or our actions, how can he state that they are still important? He has not thought any of this through.

So I'm thinking if anyone ever gives Sam Harris an award for his achievements, he should turn it down according to his beliefs.--> (He couldn't help himself and is not responsible for anything he does, thinks, or says.)

Please listen to the video and you will see what I am talking about.

I'd say he is as phony as any of his Opponent-Religionists!
He is the other Side of the Coin,like if he were a plant!laugh

Could be. He is doing a good job of making scientists look bad. A real scientists does not close the door to other possibilities, especially when they know they don't have all the answers.

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Sun 12/01/13 11:25 PM
My perception is that free will is merely a choice of how to express your reaction to the occurances within time; the subject within a given set of time is outside of one's control. If you were meant to feed 1 thousand mouths, you will do just that. How you respond to the task will decide whether you will have roses thrown at you feet due to your actions or if your name will represent blasfamy after others angrily thought you owed them your efforts and took your services to your dishonor.
Please excuse any typos

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Mon 12/02/13 02:05 AM

My perception is that free will is merely a choice of how to express your reaction to the occurances within time; the subject within a given set of time is outside of one's control. If you were meant to feed 1 thousand mouths, you will do just that. How you respond to the task will decide whether you will have roses thrown at you feet due to your actions or if your name will represent blasfamy after others angrily thought you owed them your efforts and took your services to your dishonor.
Please excuse any typos

It is my opinion that the will is always "free" when it is used.

The will is the power of self direction.

The topic is a discussion about whether we have that power or not.

Sam Harris, an "atheist" claims we have no "free" will at all and that our thoughts and actions are determined by our genes and by outside influences.

I say his conclusion is not only wrong, but illogical.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 12/02/13 02:14 AM

My perception is that free will is merely a choice of how to express your reaction to the occurances within time; the subject within a given set of time is outside of one's control. If you were meant to feed 1 thousand mouths, you will do just that. How you respond to the task will decide whether you will have roses thrown at you feet due to your actions or if your name will represent blasfamy after others angrily thought you owed them your efforts and took your services to your dishonor.
Please excuse any typos

It is my opinion that the will is always "free" when it is used.

The will is the power of self direction.

The topic is a discussion about whether we have that power or not.

Sam Harris, an "atheist" claims we have no "free" will at all and that our thoughts and actions are determined by our genes and by outside influences.

I say his conclusion is not only wrong, but illogical.

The only thing he has done,is replacing "God" with "Genes" and "Outside-Influences"!
The consummate Materialist!
Wonder what's his take on Consciousness!

metalwing's photo
Mon 12/02/13 12:26 PM
Each thought is a combination of many things, recent vs long term memories, memory triggers, hormone levels at various sites of the brain, available blood sugar, level of exhaustion, distractions, age, brain condition, and environment.

From ONE science point of view, if all factors were equal and identical in an identical brain, identical thoughts would be generated and ... hence ... no free will.

However, none of the factors can be reproduced exactly at any given time and even if they could, quantum differences would still occur.

The result is that every brain is different from all others. Even those of identical twins show marked differences.

Free will exists.

no photo
Mon 12/02/13 10:07 PM

My perception is that free will is merely a choice of how to express your reaction to the occurances within time; the subject within a given set of time is outside of one's control. If you were meant to feed 1 thousand mouths, you will do just that. How you respond to the task will decide whether you will have roses thrown at you feet due to your actions or if your name will represent blasfamy after others angrily thought you owed them your efforts and took your services to your dishonor.
Please excuse any typos

It is my opinion that the will is always "free" when it is used.

The will is the power of self direction.

The topic is a discussion about whether we have that power or not.

Sam Harris, an "atheist" claims we have no "free" will at all and that our thoughts and actions are determined by our genes and by outside influences.

I say his conclusion is not only wrong, but illogical.

The only thing he has done,is replacing "God" with "Genes" and "Outside-Influences"!
The consummate Materialist!
Wonder what's his take on Consciousness!

He admits he doesn't understand consciousness. At least he isn't as arrogant about that as Dan Dennet is.

no photo
Mon 12/02/13 10:13 PM

Each thought is a combination of many things, recent vs long term memories, memory triggers, hormone levels at various sites of the brain, available blood sugar, level of exhaustion, distractions, age, brain condition, and environment.

From ONE science point of view, if all factors were equal and identical in an identical brain, identical thoughts would be generated and ... hence ... no free will.

However, none of the factors can be reproduced exactly at any given time and even if they could, quantum differences would still occur.

The result is that every brain is different from all others. Even those of identical twins show marked differences.

Free will exists.

Exactly. The only thing they are saying is if we were like machines, built the same, programmed the same, we would all be the same.

This isn't the Borg. We are individuals.

But even the idea of an identical brain producing identical thoughts is far fetched. A brain is just like a computer. It operates according to its use and programming.

no photo
Wed 12/11/13 12:19 PM

Each thought is a combination of many things, recent vs long term memories, memory triggers, hormone levels at various sites of the brain, available blood sugar, level of exhaustion, distractions, age, brain condition, and environment.

From ONE science point of view, if all factors were equal and identical in an identical brain, identical thoughts would be generated and ... hence ... no free will.

However, none of the factors can be reproduced exactly at any given time and even if they could, quantum differences would still occur.

The result is that every brain is different from all others. Even those of identical twins show marked differences.

Free will exists.

Not sure how the fact that all brains are different = free will. Your opening para suggests that you agree with determinism no?

no photo
Wed 12/11/13 05:02 PM

Each thought is a combination of many things, recent vs long term memories, memory triggers, hormone levels at various sites of the brain, available blood sugar, level of exhaustion, distractions, age, brain condition, and environment.

From ONE science point of view, if all factors were equal and identical in an identical brain, identical thoughts would be generated and ... hence ... no free will.

However, none of the factors can be reproduced exactly at any given time and even if they could, quantum differences would still occur.

The result is that every brain is different from all others. Even those of identical twins show marked differences.

Free will exists.

Not sure how the fact that all brains are different = free will. Your opening para suggests that you agree with determinism no?

Very good point. It only implies that since all brains are different, all thoughts and actions will be different. That is not proof or evidence of "free will" it only has the appearance of 'free will.'

no photo
Wed 12/11/13 05:04 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 12/11/13 05:06 PM
If Free will is "the power of self direction" then you might suspect your computer had developed free will if it started making decisions like deleting programs, and uploading programs that it wanted to have, or if it started surfing the web looking and learning, and if it joined facebook and started making friends etc. LOL

Or if it asked you, "When are you going to let me out of this box?"

metalwing's photo
Thu 12/12/13 09:59 AM

Each thought is a combination of many things, recent vs long term memories, memory triggers, hormone levels at various sites of the brain, available blood sugar, level of exhaustion, distractions, age, brain condition, and environment.

From ONE science point of view, if all factors were equal and identical in an identical brain, identical thoughts would be generated and ... hence ... no free will.

However, none of the factors can be reproduced exactly at any given time and even if they could, quantum differences would still occur.

The result is that every brain is different from all others. Even those of identical twins show marked differences.

Free will exists.

Not sure how the fact that all brains are different = free will. Your opening para suggests that you agree with determinism no?

Very good point. It only implies that since all brains are different, all thoughts and actions will be different. That is not proof or evidence of "free will" it only has the appearance of 'free will.'

No no no! What I was saying is that every brain changes millisecond to millisecond! It has the capacity for free will. That doesn't mean it can't be programmed to act against it's better nature, i.e., propaganda, undo influence, hostage psychosis, etc.

One million advanced computers will give one million identical results if all are working properly.

One million human brains will give one million somewhat different opinions no matter what propaganda they have been fed. A healthy human brain, if given the opportunity of mental growth, can decide against whatever propaganda it has been fed for a lifetime.

Free will is the ability to decide for yourself.

no photo
Thu 12/12/13 06:44 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 12/12/13 06:45 PM
Free will is the ability to decide for yourself.

But proponents like Sam Harris have no understanding what "self" actually is.

I have said that "free will" is the power of self direction, which is similar.

Now the materialists can continue to argue what "self" is.

I have to say it is "soul" rather than a pile of flesh, bones and brain matter firing a bunch of neurons.

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