Topic: Have you ever - part 7 | |
Nope and won't either.
Have you ever sneezed in your food while eatting dinner ? |
Yup. In the middle of formal dinner.
Have you ever felt so angry that you want to kill yourself? |
Naw not kill myself but someone else, but I got over it.
Have you ever asked your creator to give you strength to get through a task ? |
Have u ever wondered why you feel bad ? |
Yes, sometimes. Most of the time I know why.
Have you ever fallen in love with someone who didn't love you in return? |
nope it sucks to be in that situation.
![]() Have you ever fall inlove with someone who is already taken? |
Have you always been faithful ? |
Have you ever wondered who put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp? |
Once or twice
![]() Have you ever gone on a date and honestly forget your wallet? |
Not that I can recall..
Have you ever gone skinny-dipping at midnight, on a hot summer's night..? |
![]() ![]() Have you ever went to market while the little piggy stayed home? |
Yes... Porky Pig was on.. and I didn't want to interrupt her..
Have you ever put a slice of bologna under each armpit.., just to 'feel funny'..? |
Nah, I don't have to do that to feel funny.
![]() ![]() Have you ever cried, "Wee wee wee..." all the way home? |
Have you ever had your nose grow, when you tell a lie..? |
Nope. *Pushes his nose back to its original position*
Have you ever wanted to join in when the monkey chased the weasel all around the mulberry bush? |
I did...! I did..! LOL!
Have you got a fetish for nursery rhymes..? |
I would love to answer your question, but, alas, I have to make like a tree and go to work.
Have you ever wanted to answer someone's question but were unable to do so because you had to make like a tree and go to work? |
Have a good one.., Topher.. Count the rings on your trunk... ------------------------ Have you ever wondered if someone..., somewhere in the world..., ....tries to recycle cue-tips..? ![]() |
I have seen someone do it
Have you ever wondered how preteens and teens make it to adulthood? |
![]() No.., because I made it myself.. LOL! (but.., it is a challenging time for many) Have you ever wondered why people don't often get married.., on WEDnesdays..? |