Topic: Is it really a spiritual attack?
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Thu 11/14/13 10:09 AM
Please,why is it that people wishes people sweet dreams but when you dream where you are making love to your love one which is in my term sweet; religious people will tell you that its a spiritual attack?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 11/14/13 10:38 AM

Please,why is it that people wishes people sweet dreams but when you dream where you are making love to your love one which is in my term sweet; religious people will tell you that its a spiritual attack?

Good question never seen a question like this before.

You are not totally responcible for your dreams as your dreams can tell u something.

I can not see it as a Spiritual attack. More of an awaking whats in your mind alot of the time.

When we go to sleep how we go to sleep can affect our sleep and our next day. IMO

I would say you are very much in love.

The spiritual attack theory is if you look upon a woman ect... men do that all the time. we have to fight that urge that is so natural with your loved one but when single it can be a battle. This theory judges what your heart is and i would give them no credance to it at all.

You know yourself. Is it sin to you or not? forget the politics

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Fri 11/15/13 06:54 AM
Thanks dear, I appreciate it a lot.

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Mon 11/18/13 09:22 AM
Dreams like that can be really nice. The reason some people call it a "spiritual attack" is because of stories of these entities called succubus.

In folklore traced back to medieval legend, a succubus is a female demon or supernatural entity that appears in dreams, who takes the form of a human woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. The male counterpart is the incubus. Religious traditions hold that repeated sexual activity with a succubus may result in the deterioration of health or even death.

In modern fictional representations, a succubus may or may not appear in dreams and is often depicted as a highly attractive seductress or enchantress; whereas, in the past, succubi were generally depicted as frightening and demonic.

A dream of making love to your loved one and it is a sweet dream, is not the same thing.

I'm not saying that there are no such things as succubus, or incubus. There have been cases studied and written about that are pretty convincing, but that does not mean that your dreams are to be considered a spiritual attack.

If you ever experienced both, you will be able to tell the difference. The succubus supposedly will drain your energy, and even your health.

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Mon 11/18/13 11:48 AM
Wow! Thanks for your contribution,but your story frightens me because sometime I do loose weight, energy.

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Mon 11/18/13 12:07 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 11/18/13 12:12 PM

Wow! Thanks for your contribution,but your story frightens me because sometime I do loose weight, energy.

If by chance it happens A LOT you may want to do something to stop it.

Ritual sometimes works. If it only happens in dreams or while you are asleep - learn how to wake yourself up when it starts to happen. Try an alarm clock to go off at that time of night or morning when you experience this.

It may take the power of your will to gain control over your dreams, or you can request help from your higher self. You can also try telling this entity or person to get out of your space, do it with authority.

I had a friend who sprinkled salt around all the doors and windows to keep spirits out. Burning sage sticks is said to cleanse a room of unwanted spirits.

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Mon 11/18/13 12:11 PM
Some psychic attacks can originate from living people who are very ill themselves. Their light body leaves them at night seeking energy and they will find a person to suck this energy from. It could be someone you know who does not even know they are doing this. I don't know this for a fact, but this is something I read about that happened to someone else. They found out it was coming from a woman who was sick with a terminal illness. She did not even realize she was doing this.

So your "attacker" does not have to be a demon. It could be coming from a living person doing astral projection.

no photo
Fri 11/22/13 02:43 AM
You are the best here in mingle2.Wonderful. But please Madam sprinkling of salt around all the doors and windows does it really work?

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Fri 11/22/13 09:41 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 11/22/13 09:50 AM

You are the best here in mingle2.Wonderful. But please Madam sprinkling of salt around all the doors and windows does it really work?

She said it worked for her. It is the power of the mind and the belief given to the ritual that causes it to work. Plus, salt is a purifier. When you petition the universe for something it will conspire to give it to you. Ask for protection and you will get it. You are more powerful than the attacker.

Ask a firewalker how they walked across hot coals without getting burned. It's not a 'trick' it is the power of the mind's state of consciousness.

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Fri 11/22/13 09:45 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 11/22/13 09:51 AM
This book might be a little difficult to understand, but you can download it for free. I just found it yesterday. It is called "The crack in the cosmic egg." It talkes about how our minds create our experiences and our reality. I'm not finished reading it yet. It seems very interesting.

This is not a clickable link, but if you copy and paste it you can find this book.

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Fri 11/22/13 02:24 PM
I really appreciate. Thanks.