Topic: frozen words
eric503's photo
Mon 11/11/13 02:14 AM
Frozen in time,whit every pen on lines
Notbook are tex online
Tell i lay in pine
My word of mind last me a life time
So my frozenword paint picture see me be my image to big for the frame
Iced words
Spreed like mold ,death be for dishonor
My honor

eric503's photo
Mon 11/11/13 11:30 AM
Hard to breath i need c o 2 like,trees
To leave my roots,
Weeds hold me down to the earth brown crust ,dirt to dust
Now thinking of it?
Them weed held me up ,keep me warm ,guarded me from storm
,,it like when u make a mistake ,u look back on it make u more grate cuz u lived threw it,lead from it
Not to do it again ,make u smart and happy again
In tell happyends

luvmeforlife's photo
Mon 11/11/13 12:15 PM
no pens, no lines
just a few keystrokes at a time
i liked yours will you like mine

eric503's photo
Mon 11/11/13 03:13 PM
No pens just the thin line i walk on
Be for i got goon
Your hot miss thing is that wrong for me to say
But any way i love your word play
Keystrokes of queens when u tex
Ok i tex you
Now tex me ?�?�� ;-) B-)