Topic: AZ Mass Shooting is Thwarted by Concealed Carrier
boredinaz06's photo
Tue 10/22/13 02:49 PM
Edited by boredinaz06 on Tue 10/22/13 02:49 PM
You won't be hearing about this in the MSM.

Some of the best stories of heroism are completely ignored by major news outlets who refuse to report on stories like this where a gun owner saves the day. But thanks to an Arizona man who carried a concealed handgun many lives were saved last Sunday morning.

Several people were at a party in Arizona when a 27-year-old man got into an argument with some of the party goers. Eventually the man was asked to leave. He was gone for a short time but soon returned with a rifle and started firing shots outside the house.

The 27-year-old then started aiming his rifle at some of the guests at the party. That’s when the 39-year-old concealed handgun carrier drew his firearm and shot the gunman.

The concealed carrier remained on the scene until the police arrived at about 1:30am and the suspect was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries.

According to AZ central, Glendale Police Department spokeswoman Officer Tracey Breeden said that the concealed carrier was justified in shooting the gunman.

“This is standard procedure under these type of circumstances,” Breeden said. “Information and evidence detectives have gathered leads them to believe the 27-year-old was not only firing his rifle, endangering partygoers, but also pointed the weapon at other partygoers, endangering them, prior to the 39-year-old displaying a weapon and shooting the 27-year-old.”

The investigation is ongoing and charges are pending, Breeden said.

In the state of Arizona a license is not required in order to carry a concealed handgun. Who knows how many lives were saved that night because a law abiding gun owner was responsible enough to carry a gun and smart enough to use it when lives were on the line.

Share this story with anyone you can, because you will probably not hear about it on TV, and gun owners are only demonized by an anti-gun media. This easily could have been a mass shooting in Arizona, but it was all stopped because a good guy with a gun was there to stop the bad guy with the gun.

jennwren's photo
Tue 10/22/13 03:38 PM
I used to live in Central Phoenix and I would hear gun shots all the time. Thankfully I lived in a secure gated community so the gunshots were not close to my home but close enough that I could hear them. I love you story because the man who took care of the situation is a hero. Thank you for sharing the story :)

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 10/22/13 03:45 PM

I used to live in Central Phoenix and I would hear gun shots all the time. Thankfully I lived in a secure gated community so the gunshots were not close to my home but close enough that I could hear them. I love you story because the man who took care of the situation is a hero. Thank you for sharing the story :)

Your welcome, someone has to do the job the media won't.