Topic: denied death benefits
TJN's photo
Tue 10/08/13 01:38 PM

The shutdown of the federal government is now affecting some families when they are most vulnerable, denying them a $100,000 benefit to help with funeral expenses of loved ones killed while serving the country.

The families of five U.S. service members who died over the weekend in Afghanistan have been notified that they won't be receiving the "death gratuity" normally wired to relatives within 36 hours. The benefit is intended to help cover funeral costs and help with immediate living expenses until survivor benefits typically begin.

This is the most digusting, disgraceful, just plain stupid thing the administration can do.
My heart mourns for the families being denied this benifit.

lilott's photo
Tue 10/08/13 02:12 PM
Things like this is the reason we need another revolution.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 10/08/13 03:30 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Tue 10/08/13 03:45 PM

Things like this is the reason we need another revolution.

I bet if they were bankers, bureaucrats or statesmen they'd get their money! grumble

The war machine screams "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!" but I guess that doesn't include those who are veterans or killed in action!

dcastelmissy's photo
Tue 10/08/13 04:46 PM

Things like this is the reason we need another revolution.

I bet if they were bankers, bureaucrats or statesmen they'd get their money! grumble

The war machine screams "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!" but I guess that doesn't include those who are veterans or killed in action!

Boy you got that right guys! It's appalling! mad
This is when the politicians should reach deep into their own pockets (or campaign funds) and show how much our troops mean to us. tears

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/08/13 07:30 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Tue 10/08/13 07:31 PM I've discovered a whole new level of disgust. They have gone too far.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 10/08/13 07:35 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Tue 10/08/13 07:42 PM

If there was ever a reason for impeachment or recalls and special elections in congress, this atrocity would be the poster child for it!

Instead of working for the people it's like their trying to see who has the power to cause the most pain on them!

Repulsicons (the war machine) and Demoncraps (wall street and bankers).....Have we had enough of this 2 party idiocy yet? Where do We The People come in? slaphead