Topic: Marlboro reds.
sasch1983's photo
Mon 09/23/13 10:03 PM
Ah a another blank page to fill. Is it a good beer I wonder that can induce conversations to complete strangers in bars, clubs, socials events perhaps? You walk into a room with familiar faces and realize after a few sips, you know nobody, but the atmosphere around you completely changes when that booze kicks in. I like to think about victor frankensteins quote," Its Alive!" Thats what happens at least for me. The whole room becomes like a living entity. The various odors of liquor intoxicate my senses and I crave a cigarette only to find once again that I forgot the damn things. So these days in california especially where I live, it is almost like you say the most offensive thing in the world when you ask a stranger for a cigarette. The look on their faces are priceless. When that craving comes, you know it. You want one, you can smell the smoke of somebody else smoking a mile a way. Yet if you are like me you head toward it. You want that tar induced trance for the minute it lasts and you merely don't care about health. Hell Why care when you cant afford it? Then you gaze around the room looking to find that person you can stumble up to and say," Hey buddy can I bum a ciggy?" It almost takes more balls to do this these days then asking a lady out, I recognize this, but I don't got any cigarettes and I am too lazy to go buy a packet. So I look around the bar to see if anyone may look like they smoke too, profiling people for cigarettes? Really?

So the night goes on and I start getting all twitchy, itchy, and I cant sit still. You ever been on a plane for more then 6 hours and if you smoke, thats a long time. A very long time. That tobacco craving can tweak you out, I don't know how people drink caffeine with out a cigarette. "But where so health conscious," I turned to the lady who spoke that to me sitting across the bar. The lady sitting next to me said," Smoking is bad for you." She turned away in disgust, then I heard her murmur to the her servant," Waiter can I have some gravy for my french fries?" Everything starts to annoy you after a while, is this how I am supposed to be? Annoyed with everything? I ponder off in my own thoughts for a minute thinking of those adds and informercials on the radio and t.v. for how bad smoking is, but what about all the bad food we eat? Or that pollution we breathe, save the whales and go to church, I gotta become the purest man ever! This is what started going on in my mind, because as soon as I stopped smoking for a while, I started to panic about everything else. So five minutes went by and in that brief amount of time if felt like 50 years. So after being bombarded with all the inner thoughts, I stood up in the bar and yelled, " **** it !" And then the bar tender spoke with nicest concerned look on his face and said with a calm voice, " HEy buddy you look like you can use a cigarette."