Topic: To Get Done
goldenhinde's photo
Tue 09/17/13 04:17 PM
What could get done, doesn't get done
What should get done, gets done but not
For the right reasons
I am stubborn, and refuse to do anything,
Do not want to be played, again

I sit here, look around and assess the mess
The mess of my life that has unraveled like a
Loosely knit sweater, the kinks still in the yarn,
My yarns still colorful, and action-packed

Things will get in order, but not by any orders
I will take no orders from anyone, I am done
The cart I pull is full, and I cannot pull it any more
I am stopped, I will not go further, on an other's words

What could get done, will get done
When I am ready, and the house is clean of any mean
What I get done will be thorough and it will be top to bottom
Strenuous efforts bring heavy sleep, and sound pounding of alive hearts
When what needs to get done gets done