Topic: Are all you Christian oblivious to what is really going on?
Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 10/21/06 01:29 AM
Are all you Christian oblivious to what is really going on?
I asked about David Kou..and had 4 answers...the question about ugly
avatars got 18 answers.. do you people just close your eyes and pray????
What the Hell is going on?

Don't you follow current events...or is the "good news" from 2000 years
ago enough for you?

1 hour ago

no photo
Sat 10/21/06 01:40 AM
what is the question because i missed it?

no photo
Sat 10/21/06 10:17 AM
If you are not Christian, what are you?

no photo
Sat 10/21/06 08:51 PM
i asked him in a previous post whether he thought of himself as an
atheist or an agnostic but i don't think he has seen it yet.

no photo
Sat 10/21/06 09:18 PM
Well what 'is' going on ??

If you have some info , let us know !!

I don't have all day to be watching the news

besides it's 'never' the truth !!

rickdobs's photo
Wed 10/25/06 05:07 AM
Ghost, the Bible says that in the "end times" there will be an explosion
of technology and knowledge, wars and rumors of wars, famine, unsual
weather diasters, and a general turning away from God. Isn't that what's
happening right now? Isn't knowledge just exploding everywhere? Aren't
we taking God out of our schools and court rooms and businesses?

All of these things were told to us already, I'm sure that most
Christians are watching and waiting... it's going to get much worse
before Jesus comes down from the clouds to fight the last war and then
rule in peace for a thousand years.

no photo
Wed 10/25/06 06:10 AM
i don't totally disagree with you rick and i think you have a good point
but since the reduction of christianity is from our schools and our
government instead of from our daily lives do you think that our country
and the ideas it was based on are playing a factor in all of this or was
the change that took place when they amended the constitution the step
towards the end times?

rickdobs's photo
Wed 10/25/06 08:46 AM
Well, breeze, that is a very good question. There are Christians -
namely pastors, who talk about how we Christians stood idly by and
watched all of this happen... that we should have spoken out at the time
things happened... that we are too comfortable in our own salvation.

Based on what I've read in the Bible, we are to allow an outward
expression of an inward joy, peace, and integrity. When "they" took down
the ten commandments from the courthouses, I don't remember hearing that
there were protestors in or out side of the buildings. Maybe I missed
that part.

We used to hear about the starving children in China at the dinner
table, but there really are people starving in this technologically
driven world. Can we, as individuals, understand that we CAN make change
for the better... one person at a time. It's like a chain reaction...
you know one person helps two people, those two help two each, those
four help two each, those eight help two each and so on. Can we really
grasp that, or are we content to wait for someone better suited to do it
for us?? I'm guilty. These words aren't from my experience... I'm an
introvert who shuns public action. Maybe the Holy Spirit will hammer
something different into my brain so that I can be that one person.

no photo
Wed 10/25/06 08:56 AM
i undestand what you are sayin rick. if i remember correctly there
weren't many protesters out front when they did it.
my statement was more in the direction of, even though it was not
directly beneficial for the christian faith because these things are
being removed from the public eye it indirectly benefits christianity
because it does fit the statement you made about the bible sayin that
leading up to the end times there would be a general turning away from
GOD and isn't that what christians have been waiting for was the return
of the savior?

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Wed 10/25/06 09:04 AM
We are waiting for Him to return...but I'm no Christian
fundamentalist..I'm in no particular hurry for the end to come

no photo
Wed 10/25/06 09:15 AM
lol but that is what alot of them are waiting for. that point that you
brought up right there animal is interesting because of all the talk
about these recent wars being started just to bring it about. i don't
believe none of it but alot of people like to point to it.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 10/27/06 09:17 PM
I'll leave it a mystery.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 10/27/06 09:28 PM
Here's a good question for ya.

Why should Christens fight the order of the End Time as foretold in the
Bible? If the ten commandments or the bible not thought in schools as a
form of allow some satanic force to bring about a prophecy why fight it?

It would seem to me that allowing things to degrade to apocalyptic
levels would being about the Judgment Day and thus Thu who art more holy
then Thu can have their prize of eternal bliss (What ever that is).

After all Jesus didn't fight the crucifixion. So why should christians
fight any kind of injustice on them.

If Jesus had fought his destiny, would had been endowed by God as
disobeying God?


kellyshawn's photo
Sat 11/04/06 06:54 PM
ghostrecon(props!!!!!!!!!! i hope to see you at the school of common
sence) i have been making it a point for years, to shed light on that
subject. of accept or be faithless a christian is not, allowed to argue
against anything that happens. if one does so their commiting one of the
biggest sins. i know i was raised irish cath. the thing that most
religious people belive in is not Jesus but, just us. if the actualy
read the bible and understood what Jesus is saying is follow your own
path and the one true god (i hate the word everthing would be a better
word for god) not the one that put adam and eve in the garden and
constantly teased them. like a kid poking holes in a frog to see if it
pops. the real god gave them the apple. in the new found chapters
written around the time Jesus was alive. instead hundreds of years later
when it became pop to be religous, like most of the bible. Jesus told
his deciples you are not understanding what i'm saying. your twisting my
words to fit your area of sencitivity(spellcheck). the truth hurts god
loves you the place you will go to is the place everyone goes to. you
are not so special that god loves only you. but rather you are so
special because you as an individual have the love of god. thats all i
read befor i got pissed again at KJ3. who by the way, intruduced
revealations, how many hundreds of years after Jesus had died? (to the
religous)get a grip, some commonsence, and just love. stop playing my
god has a bigger dick than your god.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 11/04/06 08:19 PM
"to the
religous)get a grip, some commonsence, and just love. stop playing my
god has a bigger dick than your god. "

Hey Kelly.

love that line man.

None of the Ultra right christians want to acknowledge the fact that
Jesus was talking in parable's as opposed to actual events. I offended
listen ot a philosopher who tells stories as to how you should live your
life. Not soo much as to how you should live your life according to the
bible, but how you should live according to common sense. Such as Common
sense tells you that nobody can make you angry. You make yourself
angary. People (in his words) are looking for occasions to be offended.
People are offended by the way someone dresses, the kind of music they
listen to, the language the use etc.. But sometimes he tells stories
that are just too unbelievable to actually be true. For instance; he
talks about an old women who was walking with her grand son on the beach
one day. All of a sudden a giant wave came and scooped her grandson up
and took him away. So the old women in a panic got down on her knees and
prayed to god to bring back her grandson. Then at that instance, another
wave came and plopped her grandson back on the beach next to her. Well,
she was so ecstatic that her went over and garbed him and hugged him
with joy. Then she got up and looked up into the sky and said Umm God.
he was wearing a hat too."

great story I thought. But I don't believe it truly happened. You see I
think he was just telling a story that had a moral to it. That's all.
And can you guess what the moral is? I'll let you try to decipher that.

Thanks Kelly and good to see ya here.


Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 03:30 PM
I think you guys are making up your own gods.
Did anyone ever read Commandment # Two?