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Topic: troop movements & put options
davinci1952's photo
Mon 08/27/07 03:42 PM
This is some strange news for you....

we all know the stock market has been schizophrenic as of late...
and we know that the dollar has lost upwards of 98% of its value..
and we know that worldwide the movement is to trade in other currency's
we know the fiat money system (printing money from nothing) has a
shelf life....and becomes unsustainable after 70 + yrs....
we know that the rats are bailing out of the Bush Administration...
We know the one huge question about 911 was the large "put options" run
thru wall street before the event...??? ( airlines)..

Reported today at
on the John Stadtmiller show : National Intel Report is this bit of news:
1.6 billion in put options have been filed with speculation running wild...A massive
terrorist attack?....China dumping their dollars?...a 50% or more crash on wall street...
apparently the options run out on sept which point they lose 700 million if
nothing this is a major someone that knows something...

on top of that is this bit of news about troops being brought to DC....

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Members of the 1st Battalion 265 Air Defense Artillery have mobilized and are on a plane headed first to Ft. Bliss, then for federal active duty in the capital region.
The troops will be deployed for a year.
"It's going to be all right It's OK if he helps people and everything, and it's his job. He’s got to do it. He just got to do it," Jessica Ward said, whose father is being deployed.

Jessica speaks for many when she talks about her father's deployment.
Michael Ward and company are leaving for a year, and that weighs heavy on families.
The 265th is part of Operation Noble Eagle.
---They are ordered by the president to the nation's capital, where they will operate high-tech weapons systems against any potential air threat.----

Apparently these items have not made the national news..and probably wont...
Paranoia aside....doesnt this reek of WTF?

grumble grumble

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:04 PM
i don't think it does at all. with the way the stock market has been going lately it doesn't surprise me that someone thinks a particular stock is going to decrease. does it say what the put option was for or who it was written by?

Hennnery's photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:19 PM
laugh A few years ago There was a Very Crooked President in The Philippines,he did allot of things that The Philippine people really did NOT LIKE!!!

So he used allot of Cocane, like bushco jr. is so famouse for and in so doing he got real paranoid...

So one day he called up The Federal Philippine Troops to take up positions around the Capital and provide security for The Presidential Palice....

Well, just as should happen here in America, The People had had enough of this Coke-Head
Paranoid Bull Dung presidend !!!!!

So the Philippine people had a National STRIKE!!! NO BODY WORKED FOR A WEEK!!!


At The Climax of This Drama,
The Philippine President issued a commant to the General in charge of The Troops to go ahead and Shoot The Crowd!!!!!!!

The General then consulted his troops of The Presidential Command!!!!!!!

A few moments Later, ALL THE GUNS AND ALTILLERY WERE TURNED AND POINTED AT THE PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT AND THE COMMANDING GENERAL TOLD THE PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT THAT THERE WERE TWO HELICOPTERS WAITING TO TAKE HIM TO THE AIRPORT and Philippine Airlines would take The President and his family to any other country they choose, but should that man EVER return to Philippine Soil,he would be arrested tried for treson and JAILED FOR LIFE!!!!!!

The EX-President of The Philippines, returned and he is still in jail,to this very day...:tongue:

You see bushco can place ALL THE FEDERAL TROOPS HE LIKES AROUND HIM, but the real power is in WE THE PEOPLE!!!!

And just like The Philippines, If we Strike!!!

And if Millions of US MARCH ON THE WHITE HOUSE, bushco will get paranoid and give the order...



Howdy, I'm Hennery The Thread Killer...:tongue:

davinci1952's photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:43 PM
king...they didnt say who did it...or why...only that it did happen...
if I hear anything I'll post more...

hennery...I could see that happen here

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 04:59 PM
thanks davinci

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:09 PM
I've found a very interesting video about Camoflage and back massage, I guess it has something to do with supporting the military. Let me be clear, I support our men and women in uniform.

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:10 PM
i can tell. it looks like the frog is in camo.

davinci1952's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:24 PM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
$4.5b bet on another 9/11 within 4 weeks

Mystery trader bets market will crash by a third
The Fed: Something big is going to happen
August 26, 2007

$4.5 billion options bet on catastrophe within four weeks
Anybody have a clue as to what these 'investors' are expecting?

The two sales are being referred to by market traders as "bin Laden trades" because only an event on the scale of 9-11 could make these short-sell options valuable.

There are 65,000 contracts @ $750.00 for the SPX 700 calls for open interest. That controls 6.5 million shares at $750 = $4.5 Billion. Not a single trade. But quite a bit of $$ on a contract that is 700 points away from current value. No one would buy that deep "in the money" calls. No reason to. So if they were sold looks like someone betting on massive dislocation. Lots of very strange option activity that I haven't seen before.

The entity or individual offering these sales can only make money if the market drops 30%-50% within the next four weeks. If the market does not drop, the entity or individual involved stands to lose over $1 billion just for engaging in these contracts!

Clearly, someone knows something big is going to happen BEFORE the options expire on Sept. 21.


The following theories are being discussed widely within the stock and options markets today regarding the enormous and very unusual activity reported above and two stories below. Those theories are:

1) A massive terrorist attack is going to take place before Sept. 21 to tank the markets, OR;

2) China, reeling over losing $10 Billion in bad loans to the sub-prime mortgage collapse presently taking place, is going to dump US currency and tank all of Capitalism with a Communist financial revolution. Either scenario is bad and the clock is ticking. The drop-dead date of these contracts is September 21. Whatever is going to happen MUST take place between now and then or the folks involved in these contracts will lose over $1 billion for having engaged in this activity.

"$1.78 Billion Bet that Stock Markets will crash by third week in September Anonymous Stock Trader Sells 10K Contracts on EVERY S&P/Y "Strike" Shorts Stocks "in the money" effectively selling all his SPY holdings for cash up front without pressuring the market downward.

This is an enormous and dangerous stock option activity. If it goes right, the guy makes about $2 Billion. If he's wrong, his out of pocket costs for buying these options will exceed $700 Million!!! The entity who sold these contracts can only make money if the stock market totally crashes by the third week in September.

Bear in mind that the last time anyone conducted such large and unusual stock option trades (like this one) was in the weeks before the attacks of September 11.

Back then, they bought huge numbers of PUTS on airline stocks in the same airlines whose planes were involved in the September 11 attacks.

Despite knowing who made these trades, the Securities and Exchange Commission NEVER revealed who made the unusual trades and no one was ever publicly identified as being responsible for the trades which made upwards of $50 million when the attacks happened.

The fact that this latest activity by a single entity gambles on a complete collapse of the entire market by the third week in September, seems to indicate someone knows something really huge is in the works and they intend to profit almost $2 Billion within the next four weeks from whatever happens! This is really worrisome."

Source: Ticker Forum

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:38 PM
it will be interesting to see if anything happens.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:43 PM
Its about time!
Operation Noble Eagle is a Homeland Security Defense initative started shortly after 9/11! These NG or Reserve troops are replacements!!

Dateline: 09/16/01

President Bush has advised the American people to go to work "with a heightened sense of awareness," an awareness that, unlike America's past wars, the war against terrorism will not be fought exclusively "over there." The mission of Operation Noble Eagle will be to protect America "over here."

Operation Noble Eagle is the official name given to the homeland defense and civil support services to be provided by the 35,000 members of the military reserves now being called to active duty.

The call-up is in response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and was authorized by President Bush's Executive Order declaring a national emergency. [Text of Executive Order]

"A national emergency exists by reason of the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, New York, New York, and the Pentagon, and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States," President Bush stated in the proclamation.

Numbers of reservists to be activated in the first phase of Noble Eagle are:

Air Force - 13,000
Army - 10,000
Marines - 7,500
Navy - 3,000
Coast Guard - 2,000
According to deputy assistant secretary of defense for Reserve Affairs Craig Duehring, units to be called up could include air defense, airlift, intelligence support, military police, medical, logistics, engineers, search and rescue, civil affairs, and chaplains.

These Reservists will be called upon to provide port operations, medical support, engineer support, general civil support and homeland defense.

Duehring also emphasized that the current selection of units to be mobilized represents only the opening phase of the mission. "The bottom line is that we are calling up the fewest National Guard and Reserve members needed to perform homeland defense and civil support missions for the shortest possible duration," stated Duehring during a Sept. 14 press conference.

"Many Americans have asked how they can help. Now some of our citizens will begin to help by trading their work clothes for uniforms (like) their parents and grandparents did in the past and answer the call," stated Duehring.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 08/27/07 05:45 PM
Nothing new going on here devinci!!drinker drinker

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 08/27/07 06:10 PM
Thanks fanta...was going there,,,but sounds "less Biased" coming from youlaugh laugh drinker drinker drinker

Also I think 911 (the date) will have an unlucky inference to investers for some time to come...knowing that they(the terrorists) would love to have an "aniversary" attack on us.
So its no surprise people with alot of money in market may back out for the coming month.

Hennnery's photo
Mon 08/27/07 06:27 PM
Well Devinci if I post on your threads, nomatter How right I am, these so said american wimps won't stand up and take their part of The Fight for Their Own Freedome.../-;

devil indifferent sick

davinci1952's photo
Mon 08/27/07 07:57 PM
you'll catch on hennnery

Hennnery's photo
Tue 08/28/07 07:15 AM
:tongue: brokenheart yawn

davinci1952's photo
Tue 08/28/07 08:00 AM
put options that large is nothing new Fanta?...hmmm...with all the talk all
over the web other people think it is odd....

no photo
Tue 08/28/07 09:51 AM
so the obvious question seems to be "who".......???

but this is NEVER revealed....!!!???

by whom? by how many? am i crazy to imagine that less than a handfull of people, hold this much authority.... who are these people?

and as the rats flee the sinking ship, don't forget they are industrious.

will "the powers that be" fill in with their own covert backup plan B when nothing happens? is it possible that in all these other countries we can see the people rising enmasse against the government...but America watches it pass by on TV

we rage in the forums and we find the network of information being fed to us from every possible direction, we assimilate, we resonate, we recoil, we gasp....we need fresh air

seriously...things look grave...

don't buy into the fear...approach the moment with the enthusiastic empowerment of human rights, reclaim America...

funny , the attack will most likely be the terror within the country itself, hahahhaaaa
the terror of the corruption and the GALL of what is taking place under their noses,

a revolutionbigsmile

my anarchistic daydreams make metaphors of condemned buildings that should just be leveled completely.... but i know that is just my humour:wink:

so who is responsible for making these entities transparent?

adj4u's photo
Tue 08/28/07 10:12 AM
hennery it will just come to the point where everyone just
ignores everything you say almost

in the hopes you will just give up

but hey

who knows

no photo
Tue 08/28/07 10:44 AM
"don't buy into the fear...approach the moment with the enthusiastic empowerment of human rights, reclaim America..."

thank you for saying that blatant. i think that kind of thinking could save a lot of heartache and civil liberties violations.

no photo
Tue 08/28/07 10:53 AM
some sectors are seasonal so the 3rd quarter for them is usually slow and homes are down right now. i don't know what sector these put options were for but i doubt there will be any kind of disaster.

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