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Topic: Iraq's Contractors
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Tue 08/28/07 02:45 PM

mnhiker's photo
Tue 08/28/07 03:04 PM
damn, you should sic Satan Cat
on those contractors. laugh

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Tue 08/28/07 03:27 PM
Davinci...this is the kind of crap you read on these conspiracy web sites you believe so much in.....There is no Smedley Butler..or Butler Smedley that has ever won a medal of Honor!!! the closest match is a Larry E Butler in 1967 for his service in Vietnam. And your Commie buddie Smedley who was fighting in the early 1900's would be much too old to be playing soldier in Vietnam...You just wore out what little credibility you hadlaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

davinci1952's photo
Tue 08/28/07 05:04 PM
You've got to be sh*ttin me Serchin....


Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940), nicknamed "The Fighting Quaker" and "Old Gimlet Eye," was a Major General in the U.S. Marine Corps and, at the time of his death, the most decorated Marine in U.S. history.
Butler was awarded the brevet medal (the highest Marine medal at its time), and subsequently the Medal of Honor twice during his career, one of only 19 people to be twice awarded the Medal of Honor. He was noted for his outspoken anti-interventionist views, and his book War Is a Racket was one of the first works describing the workings of the military-industrial complex. After retiring from service, Butler became a popular speaker at meetings organized by veterans, pacifists and church groups in the 1930s. Butler came forward in 1934 and informed Congress that a group of wealthy industrialists had plotted a military coup to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

let's talk credibility....286,000 google references for smedley butler...you have to be kidding
right....who said anything about viet nam?...WTF?...Sleeping during history class apparently...
and no I didnt get it off a conspiracy site..think I heard of him first in Marine Corps boot camp....

karmafury's photo
Tue 08/28/07 05:14 PM
Uhmmmm Davinci. Just looked for your C.M.H. winner and he is not listed in military pages on C.M.H.


davinci1952's photo
Tue 08/28/07 05:32 PM
maybe you should go here..congressional medal of honor society

here's Butlers page....


indifferent indifferent indifferent

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Tue 08/28/07 05:46 PM
Davinci...yes I saw dozens of references to him on all kinds of Left, socialist, anti-war web sites...as for "wikipedia" that is a member edited "dictionary" I could post a complete fictional bio of my self with glossy pics and arrows and all...it don't mean a thing...I looked in the Congressional Record and the Official Medal of Honor society web site that shows all medal of honor citations from civil war to present, complete history of Medal of honor and NOT ONE Smedley Butler in any REAL government site...its just a hoax for gullible people that really want to believe in fiction. I'm sure if he really existed and won @ medal of honors, surely he would be listed not only in the History of the medal...but at least one of the recipientslaugh laugh laugh

Hennnery's photo
Tue 08/28/07 06:14 PM
mad First off, Whos WAR is it??? It's GWB's WAR of Terrorism against The Free People of The World...devil

You will remember that bushco jr. is a Drug Crazed fool, that has never done a full days work in his Life!!! and his Daddy is and always will be Just an old Nazi Spy... :cry:

Then there is Mr ****less Chaney CEO of Halliburton Inc. and still getting pay check to this very day... noway

Ok so our Draft Doging Commander and Theif, who knows NOTHING ABOUT HOW TO FIGHT A WAR and refuses to Listen to His Generals, who won't quit even if he has to Reinstate The Draft and get every man woman and child in The USA killed in his WAR for The Profit of himself,his family and their friends...

So exactly what is it that you fail to understand about The Great

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Tue 08/28/07 06:16 PM
Well Davinci..your last post and or web site seems real enough...but not sure why he is not listed in Congresses official record nor is he listed in the Official Medal Of Honor data base on its pages.....maybe another conspiracy:wink: However Since I spent considerable time looking and seaching "official" sites to no avail, and you provided info from a seemly forthright site I will consider it a drawlaugh laugh
However two points...1. all sites agree that you can not win more then one anymore because they were given out so frequently back then.(this is not to take anything from this true hero..if he in fact exists)
2. One Rogue Medal winner out of some 3700 medal of honor recipients, hardly makes him credible...just the opposite in my viewdrinker drinker

Hennnery's photo
Tue 08/28/07 06:19 PM
So Exactly what is it that you Fail to Understand about The Great American Ream Job??? :devil

Because that is exactly what it is all about, just bend over and hold your toes, and LOOKOUT where the Wild hours Goes!!! noway

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Tue 08/28/07 06:31 PM
One more little tibit about Smedley..at least according to your sources.....
"When Major General Wendell C. Neville died in July 1930, many expected Butler to succeed him as Commandant of the Marine Corps. Butler, however, had criticized too many things too often, and the recent death of his father, the congressman, had removed some of his protection from the hostility of his civilian superiors. Butler failed to receive the appointment, although he was then the senior major general on the active list. The position went instead to Major General Ben H. Fuller. At his own request, Butler retired from active duty on October 1, 1931."

Sounds like he was all for war and glory until he was spurned and overlooked for a position he thought he should have...soon after he retired and started the lecture circuit to get back at those that didn't promote him....I think he had a big Ax to grind Davinci:smile: bigsmile

davinci1952's photo
Tue 08/28/07 07:21 PM
of course you would think that serchin...

let's see your medals...

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