Topic: Sibling Rivalry
tjulian4880's photo
Tue 08/20/13 08:22 AM
:smile: I had to think about this topic, it's a tricky one! I would think anything regarding the person close to you, for instance - next of kin, would be considered a relationship.
:angry: It's quite common to find siblings in dissagreement with each other over various subjects for quite long and extended periods of time. We find those who distant themselves from family gatherings or certain family members, contact at all.
There is a saying, "you will always find a bad apple in the bunch!"
devil Are you the black sheep of the family? Is there a black sheep in your family?
:banana: Maybe you're the one that gets in between the rival disputes and advocates the peace and unity in the family. Which one are you? The one that cares less and keeps away, or the one that finds themself in the middle of things, trying to advocate the peace and unity in the family?frustrated :angel: