Topic: Any Supernatural fans out there??
whattheheywastaken's photo
Wed 10/30/13 09:43 AM
Man, Dean is horrible at keeping things from Sam.

"Who's Zeek?"


Ram158's photo
Wed 10/30/13 12:14 PM

Man, Dean is horrible at keeping things from Sam.

"Who's Zeek?"


this could really turn out bad with ezikiel possessing Sam and dean having to tell off Cass ..!! ezeek is a suspicious character.

Ram158's photo
Wed 10/30/13 12:20 PM
Edited by Ram158 on Wed 10/30/13 12:22 PM
why don't the Winchesters use the demon trap bullet trick again and trap & even cure abaddon with the last demon tablet trial trick.??!!

no photo
Wed 10/30/13 01:38 PM

I was a fan until the whole demons vs angels thing, then I lost interest. I loved the show when it was just Sam and Dean investigating strange goings on.

I had the exact same thing. As if they suddenly had made it into a totally different show with the same actors.
But if they had continued along those lines, it would've gotten boring quite fast I think. They did seem to struggle with the story-line for a bit, but they did a real good job in the end. Well worth watching!

I think it's available on Netflix Instant, I should give it a second chance.

Lostgirl55's photo
Wed 10/30/13 05:46 PM
I watch the show every day even the reruns. amazes me with the stuff they come up with, but then I like any show that has supernatural stuff in it, Ghost hunters . Paranormal activities, if it has spirits I am watching it

Jtevans's photo
Fri 11/01/13 08:14 AM
i don't understand the fascination with this show?.i've tried and tried to watch it but to me,it's nothing i missing something?huh spock

Ram158's photo
Fri 11/01/13 11:47 AM

i don't understand the fascination with this show?.i've tried and tried to watch it but to me,it's nothing i missing something?huh spock
you gotta watch it from start to know

whattheheywastaken's photo
Fri 11/01/13 02:14 PM

why don't the Winchesters use the demon trap bullet trick again and trap & even cure abaddon with the last demon tablet trial trick.??!!

Couple of reasons:

1) They've been distracted with the whole fallen angels deal.
2) Abaddon hasn't been going solo against them for a while.

whoknew2's photo
Fri 11/01/13 02:31 PM
OMG! Love, love LOVE Supernatural! I was scrolling through Netflix and found it. Then I had a serious marathon with Dean and Sam. After 8 season, I have to wait for the next episode every week. UGH!!! I think the whole cast is great and the story line changes from season to season - which keeps me fascinated.

I know some fans were upset that Castiel and Dean didn't hook-up, but let's face it, Dean has 2 kids and he's all about pie and hookers! hahaha The typical bad boy that every girl wants to tame.

Castiel is cute - especially now that he is human and learning all kinds of new things.

Zeke, can go both ways (good/evil) and I think it was wise of the writers to leave his options open.

All in all, I think the story line hits home for a lot of people who question the unknown: God, angels, demons, etc. I mean who hasn't wondered where God is in all this mess?

sweetseperated30's photo
Mon 11/04/13 12:56 PM
Oh My Goodness!!! I love love supernatural! I have all the seasons on dvd/blu-ray! I think they have just gotten better over the years too. Do you have a favorite season?

no photo
Sun 11/10/13 05:37 AM
Still trying to get caught up on season 7 and 8. Seems like when TNT shows those 2 seasons here lately, I miss it. Am still trying to figure out the whole Leviathan thing, and Who the Hell Dick is? noway I'm such a delayed soul...:laughing:

whattheheywastaken's photo
Mon 11/11/13 10:22 AM

Still trying to get caught up on season 7 and 8. Seems like when TNT shows those 2 seasons here lately, I miss it. Am still trying to figure out the whole Leviathan thing, and Who the Hell Dick is? noway I'm such a delayed soul...:laughing:

Dick is the head Leviathan in charge and the Leviathans are pretty much unstoppable creatures that were in purgatory with lost souls. Cas thought he could control them and the souls by pulling them out of purgatory and placing them in himself. *SPOILER ALERT* He couldn't.

Iamconde's photo
Mon 11/11/13 11:47 AM
Season 9 is out..if u need sites to watch and download ..just reply would give it to ya

mrplumspice0's photo
Mon 11/11/13 11:49 AM
I like the cable tv show on Uverse called "Ghost Mining"

There are several more shows that are interesting. "Paranormal Witness" and "The Dead Files."

Ram158's photo
Mon 11/18/13 08:20 AM

why don't the Winchesters use the demon trap bullet trick again and trap & even cure abaddon with the last demon tablet trial trick.??!!

Couple of reasons:

1) They've been distracted with the whole fallen angels deal.
2) Abaddon hasn't been going solo against them for a while.

Yeah true. It was fun to watch Cass leading a human life.:tongue:

Zibby1992's photo
Mon 11/18/13 12:39 PM
Loooove super natural its my favourite tv show all times happy

whattheheywastaken's photo
Wed 11/20/13 10:06 AM
Last nite's episode was pretty good. It felt like a typical season 1 episode where they were hunting a ghost, and had nothing to do with angels or demons. Sometimes it's good to take a break from the soap opera.

coldesthngwalkn's photo
Tue 12/03/13 03:54 PM

Oh My Goodness!!! I love love supernatural! I have all the seasons on dvd/blu-ray! I think they have just gotten better over the years too. Do you have a favorite season?

Season 6 aka Souless Sammy is my favorite season! Dean had Lisa, Sam was an a$$but, Castiel was Castiel...sigh. I love Dean. Season 5 aka Michael vs. Lucifer is a very close second!

<<<Mrs.Dean Winchester

Tue 12/03/13 03:59 PM
oh woohoo gonna start season 9 soon online project free tv woohoo

coldesthngwalkn's photo
Wed 12/04/13 01:40 PM
When Dean cries, I cry. RIP Kevinsad