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Hennnery's photo
Fri 08/24/07 11:42 AM
Weather you choose to accept this FACT or not is entierly up to you, BUT
if you will take notice of the Flicker that your TV gives off when it is on,as aposed to the clear NON-Flicker Clow of your Computer Screen you may detect a small difference...

TV is produced via Video Tape,NOT Motion Picture Film,thus there should be NO FLICKER...

So exactly what is The Flicker and what is it's fuction???

The Flicker is a Special signal that all TV is broadcast with,This signal is The Product of TRANCE Corparation and what it dose is it places YOU INTO A ALFA HYPNOTIC TRANCE...

So you can be programed,This is why The Masses of you still think Oh Someones been fooling you,knocked down the World Trade Center and Flew a Jet into the Pentegon...


I stopped watching TV in October of 2001 and I have never missed it,largly do to the fact that there has been NOTHING BUT PROPAGANDA ON THE BOOB TUBE SINCE 911...

I use to pay $500.00 a year to Dish Net for Satilite TV, But now I pay $300.00 per year for an ISP on TV I had 500 Stations and there was Nothing On...

On the internet there are over Ten Million Web-Sites and there is always somethig on...

Since The Internet is interactive your brain is always working so your mind is not is a vegitative state...

But don't believe me, just Check out Trance Corparation,Mass Mind Controle,MK-ULTRA,Montuak ect...

I use my old 42" TV as a Computer Screen and at 17' from my Lazy Boy he internet images are still plenty big...

But Chester ain't No Robot so I don't need No Programing, DO YOU???

Hennnery's photo
Sat 08/25/07 12:45 AM
noway Just in case No One was Listening he First Time TV WILL ROTT YOUR BRAIN...drinker

no photo
Sat 08/25/07 08:26 AM
Was wondering what happened to u,,,just kidding,


mckeachie's photo
Sat 08/25/07 08:54 AM
well am glad I dont own a tv lol:tongue:

mckeachie's photo
Sat 08/25/07 09:01 AM
Goverment propganda on tv was long before 911. goverment controlled media has influenced people into believing americans have only two choices in politics for years its been used for war propganda, occurse before t.v. goverment mostly used the God is on are side propganda but your rite t.v. rots the brain and now we can brain wash people into believing God loves are killing while being able to be told what to buy even if we dont need it.. thank-god for tvfrown

no photo
Sat 08/25/07 09:08 AM
and sex will cause your genitals to rot off

no photo
Sat 08/25/07 09:23 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Hennnery's photo
Sat 08/25/07 05:11 PM
If you were born in The 40's 50's, 60's or later then yer,we were programed by TV...

However John Wane,Matt Dillon,Happy Days, II LOVE LUCY and The NEWS were not really all that bad...

Well not like now, when america has settled into a communist ditatership...

SEX when it occurs within the relm of a healthy Loving Relationship will not ROTT your Balls off... (-;

However if you are a SEXUAL OLYPIAN, well you may also have some world Class sexually transmitted deseases..laugh

TV WILL ROTT YOUR BRAIN, so toss The TV and get plugged into education... (-;

no photo
Sat 08/25/07 05:23 PM
not if you wear a tinfoil hat.

Hennnery's photo
Sat 08/25/07 05:27 PM
If you knew what you were talking about, then you would know that only LEAD can stop Microwaves...

But you don't so why are you not sporting Your Tin Foil Hat???

no photo
Sat 08/25/07 05:28 PM
because i have enough common sense to know when someone is full of ****.

Hennnery's photo
Sat 08/25/07 05:34 PM
Well now that you have ellected to court me, Have I mentioned how truly Wimpy you look in your Fooseball jersey???

no photo
Sat 08/25/07 05:36 PM
nice insult but what i said had nothing to do with you did it? but way to go *****

no photo
Sat 08/25/07 05:37 PM
do you think that everyone is out to get you? maybe you're right and they are.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 08/25/07 05:43 PM
Alright who has a TV guide?laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 08/25/07 05:44 PM
do they still have those fanta? i haven't seen an actual printed t.v. guide in awhile

HillFolk's photo
Sat 08/25/07 05:44 PM
The one-eyed monster will not get me because I know better than to get too close to the screen.laugh

no photo
Sat 08/25/07 05:46 PM
does anyone remember the horror movie where the kids got halloween masks from the company and when they wore them in front of the t.v. their heads decayed and bugs poured out?

Fanta46's photo
Sat 08/25/07 05:46 PM
I want to watch Thermo-man on BBC!!
That show is funny as hell!laugh laugh laugh

Hennnery's photo
Sat 08/25/07 05:55 PM
Who needs Thermo-man when Foosball guy is attempting to romance me... (-;

Sorry chester Idon't dance...*J*

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