Topic: free or destined
Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:06 PM
Most religions say there is no sex in heaven, so whatever will men think
about if they go?

jdbailey's photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:06 PM
Can it be that God is the fullest and emptiest concept...personal and
yet transcendent...knowable and yet unknowable...creator inhabating
creation...the beginning and the end...form and formlessness...etc. I
guess, what I'm trying to say, is can we really see reality as a one
sided equation?

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:07 PM
GOD knew that satan would fall and he let him because that is the same
basic choice that we all have to make in life. do we try to remain
strong and do the right thing or do we give into temptation, satan gave
into temptation.
in my opinion there is no error in in GODS mind or HE would not be GOD
and would render everything else in religion useless.

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:09 PM
i don't think you can ever see reality as a one sided equation.
there are so many variables involved in every situation that 2 similar
situations are very rarely exactly alike, even if they have the same

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:10 PM

Thats true, but before there is forgiveness there has to be repentance,
Then there is choice by God

jdbailey's photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:10 PM
well, I'm a priest in the Charismatic Episcopal Church...but this is
strictly a thoght provoking question not meant to be indicative of
doctrine or dogma...or otherwise instructive to those's
more an attempt to challenge and understand. although it is coming to
an end for me b/c I'm getting sleepy and have to be up early for work

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:11 PM
have a good night

beautyinthechaos's photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:12 PM
The guy who said Beauty,

You are very right, i should have thought of that myself

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:15 PM
The one question that stumps all religious people?
As a man of science, I have to say I don't believe the idea that a god
created everything. I believe the Big Bang and the natural order of the
universe. Why? Because of the tremendous amount of evidence.
Anyways, I've always asked religious people this question:
If god created everything, who created god?
I'm hoping someone will give an intelligent answer and not the
rediculous "god exists out of time" bull.

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:16 PM
Christians is it ok to scream when you pray?
I just want to know you opinions. I am curious.

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:17 PM
don't know how GOD was created ghost. you said that you believe the big
bang theory, how do you feel about intelligent design?

beautyinthechaos's photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:19 PM
That is the one question that i always ask myself. I mean i am a
christian but i dont have an answer. I believe that it is Faith and
iknow it might not seem like thats enough because in todays world we
always have to have proof. to see is to believe well this is one thing
that no one knows and that doesnt mean he isnt real its just a matter of

hunman12's photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:22 PM
faith is a big thing knowiing gods there and in you life you can feel it

jdbailey's photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:23 PM
yes, but the big bang can only postulate to seconds after there was any
form of matter...thus, what was prior to what is...even a big bang
accepts the notion that there is a world that now exists that was not
prior and science cannot explain the is a matter of faith for
the atheist and the religious person as to what s/he chooses to believe.
Science, I dare say, is blind when it proclaims itself the cult of
reason (i.e. scientism).

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:25 PM
Intelligent design is out there with Scientology.

hunman12's photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:27 PM
read the bible

beautyinthechaos's photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:29 PM

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:29 PM
Ghost to answere y r ? Beauty is going down the right path here.

God is all things and thrue Christ all things where created. that
doesn't mean that the big bang is all wrong.

because of the sin of Adam & Eve we have to have faith in God. Christ
dieing for the sin we inherit from Adam & Eve and saves us from eternal
death. That is part of his promise to all

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:31 PM
how does intelligent design compare with scientology ghost?

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 11:35 PM
We have no concept of the creation of the heavens cus it isn't for us to
know for now.

What is important is that we now that he is a loving God and there is a
reason for all that has happened after the first sin. Also there is a
time period to clean the heavens of Satin then there wil be a time when
satin is removed from the earth. We have to have faith