Topic: 666 | |
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Thu 11/20/14 03:09 AM
it actually is 999,you all are just looking at it upside-down!
![]() <<<<< The traditional view that Jesus's disciple John wrote the Book of Revelation was questioned as early as the third century. Christian writer Dionysus of Alexandria, using the critical methods still employed by modern scholars, spotted the difference between the elegant Greek of John's gospel and the crudely ungrammatical prose of Revelation. The works could not have been written by the same person. Dionysus noted that the John of Revelation identifies himself in the work, while the John of the gospel does not. He argued that the two men simply shared the same name. Contemporary scholars have added their own insights into the problem. It is now theorized that the real author was a Jew who opposed the Pauline version of Christianity, with its Gentile elements and Torah-free salvation. The author calls a Pauline church in Smyrna a synagogue of Satan and a female leader of another in Thyatira Jezebel. In short, he was not someone we would call Christian today. In fact, Revelation might have been originally written even before Christianity. References to Jesus Christ would then have been inserted only later to Christianize the document. These are mostly clustered around chapters 1 and 22, with just a scattering elsewhere. Surprisingly, these verses can be removed without disturbing the structure and flow of the surrounding verses, keeping the meaning and sense of the text intact. This suggests that the original Book of Revelation had nothing at all to do with Jesus. |
well, that all sounds like true words that were writ, but if one be looking to SEE it in reality that way, well, one might become disappointed. the book it self declare, if any read it who HAVE THE MARK IN THEIR HEAD, self preservation or good of 1, they will define it improperly, hence the curse spoken of in the magik book it self... it say's plainly any whom define or use the book for the purpose of "self good", eat of the curse... another words, eating words... gobbling them up, like ms pac man... ![]() but hey... people will believe what they first heard, since they liked that definition to start with, or they wouldn't have decided to believe it... but sum will sea better. ps... it doth clearly state, the book CANNOT be read with any "self preservation" motive, per the book it self, or the definitions will all be "backwards"... for what is up to man be down to god, and down to man be up to god... ah... so, one must invert all meanings... duh... one will have to use the secret "key" to unlock the true meaning of the giver of the data, to the authors... which lie in the book it self, hidden from self agenda. but can be passed per the rules of the book, from any that have the true "keys", and wishes to pass them to any they care about... guess all are gonna have to find out who really cares enough to have the true "keys"... for the book has to be used to define it self, not the imagination of the reader, lol... in other words, what sounds like good for self, is actually a curse, and what sounds as bad for self, is actually a blessing... kinda like, "the saints shall be the light of the world"... ah, sounds like a grand glorious thing one should "wish for it self"... hehehe... NOT! for "satan" come as an "angel of light"... and try to make all the saints the actual power source to fuel the electricity needs of the world... oooh... that sounds kinda suckey... hehehe... true "green energy".... the apocalypse.... ya know... when people want to die, but cannot... and thats just around the corner they have been sayin a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time..... but... hey when that day comes... one better be able to leave it's body at will, or able to "rapture" or ascend it self, it's cells all programmed to higher realm frequencies of love of others... since that shall be quite ugly... humans suspended alive in hydro electric fluid stealing the power of the bodies to power the new earth... yukky, it would be kinda hard to kill your self or die... ah, unless one can leave it's body whenever it wishes... but hey... that all sci fi shitz... smiles |
Edited by
Thu 11/20/14 05:23 AM
guess nobody liked that post... hehehe... ok... how about 666 was a date, 06-06-06, not so long ago, when the first human since this cycle of modern time learned to rapture it self or ascend it self from it's body... eh... that's pretty cool... and since then, many have in secret been activating this secret hidden power that was on a time release in humans brains, writ many times down through time that it should occur... and... how bout there shall be a counsel, of 666 people, 333 males, and 333 fe's, who shall join and form a world council, or a one world rule system... yeppers... a global world system if you will... smiles. some older folks called it a one world order... many of the most brilliant minds on earth have known about it... yeppers... and this will usher in a new era of earth... now it could be most of what most think is supposed to happen, has indeed already happened... yea, was kinda writ in a funny sorta way to keep it a super secret. yea... and brains will have to have their right and left lobes connected within to complete their life cycle purpose... yep... ya know, all those funny cone shaped kinda hats lots of really really really smart people wear in all very special rooms and buildings and different places... all a very very very special sacred meaning. yea... the logic in the brain fully developed... no, the right and left hemisphere of the brain actually totally connected... in other words... no more split down the middle of the right and left hemisphere's of the brain... all synapses totally firing... a full set of balls if ya will... some call it a fully configured brain... the left hemisphere not countering against the right hemisphere, hence the "war" of humans within them self... ya know, the old saying, fighting against one self. ya know... a house divided against it self shall not stand... a brain divided down the middle... hello... anyhow... but it will come to be required it was writ, that all will need to be scanned to make sure this process is done, or they are "unclean", or just meaning "dangerous"! warning... violent focker on the loose. this one might kill you, hehehe... well, that's what one set of key codes based on all codes added together, has developed thus far... but hey... i am sure they are all just stupid idiots. smiles |
We need not fear numbers, even if scared Evangelicals want us to. The Apocalypse was not written to scare us into Christianity.
There's also a prevailing superstition that God made evil numbers. God never did any such thing. 666 isn't something we need to escape. It's a number like any other, and even has some positive Messianic connotations of its own in some circles. But it's an abused number usurped by false priests and false messiahs for their own nefarious purposes. 666 is only the number of the name of the Beast. 666 is not the mark of the Beast. Lots of people in history have names that somehow correspond to 666 one way or another including my own. My name has 6 letters in the first name, 6 in the second, and 6 in the last to make a visual "666". If you think that makes me a Satanist, you definitely need to have your head examined. Some others: The Seventh-Day Adventist "prophet" Ellen Gould White, if taken in Roman numerals, comes to 666. One of the titles of the Pope for centuries has been VICARIVS FILII DEI (Vicar of the Son of God). In Roman numerals this also comes to 666. Ronald Reagan and Henry Kissinger have both had their names linked to 666. One is dead and the other doesn't figure much on the world scene anymore. But too many Evangelicals go as far as to say that if one has a 666 in his name then that person is already marked for damnation, has no hope for a resurrection, and is utterly profligate. These same people seek to incite harm against others for the sake of their own iron-fisted dogma. This kind of practice is every bit as evil as that of false priests and false messiahs. The good old "Apokalypsis Ioanou" was a book intended to build hope, not turn around and take it away. |
If 666 is the "Mark of the Beast". Who Is the Beast? Any suggestions? The ''beast'' is not Satan as satan will never show himself on earth....the beast will actually be in the form of a man and on his forehead won't be the numbers 666 but something else which only certain people will see. He will have magical powers and perform a lot of supernatural things to get people to follow him and he will try to convince people he is God but infact he will not....infact he will be the opposite. Above that he will only have 1 eye. Many individuals know about this coming, and the ''beast' is a metaphor for this being in the form of a man. He is coming and the time is very near The Bible interprets it's own symbols. Daniel 7:17 "As for these four great beasts, four kingdoms shall arise out of the earth" So the beast is a kingdom. Which kingdom is it? |
If 666 is the "Mark of the Beast". Who Is the Beast? Any suggestions? The ''beast'' is not Satan as satan will never show himself on earth....the beast will actually be in the form of a man and on his forehead won't be the numbers 666 but something else which only certain people will see. He will have magical powers and perform a lot of supernatural things to get people to follow him and he will try to convince people he is God but infact he will not....infact he will be the opposite. Above that he will only have 1 eye. Many individuals know about this coming, and the ''beast' is a metaphor for this being in the form of a man. He is coming and the time is very near The Bible interprets it's own symbols. Daniel 7:17 "As for these four great beasts, four kingdoms shall arise out of the earth" So the beast is a kingdom. Which kingdom is it? That kingdom is rich. searches for peace, prospered the world and the world follows its directives in the name of peace |
'666' is simply the trinity of the devil. really ? silly me , i believed it was the country code of Thailand ![]() |
it's that cussed 777 you have to look out for!
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only blind eye's make not all numbers as equal, and as coming from the gods brains of all human's as equals, as equal parts of the total sum of all knowledge.
Rev 13:9-14:1 9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 10 He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. 11 The Beast from the Earth Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. NKJV How do you escape the number of the Beast?? Most Bible like on here separate thought about the Patience of the Saints. If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 10 He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. Yet it seems to be a message how to escape. How will the Saints Escape? The saints will escape either throught death or the rapture , either way the bible says do not accept the comming mark of the NWO and do not renounce your faith , the worldwide turn on religion has begun propagated by the invisible forces controlling the illumnati from the top down ... Revelation 12:11 "They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." Mark 8:35 "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it." |
only blind eye's make not all numbers as equal, and as coming from the gods brains of all human's as equals, as equal parts of the total sum of all knowledge. it's 999 I tell's ya! ![]() |
only blind eye's make not all numbers as equal, and as coming from the gods brains of all human's as equals, as equal parts of the total sum of all knowledge. it's 999 I tell's ya! ![]() if 666 is equal, so than are all other numbers... for is 111 bad, or 222, or 333, or 444, when each one of these has psecial meanings. for the wise use not just their left brain, or right brain, as better, to decide such ignorant small minded meanings as 666 as evil, but some use both sides of their brain as equal, and sea all as equal in value, yes, and even all numbers as equal in value. |
only blind eye's make not all numbers as equal, and as coming from the gods brains of all human's as equals, as equal parts of the total sum of all knowledge. it's 999 I tell's ya! ![]() if 666 is equal, so than are all other numbers... for is 111 bad, or 222, or 333, or 444, when each one of these has psecial meanings. for the wise use not just their left brain, or right brain, as better, to decide such ignorant small minded meanings as 666 as evil, but some use both sides of their brain as equal, and sea all as equal in value, yes, and even all numbers as equal in value. you forgot 000. ![]() |
only blind eye's make not all numbers as equal, and as coming from the gods brains of all human's as equals, as equal parts of the total sum of all knowledge. it's 999 I tell's ya! ![]() if 666 is equal, so than are all other numbers... for is 111 bad, or 222, or 333, or 444, when each one of these has psecial meanings. for the wise use not just their left brain, or right brain, as better, to decide such ignorant small minded meanings as 666 as evil, but some use both sides of their brain as equal, and sea all as equal in value, yes, and even all numbers as equal in value. you forgot 000. ![]() indeed... one of my favorite brains seen the beginning was not included... sum yawn, those live half alive. sum sea more, live 100% content and alive. |
All numbers are included within zero.
Edited by
Fri 01/09/15 04:44 PM
All numbers are included within zero. you are so wise stay the same, pick the same. |
oh yeah. ha.
oh yeah. ha. scientific fact. |
oh yeah. ha. scientific fact. Well then I'm going to change into some different cuddly, warm pajamas tonight. ![]() Goodnight. ![]() |
it's that cussed 777 you have to look out for! ![]() That pays double at the right slot machines. |