Topic: Why is human nature most likely to respond to positivity wit | |
Can I share a little personal incident that made be start obseving this kind of respond whenever something positive is brought forth to men kind by God or onother fellow sister/brother. The very first energy to manifest is resistance often times. One may reconsider & get back to you latter about the matter brought forth but doubtfullness comes first.
This one time at work (very recent) a fellow lady workmate whom i'm not even friends with, we only talk about work related issues, comes to me with a film tone (not hush but more of an orderly kind of tone if you get what I mean) & say "This thing about you of being single should come to an end" Was surely amazed since I didn't expect that from her. Didn't say anything as she carried on for weeks now (she's more of those crazy types that always make people laugh even when serious issues are addressed, she'll sort of cause disorder by whispering & those around her will start laughing.) I didn't take her seriously as she pesisted until this one time I was in a cheerful mood, I started the subject as she approached. "So what do you think I should do about being single since you don't seem to approve?" She was so excited seing me showing interest, it was as if she was she was waiting on me to eventually come around. She said "friend I've found you a suitable mate, someone perfect for you. He's obsessed about God just like you, hardworking & ambitious like you friend. You two have a lot in common you'll relate." I asked as days were passing by & I just never heared the end of the subject. "How do you know if he'll even like me or if i'll love him for that matter...? You're so passionate about this, you keep me posted daily on he's moves & plans" that was when she told me that he was out of the province for few days, when he comes back, he was gonna come meet me since he's was told a lot about me. "I gave him your cell numbers friend, hope you don't mind" she carried on "hasn't he called you yet?" no I don't recall getting a call of that sort, I replied. "He's so inlove friend, your pictures are everywhere in he's office. As for he's mother she's so excited looking forth meeting you. At least now they know I wasn't leading them on" I FREAKED OUT "You did what....? You gave my photos without me knowing about it? Where did you get my photo? I asked... "no friend don't be angry, I had to download them from your bbm, since no one believed me that I could hook him up with a decent person. He's been seaching for a while now with no luck...." For that reason I won't coperate, I said. I'm not telling the story cause I regret if it could have worked friends, It just kept me wondering why often times human nature responds with resistance? Moses kept raising excuses when God sent him to Egypt, that he wasn't able to express himself very well verbally. Abraham's excuses was that he was too old to have a child, with Sarah laughing at the angels when they made a promise that she was gonna concieve. That was resistance though they eventually came around the idea & started believing God for the promise, the very first respond was doubtfullness. Likewise with Jeremia when called by God. He went on about being too young to testify & prophecy. There's many more examples to qoate from the bible, I know you get the picture now. What do you think I a reason for human nature to respond to positivity with such energy of doubtfullness/resistance? Thank you guys for sharing your idea on this.... |