Topic: Start a scandalous rumour about the person above you. - part 59 | |
Replaces man hole covers with imitation paper ones.
.. goes around at night.. and changes all the destinations on the bus fronts..
Tips over sleeping cows.
Makes tractors tip over with his loud snoring
won a loudest-snoring contest
Wears knickers
Was a model for FBI ken doll
Came last in a math competition
Cheats in games and blames others for miscommunications
Sticks up.for cheaters
has a very questionable relationship with a couple of goats, and a bagel.
Has a strange relationship.with his ken doll
wishes he had a ken doll like mine
Wishes he had a meaninful life
Been caught out at least 60 times sniffing Petrol
...takes being "green" a step further than most...
loves green women from Venus...
Had a date with a Green Woman once right before she turned purple after he touched her hand.
Can't whistle so he growls at women as they pass by.
Go's downtown early every morning just to hand out coffee and donuts to single females.