Topic: not back to soweto
shumbayashe's photo
Tue 06/11/13 02:46 AM

You saw me black,strong,firm,damn i was rigid
believe me i was way,way out of your grid
greed indeed led your seed to trade in mine breed
a breed bred out of your league
taken in shackles across the atlantic seas
you changed my name form Kunta to Peter
You changed her name from Tabitha to Rita

Butchered you my brother,fed his limbs to the sharks of the deep seas
raped you my sister,just to shame my father and to shame my mother
and damn you did succeed
the whip of aphartheid i received
and rules that perceived more hate to disgrace my race i besieged
life styles,admiring corrupt and wicked styles my crooked masters
euro-centric motions caging my black conscience to sightless submission
ambition follow,follow,follow and follow the congregation

slaved i have slaved in mine mines
mining what belongs to me not but to you
slaved i have slaved on mine land
passionately copulating with your vineyards
generating fruits dripping sweet and sweating fermenting juices of slavery
singing a verse to the flute sweetly and sweepingly flowing through my mind like at peace with solitude
sipping the sweet sweat is my master

i solemnly embrace this fiscal interest shoved in your voyage
One cup of water for all people to sip,yes to puff,puff and pass this peace pipe at last
a cup is a cup but a cup you cant retain because your hand stole from the land of another man
never returned,retained instead for this instance to ensnare
thoughts diseased by what the system designed minds to think
i dont fear persecution to sermonise what propaganda sanctions
i look to the east,i look to the west,look to north and i look to the south
i feel the pain exit as i take an auto-spy of dearly departed minds
uprooting strands of idiocy implanted amongst those dazed and fazed by demon-cracy