Topic: Help me with my profile
krishk20's photo
Sat 06/08/13 10:52 PM
Hey all! i changed my profile to make more friends. i updated my pic. hope you will find it interesting. suggestions are welcomed. thank you.

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/08/13 11:10 PM
, its g0od better than mine . .we have s0mething in c0mm0n shy type and at my age to0 im still watching cartoons , .but i l0ve animé and manga m0st than cart0ons they're very different .

krishk20's photo
Sat 06/08/13 11:28 PM

, its g0od better than mine . .we have s0mething in c0mm0n shy type and at my age to0 im still watching cartoons , .but i l0ve animé and manga m0st than cart0ons they're very different .

ya. i too like anime. i used to watch detective conan, astro boy, naruto, yu hi oh. i like this one the girl uses cards, she gets wings, she has yellow color little cat like pet which turns into lion sized animal. it too has wings.

krishk20's photo
Sat 06/08/13 11:37 PM
cardcaptor sakura! that is it.

dhi06's photo
Sun 06/09/13 12:16 AM
, yes thats it . .i l0ve the story there's m0re maturd stuff than sakura ,like vampire knight or code geas ,.animé have all the kinds of fun .

krishk20's photo
Sun 06/09/13 12:41 AM
Edited by krishk20 on Sun 06/09/13 12:42 AM
K. i dont get time to watch tv. Im on vacation, so just traveling a lot.

dhi06's photo
Sun 06/09/13 01:27 AM
,oh ok . .hm but i d0nt watch them in t.v i have site that u cn watch f0r free .. B0nne vacances then.

krishk20's photo
Sun 06/09/13 06:28 AM

,oh ok . .hm but i d0nt watch them in t.v i have site that u cn watch f0r free .. B0nne vacances then.

thank you.

krishk20's photo
Sun 06/09/13 07:01 AM

looks nice.

Im impressed with your English speaking skill.

hehe... c'mon. i know my english is bad. learning it. will be perfect someday.

krishk20's photo
Sun 06/09/13 09:30 AM

krishk20's photo
Sun 06/09/13 07:08 PM
also rate me out of 10.

krishk20's photo
Sun 06/09/13 07:08 PM
also rate me out of 10.

krishk20's photo
Mon 06/10/13 06:19 AM