Topic: McCain: From a hero to a zero....a traitor? | |
US Senator John McCain has visited Syria to meet rebels in the war-torn country, his office has told the BBC. Sen McCain has repeatedly called for the US to provide military aid to members of the Syrian insurgency. Then there is this..... MSM will not show this epic moment. Syrian army celebrating victory. The Assad regime is the only thing protecting Christians from Muslim extremists. When Assad falls it will be genocide against Christians in Syria. Most moderate Muslims are pro Assad and all Christians in Syria are pro-Assad. America is funding the muslim extremists that are running the FSA... Al Qaeda and others. Rand Paul is absolutely right about his 'colleagues' voting to fund and support the terrorists. Ordo ab chao: Order out of Chaos Problem; Reaction; Solution It's simple: (1) US WANTS a destabilized region in the ME... leading to atrocities that can be used as an excuse for a military incursion or full-fledged occupation; facilitating air operations to Iran from Iraq via Syrian airspace. (2) as long as you don't establish IMF/World Bank owned central banks in your country, you are labeled a dictator. Period. Simply look what happened in Libya and Egypt. Same ol story from the NWO playbook.. except this one just might not work. Suck it McCain. |
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Tue 05/28/13 09:18 AM
From you like Alex Jones or not, it bears reading! And don't even play the CT card here. It's not a CT in light of recent events and senate hearings, and only a fool wouldn't listen to both sides of the argument before forming an opinion. Of course there will always be those who wish to see that doesn't happen. After all, we can't have informed or inquisitive voters at the polls now can we? |
i'm not getting when McCain was ever a hero?...
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i'm not getting when McCain was ever a hero?... ![]() A returning Vietnam POW... not a hero.... that publicity was bought and paid for, obviously to promote the career politic. |
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Tue 05/28/13 09:59 AM
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."
Cicero 54 B.C. |
Considering what he went through, I considered him a hero.
Makes me cry he has stooped so low... |
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Wed 05/29/13 06:41 AM
Considering what he went through, I considered him a hero. Makes me cry he has stooped so low... He was a resident of the infamous Hanoi Hilton, but so were 100's of other POWs.....that weren't "song birds". HE'S NO HERO! He has a history of consorting with the enemy! McCain admits that three to four days after he was captured, he promised the Vietnamese, "I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital." McCain also admits that the Vietnamese rushed him to a hospital, but denies he was given "special medical treatment" because of his promise. He claims he was given medical care normally unavailable to captured Americans only because the Vietnamese learned he was the son of Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., the soon-to-be commander of all U.S. forces in the Pacific including those fighting in Vietnam. The Vietnamese figured that because POW McCain's father was of such high military rank that he was of royalty or the governing circle in the United States. Thereafter the communist bragged that they had captured "the crown prince"and treated him as a "special prisoner." Less than two weeks after McCain was taken to a hospital, Hanoi's press began quoting him giving specific military information, including the name of the aircraft carrier on which he was based, numbers of U.S. pilots that had been lost, the number of aircraft in his flight, information about location of rescue ships and the order of which his attack was supposed to take place. There is also evidence that McCain received "special" medical treatment from a Soviet physician. After he was out of the hospital, McCain continued cooperating with the North Vietnamese for a period of three years. He made radio broadcasts for the communists and met with foreign delegations, including the Cubans. He was interviewed by at least two North Vietnamese generals one of whom was Vietnam's national hero, General Vo Nguyen Giap. On June 4, 1969, a U.S. wire service story headlined "PW Songbird Is Pilot Son of Admiral," reported one of McCain's radio broadcasts: "Hanoi has aired a broadcast in which the pilot son of the United States commander in the Pacific, Adm. John McCain, purportedly admits to having bombed civilian targets in North Vietnam and praises medical treatment he has received since being taken prisoner. "The broadcast was beamed to American servicemen in South Vietnam as a part of a propaganda series attempting to counter charges by U.S. Defense Secretary Melvin Laird that American prisoners are being mistreated in North Vietnam." McCain says he violated the Code of Conduct only when the North Vietnamese brutally tortured him. He further claims that he was so distraught afterwards that he tried to commit suicide. He has never explained why his "aid to the enemy" continued for more than three years. Even though there are no reports in the public record from other POWs who witnessed McCain's claims of torture and heroics or his attempted suicide, the American media has accepted his version of events word for word, no questions asked. |
You sure this is accurate? It will certainly make me rethink if it is.
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i'm not getting when McCain was ever a hero?... ![]() A returning Vietnam POW... not a hero.... that publicity was bought and paid for, obviously to promote the career politic. yes, he served like millions of others, and good for that, but doesn't equal hero... i never really trusted him anyway, but he would have been better than barry.... |
i'm not getting when McCain was ever a hero?... ![]() A returning Vietnam POW... not a hero.... that publicity was bought and paid for, obviously to promote the career politic. yes, he served like millions of others, and good for that, but doesn't equal hero... i never really trusted him anyway, but he would have been better than barry.... I am definitely not fond of ole Barry, everyone knows it, but McCain would have been a MUCH bigger disaster in my opinion. Him, Graham, Reid, Feinstein, Pelosi and so many others..... they may sit on different sides of the aisle, but not on the issues, and all are self-serving statists with their only agenda being power and money. They're all crooks without a backbone between them, and only their pocket books to keep them anchored to the ground in their god-like desires to rule. Only one thing scares them really.... not being re-elected! TERM LIMITS! |
i'm not getting when McCain was ever a hero?... ![]() A returning Vietnam POW... not a hero.... that publicity was bought and paid for, obviously to promote the career politic. yes, he served like millions of others, and good for that, but doesn't equal hero... i never really trusted him anyway, but he would have been better than barry.... I am definitely not fond of ole Barry, everyone knows it, but McCain would have been a MUCH bigger disaster in my opinion. Him, Graham, Reid, Feinstein, Pelosi and so many others..... they may sit on different sides of the aisle, but not on the issues, and all are self-serving statists with their only agenda being power and money. They're all crooks without a backbone between them, and only their pocket books to keep them anchored to the ground in their god-like desires to rule. Only one thing scares them really.... not being re-elected! TERM LIMITS! agreed.. and add no more lobbying, too... i'm just voting against any incumbent too, just to send a small message... |
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Wed 05/29/13 09:27 AM
agreed.. and add no more lobbying, too... i'm just voting against any incumbent too, just to send a small message... Lobbying is not the problem....bribery and corruption is. Without lobbying the people would also lose their chance of a voice in congress as well. There needs to be some guidelines or REAL oversight on lobbyists for sure, but we need that option as individuals. There are good and bad lobbyists. What should be repealed is the law stating that corporations are people too, then they would lose their right to lobby and be subject to public it used to be. Special interest groups may be made up of people, but they do NOT represent the people! |
agreed.. and add no more lobbying, too... i'm just voting against any incumbent too, just to send a small message... Lobbying is not the problem....bribery is. Without lobbying the people would also lose their chance of a voice in congress as well. There needs to be some guidelines or REAL oversight on lobbyists for sure, but we need that option as individuals. There are good and bad lobbyists. What should be repealed is the law stating that corporations are people too, then they would lose their right to lobby and be subject to public it used to be. Special interest groups may be made up of people, but they do NOT represent the people! i was talking about the monetary aspects of lobbying... paying to change laws makes no sense to me... |
agreed.. and add no more lobbying, too... i'm just voting against any incumbent too, just to send a small message... Lobbying is not the problem....bribery and corruption is. Without lobbying the people would also lose their chance of a voice in congress as well. There needs to be some guidelines or REAL oversight on lobbyists for sure, but we need that option as individuals. There are good and bad lobbyists. What should be repealed is the law stating that corporations are people too, then they would lose their right to lobby and be subject to public it used to be. Special interest groups may be made up of people, but they do NOT represent the people! ![]() |
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Fri 05/31/13 08:19 AM
More and more is coming out about the REAL Sen John McCain for the public to chew on.
Like Hanoi Jane, McCain is familiar to may of us vets of that war. We read, saw and heard the reports of her actions and those of prisoners who were "cooperating" with the enemy. There is much controversy about the newly appointed Sec of State John Kerry, Clintons replacement, as well. Perhaps there is a little leverage at play here, appointing jaded, controversial Manchurian Candidates to positions of power in our government? From collaborators to Senators, heads of state, a traitor to wealthy Hollywood starlet, and married to media mogul Ted Turner..... a big supporter of the DC elite who admittedly agrees there are too many of us on our planet and something must be done about it..... a match made in hell with a perfect partnership.... don't you think? Then there are us unclean masses, the viewers of the media rhetoric, the followers of style and trend delivered daily thru the media outlets by people like Turner, Murdock, Bloomberg and others, selling us their wares, ideals.... our politicians and their policies...... as our choice! The sad truth? It's time to wake up before our daily dose of caffine and GMO food stuffs, fluoridated water and prescribed psychotropic drug intake, then turning on the TV or picking up the newspaper for our daily input of programming their billion dollar focus groups and outlets have tailored for "our viewing pleasure". This is of course my own opinion, but one that is hard to argue with when it becomes more and more clear every day. The powers at the top of the food chain battle for position, control, and have lost all thought or care for what we the unwashed masses think. Hell, we'll even let them destroy our constitution and rule of law, take our rights, steal our money, shoot us, break into our homes without warrant, watch our every move with cameras, control our food, water, where we can assemble, what we can say, think, do..... But we are free.... |