Topic: struggles with the other sex? | |
S, i am board of searches and writing women that never write back. I also heat the all intentional "Ill talk to you for like three months and then like do done."
I thought I was blonde, so heres a forum not to bash any one but to share your personal struggles with the other sex and what and how you can help yourself and how we can help each other. My Idea having a forum so that people can read the stuggles the messed up things and the pain others put use through when on a dating site. And how we can talk and work a on avoiding thoughs people and what to do next time it happens. |
wow no one intrested in talking to help earch other out and find a middle ground to bounce back from break ups or to find mr or mz right. This is not a shock beings I have been on this for like eight years and have found no one.
still no takers wow thougth we all forumed here>???
Haha. Nothing is wrong with you. And I'm sick and tired of men that do that exact same thing or don't actually want anything real. That pisses me off :P
I know exactly how you feel, man. I've been doing dating sites for a while, and it's just as hard to meet a girl online as it is in real life, if not harder.
so the struggles through out the dating world clearly excit within two or more medains that are cleshaided within society examples of this are shes fat or he has a complex so I dont like him. This my or my not be true yes she may be a bit over weight or he might not like certain things but do how over weight and why do they not like those things come to play,
People dont get to know any one and just find some one that is willing to tell them what they want to hear and the pass them over when it comes down to the insights behind what a relationship is and what it takes to keep on running properly. Rather thats a clesha in life or not IDK a relationship Running properly is key to me. An unhappy partnet mean a risk for a break up fights and even divorce. This to me is scary and a many thing it ok to ignore or use this risky sistuations as a mean or tools to sucess this is not true from what I have been studing and the issues must be address. What kind of issues are common in your relationships and do you know how do Identify the problems behind them and the problems behind how to fix them??? write back Jason |
1st off: great topic
![]() 2ndly: i think people are afraid to take the leap, y'know? too many a-holes and nobody wants to be treated like shyte. It's tooooo easy to quit when things get hard and even easier to not even start. sorry for the fractured writing lol. just don't want to over think things and ramble on like a.....rambly person. sooo, long story short: too easy and too many excuses IMO. the search continues though..... good luck to all! ![]() |
The boardum of the people have not found my forum a great topic sead seen tbrough book writers and o dso many of us lost from sick and the suffering side of society. is there any one aith an opion or jusy want to share. u would think for mire bolgers and forum writers.?? Whete has all the communication gogne.
I struggled...Then I gave up and decided to pursue a professional life.
S* be too busy to be messing around with a girlfriend, I've got polymath status to achieve. ![]() |
I think my struggle with girls on here is that they could be very sweet, smart and sexy and maybe seem to have a interest in you one night and never reply back. It seems like they get on here to feel wanted or maybe see that they could be with a guy. Not all or the majority just some ive talked to.
A brillent Topic. Yes the opposite sex is VERY annoying at sometimes. Boys vs Girls. Girls vs Boys. Going out to all the males on this site! GET SOME GUTS!!! Practitally No guy (except 1) has ever asked me out! I'm always the one doing the asking and makeing all the moves. Isnt that what boys are suppose to do? And why do they treat (well most men) like crap! We females are not only ment for 1 thing! Advice to guys: Watch some movies set in the 1800's or early 1900's. Just observe how they treat women. This gentlmen is what girls want...... (well me at least. :/
Aaaaw keep ur chin up buddy boy, not all of us females are like that. Ha read my post below yours and you'll see what I mean.
SO I am on just wondering why people dont take to the opp/ sex and am realizing that people just dont care to talk about faults and failors in their lifes/ I alwasys though you have to lose and win or go through the hard times to get to the good??? some times women dont see good because they become inpaitent some time just a trick.
Some people stand for only what they want in romance and in life and others keep an open mind when coming to what romance is and how to apply different kinds of romance. Shivery is common back in the 1800 and 1900. Witch is to say that there was no paracy or out laws back then. Back then the rapest down the street and the drunk even had manors. A ever so suddle reminder of why people hate other people. Values, morals and independance is what I look for in a women, some one how has the time to make the time to enjoy life question things when lost or not sure what a person ment by or is doing for. A women that bagges on the opp sex becasue she has not found the one is or just is tired of the same old same old or is getting caught ever time she cheats is a different story then a shiv respect sercher/ Not say thats what you are/ But i am saying guys dont make the first move because they dont want to get hurt or start something that the other person do not want to get involed with. IE did |
well some times people are unsure for certain reasons about dating, for instance someone trying to get back out there after a serious relationship where they were in love, I myself am one of them its been almost 4 years since it ended and I still haven't been in a serious relationship since. the funny part about it is I'm a die hard romantic, but although I don't want to be alone I also still feel guilty for trying to find someone else.
On the topic of the fat/overweight girls or the girls with the complex, I've honestly dated a few girls who were overweight when we met and while I'll admit that I didn't find any of them as physically attractive as other girls I'd met or dated (that's the reality of it), their personalities were what won me over.
My issue wasn't the weight as much as the baggage each girl had about her own weight. I'm athletic, I play tennis, I sail, I swim and generally try to keep my body in as healthy as state as I can given that my work is stressful and prevents me from sleeping as much as I need to, plus I have succumbed to the nicotine under stress from time to time. I had in each case discussed the idea of getting these girls in shape when they kept bringing up the topic about being self-concious about their weight and after getting to know them, I could see the patterns in each case that led to the weight issues. What I got was in one case, she started to work out with me, then I managed to get her on the tennis court but then she found every excuse why she wasn't available at the times we would train after about two weeks so the results were reversed. Another girl was just, well, lazy. She didn't really want to do any physical exercise, she would prefer to try a 'miracle' diet then break it, then complain, then go for another. In each case these girls were incredibly sweet and very intelligent but all had issues with most other girls who were smaller than they were, self-esteem issues which may not have been apparent in the beginning but were clear by the time I go to know them and in one case severe immaturity which became more apparent as time wore on and ultimately led to our breakup. My issue with overweight girls is not the weight, it's what the weight is usually a symptom of and the underlying complex that comes with it. |
Edited by
Sun 07/07/13 05:02 AM
My other struggles with the opposite sex have been meeting girls that are really just gold-diggers or finding that most of the girls who tell me how great a guy I was and how much a girl would be lucky to have me were either dating or married to my friends, eager to cheat on their boyfriends/husbands or quite a lot older than I am.
Where are the single girls my age and a little younger who also share those opinions? I've also met quite a few girls that seemed at first, very attractive, well dressed and appeared to carry themselves quite elegantly but by the end of the first sentence out of their mouths, I was no longer interested... those were 'one night stand' girls who didn't know it and believed that I should date them or take them seriously when their only contribution to the relationship would be a hot body and pretty face. I've been through that phase, I'm tired of these girls... I need a girl who has something going on between her ears but most of them seem to be married by the time you're 33 and I think I missed out because I was dating 'the immature overweight girl' with whom I 'thought' I was happy. For once I'd like to meet an active (thin and fit are not the same thing) intelligent girl who has an interesting personality (and no self-esteem issues) and just see where that goes... it's been a while since I've had that and all I seem to meet these days are much older women, very immature girls that turn out to be younger than they let on (I'm not terribly interested in dating a girl who was being breast-fed when I was dating my first girlfriend) or girls that seem to think that I work for the both of us... wtf!!! There is a big difference between taking care of the girl you're with and being the income earner of the girl you're with. So... I'm now trying a dating site... sigh. |
well some times people are unsure for certain reasons about dating, for instance someone trying to get back out there after a serious relationship where they were in love, I myself am one of them its been almost 4 years since it ended and I still haven't been in a serious relationship since. the funny part about it is I'm a die hard romantic, but although I don't want to be alone I also still feel guilty for trying to find someone else. feeling guility is like punishing yourself for other people and thier owne problems with in them ... like if a women does not like you there is nothing in the world that will allow her to other then her, she lies and that s an issue playing with people is not good, It might be better to remember that people need to recover and move on from old relationships though in their own time some like you choose to jump in when they feel ready its better then looking for some one new to date while feeling like killing yourself. and With romance and romantics there is alway a deeper feeling and emotional attachment to the person or persons within the relationships you have. leaving you at more of a risk for pain and sufferance. |
yes the weight is allows a clear sigh of neglect of themselves rather they want to admit it or not women with weight problems rather to thin or to big have issues that make these problems araise. Some time s it is better to address the real issues that are "the backs of the problems) the other problems are of course self est. deprations, and in the end psychological problems that you and me need to run from. LOL being honest is the best policy and if you think you can handle crazy to help fix it I would say jump right in and start dating. But if not then finding the best mach of crazy is possible. LOL
Address some of the other post you can only have an opinion to a dating event or a relationship when there is one. A one night stand stands for I needed booty and to know his cxxx works and psychologicaly speaking psychopathical women are not uncommon in the world leaving you to strock your Shxx and find some other source to use as a tool of life yes. ???? the other issues at hand are your willing ness to brake down and leave some one women test all the time, never will find one that does not . THey test boundries boarders and faithful ness, All the time they will test,, or us a test as a way of of course the other thing women always do minipulation. A huge one that you are best to defind psychopathically and not with arguments or willing ness to crumble under presure. NO FAT CHICKS<<<< Means No fat chicks and horney women love to fuxx thats what they do they lie Fuxx just like you and me but When we do it ,,, we know that we lie to not just her but ourselves and that in the end when the application of a relationship comes into play is effectively killing alot of what a relationship will take. Seen and talked about in many of psychologcal books and relationship books you can read and learn about how and what will and wont work. Thank you for writing that is what I was looking for form the forums. |