Topic: Have you ever - part 4 | |
No. Have u ever jumped 40 thousand feet without a parachute
Yeah...with Hugh jackman...many times... In my dreams..haha!
Have you ever been so foolish, you don't ever wanna go back the next day? |
Have you ever been given a wrong telephone number ? |
No. Have u ever given sumone wrong directions
Have you ever tickle someone and they told you that's not amusing ? |
have you ever been in a situation where you have said the wrong thing..... |
yes, and it was very costly
Have you ever witnessed sexual harassment at work? |
have you ever been sexually harassed ? |
No.,(thank God)
Have you ever open the fridge and you absolutely have no idea what you wanted to get? |
Have you ever got so drunk you forgot most of the night before? |
Have you ever kept left-over food stored in the fridge more then two days ? |
have you ever seen any ghost? |
Yep. Lived with one for years at my parent's house.
Have you ever slept outside under the stars? |
Have you ever stubbed your toe? (it's so painful) |
All the time. OUCH!!
Have you ever fallen UP the stairs? |
yup..., those darn steps keep growing higher and longer.
Have you ever cooked a dinner meal that was so good you did not want to share any of it ? |
No. I love to cook for others.
Have you ever cooked a meal that was so bad your family left and went out to eat instead? |
Have you ever fallen in the bathtub? |
Have you ever put a magnet under a table and another above it and let go and found it awesome how the bottom magnet moves? |
Have you ever stuck your tongue to the top of a can of frozen orange juice? |