Topic: searching for disabled girl for marraige.
TawtStrat's photo
Tue 03/12/13 11:51 AM
Well, if you have decided that you are only looking for a woman with a disability it probably can't do much harm because a disabled person is likely to be more open minded about that.

The thing is though, when you contact someone on a dating site like this you start off just chatting as friends; then if that goes well you maybe talk about dating and the possibility of a relationship. If you start off by telling them things that might make a relationship problematical that could put them off straight away.

Remember that a lot of the women on these sites really aren't sure that they are looking for a relationship or even a date. Making the conversation all serious or being pushy about dating can be a bit offputting for some of these women.

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 03/12/13 12:09 PM
I understand cvictor126's perspective.

Whether or not we want to admit it, plenty of single women in the USA look for a man who can provide them with a particular lifestyle, which a disability in a man would prevent.

ruth74's photo
Tue 03/12/13 12:13 PM

I am disabled too so no question of money. Only true love.

IF you are disabled as you say, then why isn't it specified on your profile? huh

Why should someone have to disclose that they have a disability on their profile? Would you put a medical condition or other information that's very personal on your profile? What's wrong with just getting to know someone as a person first before you start judging them about that stuff?

*gives you a great big hug*
Exactly my sentiment! Putting a disability on a profile is purely a matter of a perfect world, it wouldn't matter but we all know this world aint perfect.
Then again...disability is all a matter of perception. I know plenty of people who are considered non-disabled, yet they are crippled with emotional trauma. I'd far, far rather someone in a wheelchair with a good head on his shoulders, than someone up and walking around with a huge chip on his shoulders.

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 03/12/13 12:17 PM

I understand cvictor126's perspective.

Whether or not we want to admit it, plenty of single women in the USA look for a man who can provide them with a particular lifestyle, which a disability in a man would prevent.

Well, that depends. If a woman is looking for a guy that she can go roller skating or skiing with for example, then she probably isn't going to be interested in a guy that's in a wheelchair. If it's about money though, plenty of disabled people work.

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 03/12/13 12:27 PM

I understand cvictor126's perspective.

Whether or not we want to admit it, plenty of single women in the USA look for a man who can provide them with a particular lifestyle, which a disability in a man would prevent.

Well, that depends. If a woman is looking for a guy that she can go roller skating or skiing with for example, then she probably isn't going to be interested in a guy that's in a wheelchair. If it's about money though, plenty of disabled people work.

If cvictor126 lives outside the USA, then he may be able to find a local woman who isn't disabled but who would accept his disability.

Queene123's photo
Tue 03/12/13 12:37 PM
i dated a guy a few yrs ago that was disabiled
which i am as well
but he had to use a walker and wheel chair

that didnt bother me
what bother me was he wasent able
to be emotional supportive towards
me or his own self

so i felt it was not worth
having the relationship
we still talk every now and then

i have a old bf
that i have known for quit awhile
and over the summer he was hitting around
he wanted to get married again

the way he was acting it didnt matter to who

well he met this lady at the cannery
and he had only known her a few months and guess what
he married her a few months ago
and i found on line that her husband died 2yrs in jan
about the time they got married

and i text him resently and told him as long as he was happy with
annette thats all that matter
and he thank you
i ask what his plan was.. it was to walk the dog
i said arnt you working
his reply back was .. i dont have to work
i have money in 2 bank

dont think so
its more like her money for he had NON!!!

when we were together
i only knew about judy who i thought was his first wife... wrong
she was his 2nd
he never told me about the first i found out
never told him
and im pretty sure that he never told annette that he was married before

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 03/12/13 12:56 PM
If a man has a physical disability, then it will affect the kind of lifestyle and the size of income that the man has. Lifestyle and income size may not matter to a woman who puts love ahead of materialism, but finding such a woman isn't necessarily an easy task, especially if one lives in the USA.

no photo
Tue 03/12/13 12:56 PM

i dated a guy a few yrs ago that was disabiled
which i am as well
but he had to use a walker and wheel chair

that didnt bother me
what bother me was he wasent able
to be emotional supportive towards
me or his own self

so i felt it was not worth
having the relationship
we still talk every now and then

i have a old bf
that i have known for quit awhile
and over the summer he was hitting around
he wanted to get married again

the way he was acting it didnt matter to who

well he met this lady at the cannery
and he had only known her a few months and guess what
he married her a few months ago
and i found on line that her husband died 2yrs in jan
about the time they got married

and i text him resently and told him as long as he was happy with
annette thats all that matter
and he thank you
i ask what his plan was.. it was to walk the dog
i said arnt you working
his reply back was .. i dont have to work
i have money in 2 bank

dont think so
its more like her money for he had NON!!!

when we were together
i only knew about judy who i thought was his first wife... wrong
she was his 2nd
he never told me about the first i found out
never told him
and im pretty sure that he never told annette that he was married before

imho,it all depends on the person in question!! What it comes down to; we are all human-disabled or not,and we are all capable of being either good or bad!

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 03/12/13 01:05 PM

If a man has a physical disability, then it will affect the kind of lifestyle and the size of income that the man has. Lifestyle and income size may not matter to a woman who puts love ahead of materialism, but finding such a woman isn't necessarily an easy task, especially if one lives in the USA.

Yeah because it's inconceivable that someone with a disability could have a high salaried job.

Are you for real man?

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 03/12/13 01:15 PM

If a man has a physical disability, then it will affect the kind of lifestyle and the size of income that the man has. Lifestyle and income size may not matter to a woman who puts love ahead of materialism, but finding such a woman isn't necessarily an easy task, especially if one lives in the USA.

Yeah because it's inconceivable that someone with a disability could have a high salaried job.

Are you for real man?

OK, I erred. A physical disability could affect the size of income that a man has.

no photo
Tue 03/12/13 01:39 PM

Hi. Plz leave your message if any1 interested. Thanks

Welcome to Mingle2

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 03/12/13 01:43 PM

If a man has a physical disability, then it will affect the kind of lifestyle and the size of income that the man has. Lifestyle and income size may not matter to a woman who puts love ahead of materialism, but finding such a woman isn't necessarily an easy task, especially if one lives in the USA.

Yeah because it's inconceivable that someone with a disability could have a high salaried job.

Are you for real man?

OK, I erred. A physical disability could affect the size of income that a man has.

Well possibly but there's a space on profiles where you can tell people what your profession is and if necessary you can always add more information in your blurb about that, so I'm not too sure how the point you are trying to make is relevant.

A lot of women are looking to marry someone that has a good job or plenty of money. It can be hard to get a good job if you're a disabled person in America. So what?

Now, the women are going to want to know what you do for a living whether you are disabled or not. Possibly they might think that even if a disabled guy has a good job he might lose it and then it might be harder for him to get another job but there are a lot of reasons why someone might find it hard to get another job. If the guy was holding down a job and he was made redundant for some reason then why jump to the conclusion that he can't just get another job if he was doing the old one well enough?

I just don't really know what your point is but okay, let's say that I tell the women that I'm disabled and I am trying to get a good job. Wouldn't any intelligent woman then just want to know what my qualifications and ambitions are rather than just writing me off because I have a disability?

no photo
Tue 03/12/13 02:42 PM
Best of luck in your search for happiness !



ruth74's photo
Tue 03/12/13 05:39 PM

If a man has a physical disability, then it will affect the kind of lifestyle and the size of income that the man has. Lifestyle and income size may not matter to a woman who puts love ahead of materialism, but finding such a woman isn't necessarily an easy task, especially if one lives in the USA.

Yeah because it's inconceivable that someone with a disability could have a high salaried job.

Are you for real man?

*giggle* rofl

I used to work for a fellow who was a quadriplegic. He works online and makes more money than I could ever hope to.
Every time I helped him with personal care, I'd take his shirt off, then he'd shoot me a goofy grin and say "Your turn!"
I loved being with him, and was describing him to a friend, and it wasn't until the next day that she figured out he was disabled.
The perception that people have of you stems directly from the perceptions you have of yourself. I can't emphasize that strongly enough.

no photo
Tue 03/12/13 05:52 PM
hehehe {Hawww}
<<<you know what that makes me right now ?



cvictor126's photo
Tue 03/12/13 06:12 PM
Thank you frnds for your views and opinion. I hope this will help me to some extend.

cvictor126's photo
Tue 03/12/13 06:14 PM
Thank you frnds for your views and opinion. I hope this will help me to some extend.

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 12:36 AM

If a man has a physical disability, then it will affect the kind of lifestyle and the size of income that the man has. Lifestyle and income size may not matter to a woman who puts love ahead of materialism, but finding such a woman isn't necessarily an easy task, especially if one lives in the USA.

Yeah because it's inconceivable that someone with a disability could have a high salaried job.

Are you for real man?

Actually,they do-maybe not in your country,BUT,they do......i know several and they earn much,much more than a non disabled person does!!

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 12:41 AM

If a man has a physical disability, then it will affect the kind of lifestyle and the size of income that the man has. Lifestyle and income size may not matter to a woman who puts love ahead of materialism, but finding such a woman isn't necessarily an easy task, especially if one lives in the USA.

Yeah because it's inconceivable that someone with a disability could have a high salaried job.

Are you for real man?

*giggle* rofl

I used to work for a fellow who was a quadriplegic. He works online and makes more money than I could ever hope to.
Every time I helped him with personal care, I'd take his shirt off, then he'd shoot me a goofy grin and say "Your turn!"
I loved being with him, and was describing him to a friend, and it wasn't until the next day that she figured out he was disabled.
The perception that people have of you stems directly from the perceptions you have of yourself. I can't emphasize that strongly enough.

Couldnt agree more!

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 06:48 AM
You know what? There could be a thousand able-bodied men in the same room as one disabled guy. That disabled guy may just win me over way more easily, than any of those non-disabled. It all comes down to how he treats you. Whatever you want, go for it. Like anyone is really gonna be able to stop you. Just go after what YOU want. The rest of your life is important. drinker