One guy told me has purposely brought up religion and politics cause the girl will drop any act and show her true self. It maybe a good thing to bring it up early on in a relationship since faith and political beliefs play big roles in people lives. Having different beliefs can create problems if not address. That is my two cents and some of you may say that is all I have.
It can be a "shocker" when things come-up at a later date and a big "bubble burster."...Of course some people may not have strong opinions or beliefs that dominate their lives so it wouldn't matter so much...I wouldn't do well with a man who expected me to play-out the traditional female role in a relationship so this is a "biggie" for me...I don't want to give any "false impressions." (Of any kind!)...But I don't want to come on like "gangbusters" either and insist that all the "cards" be put out on the "table" on a first date....This is why I don't date!.. I'd rather just be friends with a man first with no pressure about anything!
One thing that makes it nice about these dating sites is that people can put many of the things that are important out front and the threads allow for discussion of different views. Plus some site like OKCupid and help match people up based on their questioner. Although none of this is a guaranty that you will be perfect for each other.
I love the word traditional because it really depends on what point of reference you go to. After all what are the traditional rolls? In most places, it is the man and woman sharing the work load and raise a family. It varies from culture to culture.
Being a Biblical Christian and not a Religious Christian my traditional views are different. I’ve seen women through out the Bible hold many roles like teachers, pastors, prophet, generals, business owners and I believe there is even one that was a dean of a college. Even in my house, my dad has helped with the choirs and cooking. Mom has helped with the yard upkeep. Both of them have work, though now my mom has retired. As you can see my traditional views are different from others.
Thanks for sharing your views and background...I grew-up in a home where I was expected to form theories and opinions of my own at an early age. (Even if my views seemed "at odds" with my parent's existing views.)...The emphasis was on "thinking" and questioning things and expanding our minds in one way or another...As a child I was expected to keep-up with current events. (On a national and local and even global scale.)...I enjoy studying various cultures and even "family dynamics."...My parents took pride in being well-rounded (and even "interchangeable") way back in the fifties. They didn't want to let their gender hold them back when it came to pursuing their interests or learning new skills etc...I think we should pay attention to politics. If more people started paying attention then politicians would face "accountability" on a mass scale... Public outrage (and involvement) could stop a lot of the corruption...How do you feel about it? Thanks.