Topic: Guess the Job of the Person Above You | |
YOu're the bearded lady at the carnivals
your the new rambo
Minnesota bridge inspector
Spongebob Squarepants
working for the city putting yellow lines with your teeth |
You're the guy who cleans up hospital birthing rooms after the birth
your the person that they show to kids where they say stay in scholl or youll be like this
You're the FDA test subject... (explains everything)
yeah woman pay for my meat by the pounds lol
You're the reason masks were invented.
your the reason they made cars so when we look at you we can get away faster
William Hung Impersonator
singing x-nun
penelope cruz impersonater
The Purple Teletubbie!
Drag QUeen Barbie!
oh cali we are doing this to make the game funner so dont take us 2 serious
the indian of the village ppl
Cranial REctal inversionist