Topic: "Real Jew News" | |
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Tue 02/26/13 10:51 AM
Still, I do not consider Jews to be exempt from being made fun of or talked about. But I mostly talk about ZIONISTS not Jews. They are not the same thing. actually only in your Mind! Convenient Duality! No its a fact. Most Jews living in America are anti-Zionist. And you don't have to be Jew to be a Zionist. Also, there is the question of what being a "Jew" really is. A Religion? If so, if you do not practice Judaism, then you are not a Jew. A Race? If so, why are there "Jews" of all skin colors??? So, you do not know what you are talking about. I only speak the truth as I know it. You might want to speak to some anti-Zionist Jews before you go preaching your beliefs. |
Still, I do not consider Jews to be exempt from being made fun of or talked about. But I mostly talk about ZIONISTS not Jews. They are not the same thing. actually only in your Mind! Convenient Duality! No its a fact. Most Jews living in America are anti-Zionist. And you don't have to be Jew to be a Zionist. Also, there is the question of what being a "Jew" really is. A Religion? If so, if you do not practice Judaism, then you are not a Jew. A Race? If so, why are there "Jews" of all skin colors??? So, you do not know what you are talking about. I only speak the truth as I know it. You might want to speak to some anti-Zionist Jews before you go preaching your lies. Or have you run out of rational Arguments ? |
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Tue 02/26/13 10:56 AM
You can't help yourself. You believe in lies. Watch this.
There are real Jews who are against Zionism.. How do you explain them. I have done plenty of research, and read plenty of books. You can not prove to me that Zionism has anything in common with Judaism or Jews. israel is a nuclear state israel is a terrorist state israel is a pirate state israel is an apartheid state israel is an illegal state israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony the UN itself said zionism is racism Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism |
You can't help yourself. You believe in lies. Watch this. There are real Jews who are against Zionism.. How do you explain them. I have done plenty of research, and read plenty of books. You can not prove to me that Zionism has anything in common with Judaism or Jews. israel is a nuclear state israel is a terrorist state israel is a pirate state israel is an apartheid state israel is an illegal state israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony the UN itself said zionism is racism Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism didn't take long to get started, huh... |
You can't help yourself. You believe in lies. Watch this. There are real Jews who are against Zionism.. How do you explain them. I have done plenty of research, and read plenty of books. You can not prove to me that Zionism has anything in common with Judaism or Jews. israel is a nuclear state israel is a terrorist state israel is a pirate state israel is an apartheid state israel is an illegal state israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony the UN itself said zionism is racism Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism didn't take long to get started, huh... |
You can't help yourself. You believe in lies. Watch this. There are real Jews who are against Zionism.. How do you explain them. I have done plenty of research, and read plenty of books. You can not prove to me that Zionism has anything in common with Judaism or Jews. israel is a nuclear state israel is a terrorist state israel is a pirate state israel is an apartheid state israel is an illegal state israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony the UN itself said zionism is racism Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism didn't take long to get started, huh... a new record... made it to the second page before it started... |
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Tue 02/26/13 11:37 AM
You can't help yourself. You believe in lies. Watch this. There are real Jews who are against Zionism.. How do you explain them. I have done plenty of research, and read plenty of books. You can not prove to me that Zionism has anything in common with Judaism or Jews. israel is a nuclear state israel is a terrorist state israel is a pirate state israel is an apartheid state israel is an illegal state israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony the UN itself said zionism is racism Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism didn't take long to get started, huh... a new record... made it to the second page before it started... |
You can't help yourself. You believe in lies. Watch this. There are real Jews who are against Zionism.. How do you explain them. I have done plenty of research, and read plenty of books. You can not prove to me that Zionism has anything in common with Judaism or Jews. israel is a nuclear state israel is a terrorist state israel is a pirate state israel is an apartheid state israel is an illegal state israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony the UN itself said zionism is racism Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism didn't take long to get started, huh... a new record... made it to the second page before it started... |
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Tue 02/26/13 12:44 PM
You can't help yourself. You believe in lies. Watch this. There are real Jews who are against Zionism.. How do you explain them. I have done plenty of research, and read plenty of books. You can not prove to me that Zionism has anything in common with Judaism or Jews. israel is a nuclear state israel is a terrorist state israel is a pirate state israel is an apartheid state israel is an illegal state israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony the UN itself said zionism is racism Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism didn't take long to get started, huh... a new record... made it to the second page before it started... You are the ones who started it with your stupid accusations. If you can't stand the truth then stay out of my threads. So how do you explain so many Jews against Zionism? How do you explain it? You can't. |
You can't help yourself. You believe in lies. Watch this. There are real Jews who are against Zionism.. How do you explain them. I have done plenty of research, and read plenty of books. You can not prove to me that Zionism has anything in common with Judaism or Jews. israel is a nuclear state israel is a terrorist state israel is a pirate state israel is an apartheid state israel is an illegal state israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony the UN itself said zionism is racism Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism didn't take long to get started, huh... a new record... made it to the second page before it started... You are the ones who started it with your stupid accusations. If you can't stand the truth then stay out of my threads. So how do you explain so many Jews against Zionism? How do you explain it? oh, relax... everyone has to hate someone, right? |
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Tue 02/26/13 12:45 PM
So you are saying that you can't explain it then.
Okeee dokee. I expected that. |
So you are saying that you can't explain it then. Okeee dokee. I expected that. i just did... everyone has people they hate, why would Jews be any different, if what your saying is true... just because you say something or think it really means nothing... if there was somehow some proof to what your saying, then we might be able to discuss it... but i have never heard about the zionist hating Jews like you fantasize about... |
You can't help yourself. You believe in lies. Watch this. There are real Jews who are against Zionism.. How do you explain them. I have done plenty of research, and read plenty of books. You can not prove to me that Zionism has anything in common with Judaism or Jews. israel is a nuclear state israel is a terrorist state israel is a pirate state israel is an apartheid state israel is an illegal state israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony the UN itself said zionism is racism Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism didn't take long to get started, huh... a new record... made it to the second page before it started... You are the ones who started it with your stupid accusations. If you can't stand the truth then stay out of my threads. So how do you explain so many Jews against Zionism? How do you explain it? You can't. You Guys are just too transparent! |
Edited by
Tue 02/26/13 12:55 PM
You can't help yourself. You believe in lies. Watch this. There are real Jews who are against Zionism.. How do you explain them. I have done plenty of research, and read plenty of books. You can not prove to me that Zionism has anything in common with Judaism or Jews. israel is a nuclear state israel is a terrorist state israel is a pirate state israel is an apartheid state israel is an illegal state israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony the UN itself said zionism is racism Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism Why Conspiracy Theorists Love YouTube. This writer says much. ""If you argue with conspiracy theorists on the Internet for even a short period of time, you’ll notice one thing very quickly: they love YouTube. It’s extremely rare to carry on any sort of “debate” with a conspiracy theorist of any stripe—9/11 Truther, moon hoaxer, global warming denier, what-have-you—and not see the CT post at least one, and usually more, links to videos on YouTube supposedly validating their position. In fact, in terms of sheer volume of the “evidence” posted by conspiracy theorists, YouTube appears to be their primary source of information. Furthermore, most of them simply can’t understand why not everybody is immediately persuaded by something on YouTube, and if you push back against their arguments, you’ll invariably get still more YouTube links. In the paranoid world of conspiracy theories, YouTube is evidently the ultimate oracle of all knowledge."" ""So, why do conspiracy theorists love YouTube? 1. In most cases, it’s honestly the best they can do. Conspiracy theories are, by definition, fringe beliefs. The most common shopworn theories these days—9/11 was an inside job, global warming is a hoax, the Illuminati is out to impose a “New World Order” on us, etc., etc.—are completely unsupported by empirical evidence. No reputable scientists or engineers believe that 9/11 was a “controlled demolition.” (Steven Jones and Judy Wood are not a reputable scientists, and Richard Gage is not a reputable engineer). The only studies “showing” that climate change is not happening or is not caused by humans are tainted by association with energy lobbies or other political agendas, and the supposed scientific bases for these viewpoints are not accepted in mainstream science. Therefore, by definition, you will not have pieces of peer-reviewed scholarship to point to that support conspiracy theories. The only support you can find is from some source where content is user-contributed, and thereby not vetted by any type of editorial process whatsoever—meaning, an open and unregulated community of ideas, which is the definition of what YouTube is. Example: you can’t find a legitimately peer-reviewed scientific paper claiming that the World Trade Center towers were blown up. Papers of that nature simply don’t exist. But type in “9/11 controlled demolition” into YouTube and you’ll bring up thousands of hits. Anybody can put up a YouTube video about anything. Unless it flagrantly violates the terms of service enough to be taken off the net, it will remain there for as long as the contributor wants it there, with no factual vetting of any kind. This is great if you think your cat playing the piano is really funny; chances are others will find that funny too. It’s not great when you’re trying to prove a scientific or factual point. Conspiracy theorists don’t have much “evidence” to choose from, and the richest bed of that sort of material is going to be an open source, user-contributed interface. Ergo, YouTube is custom-made for them."" ""2. Most conspiracy theorists are unaware of, or do not appreciate the importance of, non-Web-based, factually vetted sources of information (put another way, the difference between primary sources, secondary sources and tertiary sources). It sounds like a cliché, but it is largely true that most conspiracy theorists, at least those active on the Internet, are white males between the ages of 18 and 30 who either don’t have or are not yet finished getting college degrees. Let’s face it, the term peer-reviewed journal doesn’t come up much in this demographic, and far be it from most of these people to set foot into a respected university library. For these people, the Internet with its ease of information retrieval is the paradigm source of knowledge. Need to find something? Google it. Need to learn something about a particular subject? Type it into Wikipedia. "" continued .... ""Note, however, that even Wikipedia has a gatekeeping function. There are editors and moderators who constantly view and vet the articles that are posted there. So even a tertiary source like Wikipedia has some editorial control. Here’s the point: open-sourced Web services like YouTube don’t even rise to the level of tertiary sources! YouTube lacks even the minimal gatekeeping functions that Wikipedia has. I can post a video claiming that Ringo Starr was the first President of the United States. As long as it doesn’t violate the terms of service, which have nothing to do with factual accuracy, no one will take it down. Conspiracy theorists, however, typically don’t understand the hierarchy of various source materials. The difference between YouTube and the National Archives is completely lost on most of them. Consequently, YouTube is a “source” as equally credible as the National Archives—in fact, possibly even more credible because the gatekeeping function of source materials is often mistaken, in conspiracy theorists’ eyes, with conspiratorial meddling or other chicanery. 3. Conspiracy theorists cannot distinguish between credible and non-credible sources. This point is closely related to the above one. Because there’s no difference in a conspiracy theorist’s eyes between any two sources based upon the nature of those sources, they have no way of telling whether a source is true or false. David McCullough, a respected academic historian with decades of credentials, is no more reliable a source than David Icke, an ex-football player who believes that the world is controlled by reptilian shape-shifting aliens. John Maynard Keynes, one of the most influential economists in recent history, is no more credible than bloviating radio talkshow host Alex Jones on matters of economics. This is why conspiracy theorists generally interpret any questioning of the credibility of their sources as an “ad hominem” attack, because to them credibility is irrelevant. Taken to an extreme, this idea results in the bizarre belief that a YouTube video can be just as true and credible as a peer-reviewed scientific paper published in a nationally-respected journal. However, because the world (and especially the Internet) is filled with tidal waves of contradictory information, as human beings we must necessarily have a mechanism that separates truth from ********. No one believes absolutely everything they hear, even people who are extremely gullible; it’s just that the truth-versus-******** mechanism of gullible people is out of whack compared to that of the non-gullible. In evaluating the credibility of a particular piece of information, conspiracy theorists do not ask the questions that most of us would ask—“Where did this information come from? Who did it start with? What supports it? Is the source credible?”—because their shallow understanding of epistemology does not result in that sort of analysis. Too often, conspiracy theorists’ thought processes center around the content or outcome of a particular piece of information—“Does it support the ‘official story’ or does it support my theory?”—or a set of associations, usually negative, with the disseminator of the information itself—“Is it a government spokesperson saying this?”"" continued .... ""4. Presenting an argument in video format is much more emotionally satisfying than presenting an argument in any other way. Motion pictures have been used for propaganda purposes since the technology was invented. The phenomenal success of movies to make a political, social or racial statement was demonstrated first with D.W. Griffith’s 1915 film The Birth of a Nation, and the extraordinary power of movies to persuade people continues today. Packaging an argument in a video format, especially if it has interesting visuals and a good soundtrack, will carry your argument further and faster than it would travel by any other means. Conspiracy theorists are always recruiting, and using video is one of their most powerful tools. Consequently, it makes sense that their weapon of choice would be YouTube. To a large extent, conspiracy theorists probably don’t even realize the immense power of the medium that they seem to choose (unconsciously, perhaps) as their preferred means of communication. 5. Conspiracy theorists often exhibit an anti-intellectual bias, and because of their positions are forced to attack, ignore or explain away the legitimacy of expertise. YouTube plays into these biases perfectly. Here is the real meat of this blog: conspiracy theorists are usually anti-intellectual. They have no patience for the opinions of experts—usually because those experts do not support conspiracy theories—and they’re often contemptuous of credentialed experts in the first place. Consequently, conspiracy theorists invest a tremendous amount of thought and effort into denigrating or explaining away the views of those who know more about the subjects they’re talking about than they do. Conspiracy theorists hate experts and intellectuals mainly because they are forced to. Few if any real experts in anything—engineering, economics, metallurgy, political science, or history—agree with conspiracy theories, and conspiracy theorists know that this is a major obstacle in their attempts to gain mainstream acceptance. Honestly, if one structural engineer with questionable credentials says that the World Trade Center towers were dynamited and 99 real structural engineers say that theory is ********, which side are most people going to believe? Consequently, conspiracy theorists have to tear down experts. They do this mainly by denigrating the real value or relevance of expert opinion, which usually means casting aspersions on expert status in the first place. This has two effects: first, they think it blunts the attacks of experts on their theories, and second, it elevates non-expert opinion into the same realm as expert knowledge."" ""Conclusion Conspiracy theorists suffer from a number of profound misconceptions regarding how the world works, how knowledge is gathered and verified, and what constitutes proof and evidence. If they did not suffer from these misconceptions, they would not be conspiracy theorists, because the fantastic and unsupportable nature of their theories would be self-evident upon careful review of the real evidence. YouTube, being open-sourced user-generated content with no editorial or “gatekeeping” function, has become conspiracy theorists’ prime source of information preciselybecause it’s open-sourced with none of the gatekeeping functions, such as peer review or editorial processes, that make other sources of information reliable. This coupled with an inability to tell good sources from bad ones plays directly into conspiracy theorists’ conceits that they have “special” knowledge, that expert opinion is overrated or irrelevant, and that they can “change the world” simply by spreading a couple of YouTube links and “opening people’s eyes.” But conspiracy theorists’ reliance on YouTube is yet another illustration of why their worldview is intellectually bankrupt and incapable of attracting serious mainstream attention. When your “evidence” regarding something is a YouTube video from Prison Planet or Infowars, you’re telegraphing to the world that you’ve got nothing better to support your position. Don’t be surprised when people don’t take you seriously."" |
Just because you don't like the truth does not mean you can change it. You can deny it all you want, but what is true is always true. The truth shall be known completely. It is being known. You may as well give up your struggle to hide it.
Edited by
Tue 02/26/13 12:59 PM
Just because you don't like the truth does not mean you can change it. You can deny it all you want, but what is true is always true. The truth shall be known completely. It is being known. You may as well give up your struggle to hide it. The Truth and nothing but the Truth! |
Sheeple suffer from a number of profound misconceptions regarding how the world works, how knowledge is gathered and verified, and what constitutes proof and evidence.
The 9-11 commission, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other secret agencies don't have any proof for what they claim.... and they is why it is "classified." It is classified because it SUCKS. It is classified because it implicates globalist Zionist criminals. And globalist Zionists criminal control the CIA and the FBI. You are barking up the wrong tree for truth and justice if you are depending on this corrupt system to deliver it. |
Sheeple suffer from a number of profound misconceptions regarding how the world works, how knowledge is gathered and verified, and what constitutes proof and evidence. The 9-11 commission, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other secret agencies don't have any proof for what they claim.... and they is why it is "classified." It is classified because it SUCKS. It is classified because it implicates globalist Zionist criminals. And globalist Zionists criminal control the CIA and the FBI. You are barking up the wrong tree for truth and justice if you are depending on this corrupt system to deliver it. You really fit the classical Profile of the CT! |
Just because you don't like the truth does not mean you can change it. You can deny it all you want, but what is true is always true. The truth shall be known completely. It is being known. You may as well give up your struggle to hide it. The Truth and nothing but the Truth! Sheeple and Shills hate experts and intellectuals that do not work directly for the Criminal Cabal because they tell the truth. "So, why do conspiracy theorists love YouTube? " Because they can practice FREEDOM OF SPEECH for the most part. Unlike the Networks that are all owned and controlled by Zionists criminals. |
Sheeple suffer from a number of profound misconceptions regarding how the world works, how knowledge is gathered and verified, and what constitutes proof and evidence. The 9-11 commission, the FBI, the CIA, and all the other secret agencies don't have any proof for what they claim.... and they is why it is "classified." It is classified because it SUCKS. It is classified because it implicates globalist Zionist criminals. And globalist Zionists criminal control the CIA and the FBI. You are barking up the wrong tree for truth and justice if you are depending on this corrupt system to deliver it. You really fit the classical Profile of the CT! I don't argue, I just utter the truth. It be YOU that attempts to argue. |