Topic: is something wrong
mary18's photo
Mon 08/13/07 04:19 PM
my baby is 4 weeks old and when she cries she screams is there something wrong or is this normal

Soazcowgirl's photo
Mon 08/13/07 04:21 PM
Probably not, but if your concerned check with her Dr.

no photo
Mon 08/13/07 04:24 PM
colicky the doctor..flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 08/13/07 04:24 PM
I could be colic but you should def take her to the doc.

no photo
Mon 08/13/07 04:24 PM

Sounds colicky. Did you talk to your doc?

AllSmilesInTulsa's photo
Mon 08/13/07 04:25 PM
My daughter cried normally but my son was a "screamer". It scared me at first but that's just how he cried.

no photo
Mon 08/13/07 04:33 PM
every baby is different....both my children cried very little and when they screamed as you describe, almost always that signified discomfort; or trying to get our immediate could try different things untill you figure out what your baby is wanting or needing......our daughter would scream like that until i drove her around the block in the car and she would calm down immediately, my son would fall asleep in the middle of an aisle at the grocery store when he needed to take a nap...he never screamed unless his hands were dirty or sticky and he would go beserk and is still like that today..........good luck, don't worry be happy!!!!!!!!

mary18's photo
Mon 08/13/07 04:33 PM
her doctor said she was fine but i don't think she is

Angelsing's photo
Mon 08/13/07 04:34 PM
I once read a story about a mother who's baby was crying and crying and she nor the Doctor could figure out what was wrong with the baby.

A few days later the Mother discovered a tiny stran of hair was wrapped around one of the baby toes causing the circulation to be cut off.

I don't think it's normal for a baby to be screaming though, unless that's just the way she cries. Please check with the Doc asap.

no photo
Mon 08/13/07 04:35 PM
from my experience with my 2 girl 13/9 it could be colic or some type of inner ear infection.... but its hard to tell when shes only 4 weeks.. they would have to run tests...

blueyedgirl70's photo
Mon 08/13/07 04:39 PM
My son cried like that for months and the only way he'd sleep (which was very little) was on my chest. The doctor kept saying he was colicky, but come to find out after I added a little bit of baby cereal with his food he quit crying. He was just starving. After that he never screamed like that again.

Angelsing's photo
Mon 08/13/07 07:15 PM
her doctor said she was fine but i don't think she is

I would try to get a second opinon. Sometimes you have to go through a few doctors until you find one that is just as concerned as you are about your child.

I went through several until I found one I could trust.

unsure's photo
Mon 08/13/07 07:27 PM
If you don't feel comfortable with what your dr said, I would get a second opinion. Neither one of my boys ever cried like that...I would call another dr and have it checked out!!
Good luck flowerforyou