Topic: Not religion per se.....self -actualization....
willowdraga's photo
Thu 01/31/13 03:02 PM
Humanistic psychology

Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, leaders in the Humanistic Psychology movement, developed the concept of self-actualization.

Based on Maslow, the most common meaning given to self-realization is that of psychological growth. It represents the awakening and manifestation of latent potentialities of the human being -for example, ethical, esthetic, and religious experiences and activities.[11]

Maslow defined self-actualization as:

The impulse to convert oneself into what one is capable of being.[12]

Western esotericism

Western esotericism integrates a broad variety of traditions. It views self-realization as the ultimate goal of a human being, attaining permanent happiness and complete independence and freedom from all worldly bondage. In this view, true happiness is the result of self-realization.

I found the name for where I found myself along my journey...

Most describe it as the end but I hope I so want to learn so much more......

It took a lot of terrible life experiences to learn enough to get here. But without them I would have never learned so no regrets.

Anyone else know when they reached this point?

TBRich's photo
Thu 01/31/13 03:31 PM
I did post-graduate work at Ohio University, near the Maslow archives and in his personal papers he doubts his own theories. This I believe was due to his meeting Timothy Leary and getting weirded out by him (is it weird that weird is not i before e except after c); his theories have generally only been applicable in business management. Carl Rogers was a complete load of crap, although one of my professors told me in any lecture I was suppose to mention him at least three times, which was to be done thusly- "Carl Rogers, Carl Rogers, Carl Rogers" and get it out of the way. For reference may I suggest Malpsychia (I forget the authors name). For example, when Rogers wife was dying, he would visit her in the hospital and encourage her to die, because his "inner self" did not want to visit her anymore.

TBRich's photo
Thu 01/31/13 03:33 PM
Oops, otherwise, good for you, you are on the right track.

no photo
Fri 02/01/13 05:21 AM
I used to be ill with Chron's disease. I needed something to believe in, or more hope. I needed to feel mentally at peace with the illness, so I prayed a lot.

rick056's photo
Sat 02/02/13 06:30 PM
If u believe that Jesus lived on this earth died for your sins and was resurected you are a believer
When u pray rebuke Satan ask the holy spirit in
Then pray
Bless u