Topic: Immigration Reform | |
Illinois Undocumented Driver's Licenses, Immigration Reform, Chicago News llinois Rep. Edward J. Acevedo, D-Chicago, argues legislation just prior to the House passing legislation allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses while on the House floor during session at the Illinois State Capitol Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2013, in Springfield Ill. CHICAGO — As Illinois becomes the fourth and most populous state to give undocumented immigrants permission to drive, nagging concerns remain about whether there are enough safeguards to avoid the identity fraud and other pitfalls other states faced. Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn signed Illinois' measure into law Sunday in Chicago. Backers, including Quinn, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and some of the state's top Republicans, tout it as a public-safety measure. They argue that required facial recognition technology is reliable enough to prevent fraud. They hailed it as an important step for immigrant rights in Illinois, which approved its own Dream Act in 2010 to create a privately-funded scholarship program for immigrant students. President Barack Obama plans to discuss his plan to overhaul the immigration system during a trip to Las Vegas on Tuesday. "This was a bipartisan effort to pass an important law," Quinn said. "When the president speaks on Tuesday, he can say about his home state of Illinois ... we not only passed the Dream Act last year, we passed driver's licenses for those who are undocumented ." However, the law's opponents have pointed to hundreds of fraudulent cases in New Mexico, Washington and Utah after those states began giving undocumented immigrants permission to drive. Illinois will not require applicants to be fingerprinted, for fear that would discourage immigrants from applying. "How many people would apply for this document knowing that fingerprints will be going to (federal authorities)? Probably not all that many," said Fred Tsao, policy director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, a driving-force behind the measure. Proponents say it will allow an estimated 250,000 people unlawfully residing in the state to apply for a three-year temporary driver's license and require them to get training and insurance. The Illinois secretary of state's office said the licenses will be available starting in October. Those ready for the change include 45-year-old Victoria Chavez. "I need to get my driver's license because I have two kids," the Chicago woman said. "They need my support. This is a victory for all of us in the immigrant community." |
Those ready for the change include 45-year-old Victoria Chavez. "I need to get my driver's license because I have two kids," the Chicago woman said. "They need my support. This is a victory for all of us in the TLLEGAL immigrant community." Hey DHS Here's an admitted Illegal. She is an admitted felon. Do your duty and deport her. Question. They come here without proof of who they are. How they gonna' get a license? I had to provide a birth certificate and SSN to get my first one. Is she and other ILLEGALS have SSN, they will have to have bought stolen ones, no? |
ok let's get rid of all the illegal aliens in America...and then Americans will rejoice as all the businesses that can't afford to pay Americans minimun wage go out of business....and those business that could pay minimun wage or more go out of business because they generated most of their business from the businesses that had illegal aliens
America became the greatest country on the planet because they imported illegal aliens and built the country by paying them less then sh_t ...and that's how it remained so if the country is not going to get rid of illegal aliens because they need them...then what's the find a way to ingrained them into society as human beings not criminals if someone hit your either want them to have inssurance or your don't ......if you're driving without issurance you're a criminal.. it doesn't matter if you are an illegal alien or an American.. |
ok let's get rid of all the illegal aliens in America...and then Americans will rejoice as all the businesses that can't afford to pay Americans minimun wage go out of business....and those business that could pay minimun wage or more go out of business because they generated most of their business from the businesses that had illegal aliens America became the greatest country on the planet because they imported illegal aliens and built the country by paying them less then sh_t ...and that's how it remained so if the country is not going to get rid of illegal aliens because they need them...then what's the find a way to ingrained them into society as human beings not criminals if someone hit your either want them to have inssurance or your don't ......if you're driving without issurance you're a criminal.. it doesn't matter if you are an illegal alien or an American.. Corporate brainwashing at it's finest. Corporations have piped that BS through MSMBS so long, the brain-dead really believe it. Illegals build sub-standard housing. Illegals **** in the fields and pass us e-coli. Illegals bring polio and TB. Many Illegals who come over do so because they wouldn't pass background or health checks. Most Illegals come here without ID and steal identification. You want to pardon that just to satisfy Corporate wants for cheap labor. No one would go out of business. Learn a little about the degrees of Immigration we already have. They can apply to work here. Temporarily or permanently. They can apply to send their kids here for educating. Those who didn't apply and are committing felonies, possessing and using stolen IDs and SSNs are felonies, need to be jailed then, deported for life. |
ok let's get rid of all the illegal aliens in America...and then Americans will rejoice as all the businesses that can't afford to pay Americans minimun wage go out of business....and those business that could pay minimun wage or more go out of business because they generated most of their business from the businesses that had illegal aliens America became the greatest country on the planet because they imported illegal aliens and built the country by paying them less then sh_t ...and that's how it remained so if the country is not going to get rid of illegal aliens because they need them...then what's the find a way to ingrained them into society as human beings not criminals if someone hit your either want them to have inssurance or your don't ......if you're driving without issurance you're a criminal.. it doesn't matter if you are an illegal alien or an American.. Interesting Response! Good one! |
Where do you get all that information! |
Edited by
Thu 01/31/13 07:02 AM
willing2 Where do you get all that information! I live on the border. Immigration law and entry requirements is daily conversation here. Most all my friends and acquaintances are Mexicans. Where do you get yours? or MSMBS? ____________________________________________________________________ Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Diseases The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration ^ | July 20, 2010 | P. F. Wagner and Dan Amato Posted on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 7:16:47 PM by Tolerance Sucks Rocks Legal immigrants are required to have medical screening to ensure that they do not bring any contagious diseases into the United States. Illegal aliens are not screened and many are carrying horrific third world diseases that do not belong in the USA. Many of these diseases are highly contagious and will infect citizens that come in contact with an infected illegal alien. This has already happened in restaurants, schools, and police forces. Malaria was eradicated from the USA in the 1940s but recently there were outbreaks in southern California, New Jersey, New York City, and Houston. Additionally, Malaria tainted blood has been discovered in the blood supply. Dengue was first recognized in the 1950s, affects most Asian countries and has become a leading cause of death among children in the infected areas. Heretofore unknown in the US, Dengue outbreaks have now occurred in the United States. Leprosy, a scourge of Biblical days, is caused by a bacillus agent and is now know as Hansen's Disease. In the 40 years prior to 2002, there were only 900 total cases of leprosy in the US. In the following three years there have been 9,000 cases and most were illegal aliens. As noted in the article Leprosy in America: new cause for concern by Dr. William Levis, head of the New York Hansen's Disease Clinic. "It's creeping into the U.S. ... This is a real phenomenon. It's a public health threat. New York is endemic now, and nobody's noticed." In the same article, Dr. Terry Williams, who runs a Houston-based clinic serving leprosy patients across southern Texas, said that the bulk of the cases treated by his clinic were immigrants. "A lot of our cases are imported," he said. "We see patients from everywhere--Africa, the Philippines, China, South America." (emphasis added) Hepatitis A-E is a viral infection that primarily attacks the liver. In 2004, more than 650 people contacted Hepatitis A at a single Chi-Chi's Mexican restaurant in Pennsylvania. Four latter died. Hepatitis B is one of the major diseases of mankind and is a serious global public health problem. It is estimated that 2 BILLION people are infected and about one million persons die each year. The new vaccine is only 95% effective in preventing an infection and will not cure a person who already has Hepatitis B, which results in a lifelong infection, cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver, liver cancer, liver failure, and early death. An estimated 1.3 million people in the US are currently infected. No vaccine is currently available to prevent Hepatitis C-E and treatment for chronic Hepatitis C costs about $1,500 per person. Tuberculosis (TB) kills approximately 2 million people each year. It is estimated that between 2002 and 2020, approximately 1,000,000,000 people will be newly infected, over 150 million people will get sick, and 36 million will die. TB is a highly contagious disease. Like the common cold, it spreads through the air. When infectious people cough, sneeze, talk or spit, they propel TB germs, known as bacilli, into the air. Each person with active TB will infect on average between 10 and 15 people every year. The United States currently has one of the lowest rates of TB in the world. Mexico has 10 times the rate of prevalence and many African countries along with Afghanistan, Cambodia, the Philippines, and Indonesia have rates that are 100 – 150 times higher. Making matters worse, a few years ago a Multi-Drug-Resistant (MDR) strain of TB has emerged that is resistant to all standard anti-TB drugs. Treating a single case of MDR TB costs over $250,000 and as much as $1,200,000 per person, and even with treatment about half of the patients with MDR-TB prematurely die. In an article in the Journal of the American Medical Assn., Dr. Reuben Granich, a lead investigator for the CDC commented on MDR-TB: "Evidence of it has surfaced in 38 of 61 California health jurisdictions, and it could ‘threaten the efficacy of TB control efforts,' Granich said. The infected were said to be four times as likely to die from the disease and twice as likely to transmit the disease to others ... Reluctant to label the infected as ‘illegal' or even ‘undocumented' aliens, the report notes that of the 407 known cases of MDR-TB, 84% were ‘foreign-born' patients, mainly from Mexico and the Philippines who'd been in the U.S. less than five years. The percentage of TB cases among the ‘foreign-born' jumped from 29% in 1993 to 53% as of last year." Recently, there was a TB Outbreak In Oklahoma City in a hospital affecting thousands. Hopefully, this will not be the new extensively drug-resistant XDR strain just being brought in by illegal aliens (now 4% of US cases) and which is currently impossible to cure at any cost. In any case, it would not be surprising to find that the source of the outbreak is an illegal alien working in the hospital or an infected resident worker who became infected through contact with an infected illegal alien since the TB rate for residents in the USA is very low. For more information on TB and the link to illegal aliens, see: Is CDC covering up skyrocketing TB rate? Immigration helps diseases spread in Valley Mayor favors tougher stance against illegals. Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis), endemic to South and Central America, is spread by infected triatomine bugs, known as the "kissing bugs," that bite people. It was unknown in the United States until fairly recently. It is now estimated that between 100,000 and 500,000 people in the US have Chagas Disease. Who is infected? Mostly illegal aliens. Since Chagas Disease is basically unknown outside of the illegal alien community most doctors won't recognize it and the blood supply just started being screened for it. Most cases of Chagas Disease that occur in patients other than illegal aliens are thought to be contracted from tainted blood – blood sold by illegal aliens with Chagas Disease before the blood supply started being tested for it as of August of 2006. HIV The number of illegal Mexican and Central American immigrants with HIV or AIDS is unknown, mostly because researchers rarely ask about immigration status. However, it is known that the rate of HIV infection among Latino women in California is about twice the rate of white women. At one free California health clinic, all of the women have HIV or AIDS. Most are Mexican or Central American "immigrants." Then there is Schistosomiasis, Guinea Worm Infection, Whooping cough, Cysticercosis, Morgellon's, and a host of others. All these diseases and pathogens, and a plethora of others that are not endemic to the US, are being brought in by unscreened illegal aliens who then spread them to an unsuspecting population. These diseases will give you something to think about the next time you are eating at a restaurant with the grunt work being done by illegal aliens who didn't have medical screening before preparing and handling your food. As recently reported in Hepatitis Risk for East Asians in New York, among east Asian immigrants in New York City, one person in seven carries the Hepatitis B virus and that researchers at New York Univ. School of Medicine, found that 15% of east Asians in New York - as many as 100,000 people - are chronic hepatitis carriers, with the rate highest among immigrants from China. That infection rate is 35 times the rate found in the general population. The article did not mention how many of the infected people were illegal aliens but odds are the vast majority were. Health reporter Bill Sardi noted: "Recently an outbreak of hepatitis traced to Chi-Chi's Mexican restaurant, in Pennsylvania was inexplicably traced to contaminated green onions, not the most obvious cause, undocumented food workers who harbored Hepatitis. For the most part, Hepatitis is a blood-borne, not a food-borne disease. The Hepatitis outbreak infected over 650 individuals, caused 9,000 Americans to undergo immune globulin shots, and killed 4 people. If Americans found out restaurants can commonly infect their customers from food workers, it would be a serious blow to the restaurant industry. Better blame the green onions. Let's concede the onions, grown in Mexico, were contaminated from fecal material containing Hepatitis. Did all the green onions imported from Mexico end up in one single restaurant? There were no other outbreaks of Hepatitis anywhere elsewhere from green onions. There were 13 restaurant workers who had Hepatitis. They were the likely source of the transmitted infection. While the unions resist mandatory Hepatitis screening and vaccination for food workers, the government mandates that newborn babies be jabbed with Hepatitis vaccines before they can leave the hospital. The logic in this defies understanding until one realizes that newborn babies of immigrant families can more easily acquire Hepatitis so all babies are given the vaccines." As noted in a May 2006 article, Milford taking harsher stance against illegals than Framingham, increased levels of TB are being noted and some municipalities are finally starting to take action to protect their citizens. As unfortunate as it may be, the US can not bear the financial burden for treating the world's sick, ill, and infected populace, but the Govt. should be protecting American citizens from the diseases being brought in by illegal aliens. How many more citizens will come down with Hepatitis, Leprosy, E-coli, or Chagas Disease from contact with an infected illegal alien before something is done? How many school children must get TB before our government takes action to protect them? Remember the movie Alien and how the creature popped out of infected bodies? The Guinea Worm is a mini-version. Maybe your kids can take advantage of the experience on show & tell day. If we screen legal aliens for contagious diseases, why are we allowing unscreened and contagious illegal aliens to roam the country infecting the citizenry? Diseases - collateral damage from a "victimless crime" to save ten cents on a head of lettuce. ______________________________________________________________ Requirements for Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Visas (09/10/2012)There are two categories of U.S. visas: immigrant and nonimmigrant. Immigrant visas are issued to foreign nationals who intend to live permanently in the United States. Nonimmigrant visas are for foreign nationals wishing to enter the United States on a temporary basis – for tourism, medical treatment, business, temporary work, study, or other similar reasons. |
I heard that in Alabama, they did such a good job at getting rid of the illegals, that the farmers are petitioning to force the Department of Corrections make prisoners to work the fields.
Edited by
Thu 01/31/13 07:17 AM
I heard that in Alabama, they did such a good job at getting rid of the illegals, that the farmers are petitioning to force the Department of Corrections make prisoners to work the fields. Legal Migrant Farm Workers. Novel idea, no? ___________________________________________________________________ Step 2 - After the immigrant petition has been approved (excluding DV applicants) by USCIS, then the next step is preliminary processing for a visa with the Department of State, National Visa Center. Visit Immigrant Visa Processing – the National Visa Center for information related to: Affidavit of Support Required applicant documents (i.e. birth certificates, police reports, marriage/divorce certificates, etc.) Medical Exam/Panel physician information Interviews _______________________________________________________________ Required Medical Examination (Complete before visa interview) Important Notice: Immigrant visa applicants should complete their medical examinations with authorized physicians before their scheduled interview dates. _____________________________________________________________________ Required Documents The applicant is responsible to bring all required original documents to the interview, except for documents already submitted to the NVC. Failure to bring all required original documents to the interview may cause delay or denial of the visa. The following documents must be available at the interview: Appointment Letter received from the NVC Passport(s) valid for six months beyond the intended date of entry into the United States Police Certificate(s) Birth Certificate(s) Court and prison records, if applicable Military records, if applicable Color photographs Marriage Certificate, if applicable Evidence of financial support (e.g. Affidavit of Support, a notarized offer of employment, or evidence of assets) Divorce decree or death certificate of spouse, if applicable Family-based cases: All original documents establishing the relationship between the petitioner and the applicant Employment-based cases: A currently valid letter from the prospective employer confirming the essential elements of the job offer |
I heard that in Alabama, they did such a good job at getting rid of the illegals, that the farmers are petitioning to force the Department of Corrections make prisoners to work the fields. Legal Migrant Farm Workers. Novel idea, no? Yeah but Ceasar Chavez isn't around anymore. And they should have thought all this before hand and made preparations; I wonder how this will effect the food prices. |
I heard that in Alabama, they did such a good job at getting rid of the illegals, that the farmers are petitioning to force the Department of Corrections make prisoners to work the fields. Legal Migrant Farm Workers. Novel idea, no? Yeah but Ceasar Chavez isn't around anymore. And they should have thought all this before hand and made preparations; I wonder how this will effect the food prices. The process is still on the books. The laws are still in place. All that is missing is Nappytailino enforcing Immigration Law. |
Edited by
Thu 01/31/13 07:25 AM
I live on the border.
Immigration law and entry requirements is daily conversation here. Most all my friends and acquaintances are Mexicans. Where do you get yours? or MSMBS? I get my info from News Media and Internet research like many people here do. Referring to Your President again, huh! |
I live on the border.
Immigration law and entry requirements is daily conversation here. Most all my friends and acquaintances are Mexicans. Where do you get yours? or MSMBS? I get my info from News Media and Internet research like many people here do. Referring to Your President again, huh! You bother reading the Gov. pages I posted? Who is the biggest beneficiary of Illegal Immigrant labor? My wife got in on the last Amnesty. Know what that Amnesty did? It created a demand for more illegals. Again. Who benefits, makes the most money for their shareholders, from illegal labor? Hint; The same groups that pay off Politicians and manipulate MSMBS. Now, can you disprove my posts? |
ok let's get rid of all the illegal aliens in America...and then Americans will rejoice as all the businesses that can't afford to pay Americans minimun wage go out of business....and those business that could pay minimun wage or more go out of business because they generated most of their business from the businesses that had illegal aliens America became the greatest country on the planet because they imported illegal aliens and built the country by paying them less then sh_t ...and that's how it remained so if the country is not going to get rid of illegal aliens because they need them...then what's the find a way to ingrained them into society as human beings not criminals if someone hit your either want them to have inssurance or your don't ......if you're driving without issurance you're a criminal.. it doesn't matter if you are an illegal alien or an American.. Corporate brainwashing at it's finest. Corporations have piped that BS through MSMBS so long, the brain-dead really believe it. Illegals build sub-standard housing. Illegals **** in the fields and pass us e-coli. Illegals bring polio and TB. Many Illegals who come over do so because they wouldn't pass background or health checks. Most Illegals come here without ID and steal identification. You want to pardon that just to satisfy Corporate wants for cheap labor. No one would go out of business. Learn a little about the degrees of Immigration we already have. They can apply to work here. Temporarily or permanently. They can apply to send their kids here for educating. Those who didn't apply and are committing felonies, possessing and using stolen IDs and SSNs are felonies, need to be jailed then, deported for life. the same can be said about some Americans ......but yet so far I haven't heard you deny that America was built on the backs of illegal aliens or non-citizens ....everything you have or own was due to illegal Aliens or made in a foreign country |
willing2 Where do you get all that information! from Rush Limbaugh |
I live on the border.
Immigration law and entry requirements is daily conversation here. Most all my friends and acquaintances are Mexicans. Where do you get yours? or MSMBS? I get my info from News Media and Internet research like many people here do. Referring to Your President again, huh! huuffington is the same as just another lib lie spot... |
Immigration Enforcement saves children's lives.
Deport Illegals for the sake of the children. |
I live on the border.
Immigration law and entry requirements is daily conversation here. Most all my friends and acquaintances are Mexicans. Where do you get yours? or MSMBS? I get my info from News Media and Internet research like many people here do. Referring to Your President again, huh! huuffington is the same as just another lib lie spot... Just another Opinion !! |
I live on the border.
Immigration law and entry requirements is daily conversation here. Most all my friends and acquaintances are Mexicans. Where do you get yours? or MSMBS? I get my info from News Media and Internet research like many people here do. Referring to Your President again, huh! huuffington is the same as just another lib lie spot... Just another Opinion !! Opinion being passed off as fact and evidence. Then you question my fact? |
willing2 Where do you get all that information! from Rush Limbaugh |