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Topic: Do gun control laws
Conrad_73's photo
Sat 01/26/13 03:35 AM
Statism Is Slavery

The people who were killed in Aurora, the people who were killed at columbine, and VA Tech and CT were killed because their government (which is believed to work for them) failed to protect them by making these places gun free zones. If someone is going to shoot someone they are not going to walking into a gun range or gun shop and do it. They are going to go into places where they know nobody is armed. You want to protect children, arm the teachers. You want to protect yourself, arm yourself. It is your right to own a machine gun if you want and nobody has the right to stop you. Gun control IS gun violence. For those that don't know why I say such things let me put it like this...When statists call for STRICTER GUN LAWS what they are actually asking for is "Obama passes a law that punishes innocent responsible people and anyone who is known to possess those guns will have their door kicked in with automatic rifles stuck in their faces and they are thrown in a cage not because they harmed anyone but because they possessed a piece of hardware the government doesn't approve of. Everything the government does, every law it passes, every regulation it imposes they are always backed by the threat of gun violence.

~Mike Daneau

no photo
Sat 01/26/13 05:40 AM

This is just an observation, but it's interesting to me how so many of the people against gun control tend to be white male republicans.

Maybe it's because there are so few liberal patriots!


Liberals are corrupt, power hungry, money grubbers, and less guns means less resistance to policies that are destroying America!

you forgot the part about no moral compass, The whole God is dead but Elvis is alive mentality. If it feels good do it, its my right to have fun, Dont tell me i cant kill my unborn, but i will do everything but that to protect the Children, which is a Knee jerk reaction with no basis in reality, law, statistics, or history. Too busy at the ball game or the Art gallery to look at the real issues.

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