Topic: Bush War Adviser Says Draft Worth a Look | |
When and if you get to do this Red, I will long as they can clean up my yard and do the dishes.....oh and they have to be able to cook and clean the cat box!!!
Gypsy Theres the good old Capitalist at work Guess the addage "nothing is free" serves well here
From Cutelildevilsmom
"Bush and the rest can shove the draft up their wazoo !!! my son is only seven but I don't want to see any more young men go off to war. As for those who flee to avoid war,to me it's their God given right.Not everyone is gung ho to kill people.There are other ways to serve your country besides dying." And it my God Givin right to shoot them in the Butt on the way out |
my number came up in 1969....did my run in the marines...sure lets have
a draft....then the people would finally get pissed enuf to hit the streets and end this nonsense... |
you sick**** you just put that remark out into the universe, YOU had better be the one to watch your won't be fast enough to protect you from the karma that comes from challenging a MOTHER you fool..remember where you came from.... and if you think this will win you the affections or interest of a WOMAN.... then you better look'll be someone elses ***** most certainly !! but she won't be FEMALE |
A Veterans’ Point of View
As a veteran of the Armed Forces, I watched the reaction to the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and I saw a reaction similar to what I might expect at a sporting event. Instead of being shocked at the loss of life, soldiers, civilians, and property, people were watching it on the television at home, at work, and at the local pub laughing, cheering, and even playing armchair quarterback. Did they not understand that these were real people in real places, with families, hopes, and dreams just like them, and that those American soldiers had mothers who were worried? Many of my family members have served in the Armed Forces throughout the history of America, including myself, both in war and in peacetime. There has always been a great deal of patriotism and pride in our participation and service to the country. Lately however, I have taken notice of the younger generation in my family, and I believe that they are a good representation of the younger generation in our country. Their attitude and the attitude of the majority of their friends seem to be that they are naturally entitled to the benefits and luxuries of our society without ever doing anything to contribute. It is not just in the youth that I see this attitude, but it surrounds me everywhere I go, when I listen to broadcasts on the radio, or television news, and even when I watch my favorite television series. Once, while listening to the news, I heard President Bush comment that he was well aware that our soldiers were making a great sacrifice, but that they were all volunteers. I understand that the men and women who are risking their lives in service to our country are doing so voluntarily, but I worry that our government and some of the citizens are abusing them just because they do. These men and women are the most patriotic of Americans. I fear they are being sacrificed willingly and readily because they volunteer. OK, we were attacked first, and maybe the war is a just cause, then is it not the duty of every American to sacrifice equally, is it not everyone’s cause? If the President’s or the congressional representatives’ and Senators’ sons were among the ranks marching off to war, would they be so eager to send them into harm’s way? If the people at the local pub knew that their children might be the next to go, would they still cheer it on as if it were the World Series or the Superbowl? I believe, if the young men and women of this country, either with the military or in a civil capacity, had to perform at least two years of national service. They would be more appreciative of the benefits of being an American. They might have more patriotism, and maturity, and vote more readily if this were required of them. I believe there would be a rise in the morale of our service members and they would feel more appreciated, when they did not have to perform repeated tours away from their homes and loved ones. We would also have more resources available for natural disasters like hurricane Katrina, and the many wildfires mudslides, and tornados that we have each year. We would be better able to patrol our borders and inspect shipments at our ports, and we would create more pride in the sacrifices that our brave men and women make in defense of our freedom, because we would all be making similar sacrifices. As a veteran, I often ask myself these questions and many more, and ponder these possibilities, and this is why I believe we should reinstate the draft. |
in an ideal america
Thats what I want, An Ideal America!!!!!
Our Capabilities and Possibilities are endless and unequaled in the world! Why not dream large? |
Honestly I am who I am if the women here do not like it they can find men that will kiss up to there points of view....Sorry i am not one of them I stick by what I say, I am a good Patriotic American WHO HAS severed and any one who runs from there Countries service after enjoying its luxuries for 18 years Deserves a shot in the butt. OR to be tied to the Tree in the town Square And Drenched in Yellow Paint. And MY MOTHER would say the same thing thing.....AND WOW .....I actually stated a point of View without making personal rude comments to bad you were not able to do the same Cheers |
hugs random even though we disagree...
yeah, yeah dont hug fanta!!
okay hugs fanta but random seems to need one more lol
What do you have to do to look needy? Oh well, I got a hug anyway!!! |
fanta great post
Thank you forge!
I wrote that over a year ago! |