Topic: Parting shot
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Wed 01/02/13 02:21 AM
It’s been a while since last
I saw your pretty face;
It’s been a while since last
I heard your sweet voice;
Ever since I can remember
We were to be best of friends;
Ever since I can remember
We were to be inseparable.

It’s been long since last
You and I said more than “Hi?”
It’s been long since last
You were a part of my dreams;
Ever since I can remember
We were to be untouchable;
Ever since I can remember
We were to be fire and smoke.

Days gone, Weeks passed
Months flown;
Still we can’t stand looking
Into each others eyes;
Still we can’t stand
Each others presence;
Something went wrong
Along both our roads.

Time will pass us by,
Lead us different ways,
Different lives to live;
Maybe one day we’ll meet again
Not necessarily in this life,
But one day, our paths
Will cross one more time.

It might take
Two, three decades; a century
Or even forever
Till next I see your face,
But be sure,
I’ll never forget you;
Not a single day will pass
Without thinking of you;
It’s been nice knowing you
I’ll forever remember you.

For now, there's no need
Of goodbyes,
A simple parting shot will do;
No hugs, just a handshake
Till we meet again;
Maybe then we’ll be
In better positions
To be friends.
I look forward to that day.
“So long my friend, till we meet next”

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Wed 01/02/13 02:36 AM
tears friends until the end.. is the end of friends... tears you could be speaking directly to my heart in this one, shapirobo... and it hurts real bad... tears

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Wed 01/02/13 04:55 AM

tears friends until the end.. is the end of friends... tears you could be speaking directly to my heart in this one, shapirobo... and it hurts real bad... tears

friends until the the end of friends...
and beyond if possible
:heart: tongue2 waving