Topic: High school crush
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Thu 12/27/12 06:03 AM
I wish you would just die
So I can have some rest
From all these thoughts;
It seems there’s nothing I can do
To get you off my mind,
I try staring into the empty skies
But through the stars I see your eyes
The crescent moon turns to your smile,
It’s a constellation of your face.

It kills me to know
You’re so close yet so far away
If I had a good choice of words
If I knew how to talk to you
I’d have crossed the distance in between,
Long ago;
If I had just one wish
It would be, to hold you just for a while;
If what I feel didn’t freak me out
The bridge in between would be shorter.

No doubt, you barely know me
But I’m always looking aout for you;
The few times we’ve spoken,
Have led me to think
I know the person behind your pretty eyes;
You don’t know what its like
Being trapped in your own prison
Of affection,
Its like fighting back demons
Only that they never die.

Four years is a long time, a burden
To keep a silence
Of what aches in your heart
But in no time four yeas will be up
Time will find the better of us,
We’ll say our goodbyes
Go our different paths,
For how long, I don’t know;
I’ll be glad
we part with the few things I know of you
it’s the choice of fate if we meet again.