Topic: Damned 2
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Mon 12/24/12 09:40 PM
Poem By: Raymond Bundotich

I’m so lost in my pride

So blind I can’t even notice my head’s on fire

Rudeness the spark

Of the lighter’s that’s my attitude

Hate, my take of the world

Always looking for a bone

Worth fighting for with the next dog

What’s the matter?

After all no one makes it out alive

Somehow I find peace in war

Peace kills my patience

Peace slows me down

In peace I’m weak

Battle is all I’ve ever known

I’m not two trains on a collision course

I’m two train wrecks on a collision course.

No man’s land

I stand alone in the middle under the burning heat

Was it all worth it?

No one to fight with

Maybe I’ll finally withdraw from my addiction

Like an addict with a needle but nothing to fill it with

When you’re on the ground

It’s hard to believe you can still go down

But for me this is a new bottom low

It’s like the worst just got worst

The only man left to beat

A conscious like a therapist on a rap song

“Finally alone

Isn’t it what you’ve been fighting for?

Ran your family away?

Ran your friends away?

Now is the time to smile if you’re capable of such a thing”

How I wish I could smile you away.

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Tue 12/25/12 02:23 AM
Dependence kills/ literally.