Topic: beauty is mine to say...
HandsumRob's photo
Wed 11/07/12 04:35 AM
y dont women believe me when i tell them theyre beautiful or pretty or im gonna lie...i look for more than just looks when i judge beauty, her eyes, her laugh, her smile, how smart she kno...believe me ladies i know true beauty....

giselle1203's photo
Wed 11/07/12 04:49 AM
As the saying goes, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." And I definitely agree with that. Each person has its own opinion or idea on what or who is beautiful.

wux's photo
Wed 11/07/12 05:15 AM
Edited by wux on Wed 11/07/12 05:31 AM

y dont women believe me when i tell them theyre beautiful or pretty or im gonna lie...i look for more than just looks when i judge beauty, her eyes, her laugh, her smile, how smart she kno...believe me ladies i know true beauty....

I think it's so because in women's eyes (I ain't one, I am no expert, this is just an opinion) there is no such thing as a "state" of beauty... it is always a process, a progress or sometimes a regress (most often associated with aging).

A woman knows that no matter how beautiful she is, in any way you want to give meaning to "beauty", she can be more so, if she improves here or there.

And therefore when you say "you are beautiful", you are stating, in essence, that this is it, they can't get any more beautiful, because they arrived at a state which excludes the process of further beautification.

This is not something a woman wants to hear.

Because after the state comes the epoch in her life during which she will be losing her beauty.


This explains your question to the best of my abilities. Of course my explanation has as little to do with reality as your perception that women won't believe you when you say "you are beautiful".

In my opinion (please correct me if I am wrong) the problem is not that they won't believe you when you say "you are beautiful"; instead, they beleive you, but they take you as a narcissistic boob when you demand something of them after you pay the compliment, and their refusal to perform for what you value as equal value service for your compliment, gives you reason to think that they just did not understand you properly, or else they did not believe you in the first place.

Again, I am no expert, I hold no personal accuntability or responsibility for these opinions of mine, because they are 1. not professionally given and 2. I offer them as opinions, not facts or proper, inescapable conclusions.


In my personal experience, to me it gives me satisfaction in and by itself to give the compliment. I was going to say that it does not matter if they accept it or not, to me the most important thing is to get a compliment to a woman about her fantastic looks in the process; the reaction is not as important as the need to satisfy, the need to utter the compliment.

But that was a lie, too, because I used to give compliments to a gf of mine and she was a really fine looking specimen; she never believed my compliments, and that bothered me. I cornered her one day, and she confessed that she does not take my compliments as true because she figures I just want something out of her.

This was an almost unique. Except I had another very good looking woman who also did not believe my compliments.

All other women were fine and happy with compliments about their physical beauty. Some lapped it up and ran with it, some fished for it, etc., except these two babes.

Turns out... well, what do you know. They were women who had facial beautification surgery. Cosmetic surgery, if you like. They could never again accept a compliment about their beauty once they came out of the operating room. They felt they are cheats, they are undeserving of a nature-related compliment because they were not natural.

For me, a man, it was different. She, or they, were beautiful, that's about the size of it, who cares if they were designed or just happened that way.

"I was a-laying in the deep grass, looking up at the milliards of beatiful stars, and I wondered if they is made or they jist happened."

-- Mark Twain, in Huckleberry Finn